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Everything posted by Michel

  1. I prefer Zeta Jones !
  2. Have you use the function "Group" in the objects editor ? With the windowed mode and the position "center" ? Before a future auto-rescaling, it's a good and easy soluce.
  3. For Ogg, if we use a 10 mb wav file and with Audacity: quality 10 = 500 kbps = 2,73 mb quality 9 = 320 kbps = 1,94mb quality 8 = 256 kbps = 1.51mb quality 7 = 224 kbps = 1.32mb quality 6 = 192 kbps = 1.15mb quality 5 = 160 kbps = 1mb quality 4 = 128 kbps = 0,8 mb quality 3 = 112 kbps = 0,71 mb quality 2 = 96 kbps = 0,57 mb quality 1 = 80 kbps = 0,5 mb quality 0 = 64 kbps = 0,4 mb For my last slide show, I used the quality 4, very good. But we can hear the difference/kbps only if we have very good hi-fi speakers, with also very good sound card. If I burn a DVD, I use the quality 10 because my TV can work with my HI-Fi system. By other example, for "the light of the world", the original arranged soundtrack is a 47mb wave file: I used here Ogg quality 4 for near 3,75mb.
  4. No problem, Al, you are right for possible improvements: I said only, Igor hears always and also we can say if we are happy with the new function. I'm happy with the new function, but if a better improvement comes, I would be also more very happy ! Beta is beta !
  5. It's Igor's touch ! As always, we must use the new time line and see how works the full new function (by example visual adjusting of the duration): PTE becomes very nice and fine now.
  6. For information: 64 kBps = 11 kHz Radio FM 128 kBps = 15 kHz quality near CD Audio but 192 is better You must use the best encoder (lame) with, by example, audacity: you can choice the bitrate by option (parameters).
  7. The mode of the time-line where points are locked to particular slide is really a new mode. We work now with real slides and not with abstract points , and it's very important also; we have not, as before 40 slides and 39 transitions, but now 40 slides and 40 transitions: before (old versions) we could not see (time line) the first slide ! All customize synchronization window was rewritten and the work is really great in pratice; I think that one cannot ask Igor to rewrite this full code now; few people speaked here about this subject; only Igor can say if an option is possible. We have very good opinions of this new function for the moment from some users (sorry, they don't speak english !). Igor always heared but also must decide at a given time; as always, sure, he undoubtedly will answer soon; all is not perfect, but PTE change and will still change: much more discussions again ...
  8. How I use: with by example 40 slides - Step 1: I add a new picture from the panel by "Add selected picture to the slide list" - Step 2: the new picture stays now at the end right of the slide list - Step 3: in the time line I see now 41 points; I select the point 41 and I delete the point - Step 4: I put the cursor where I want in the time line, by example between 2 and 3 - Step 5: I use the button "New transition" and all is OK (all other points are not changed) I find it easy, but perhaps it's not the same for all.
  9. The two soluces are very good: Ogg is free and with the same bitrate take a little less size. If you want a superb quality (with MP3 or Ogg), please use it with a good bitrate. Mp3, 256 kbts = Ogg, 192 kbts But if you want keep small your slide show (postcard), it would be better to use Ogg 96 kbts or 64 kbts. If you want the high quality, keep the original sound: wav or MP3-Ogg with a high bitrate.
  10. I said this in a old beta post (deleted now): I have a dream for the future 6.0, 7.0... Directly drag and drop the pictures from the slide list to the time line.... I have a dream...but I don't know if actually impossible would be probably possible in year 200... ! Many other features are also very important: by example, to apply the effect for only the picture and not for all the screen... Courage Igor !
  11. You must use a sound in "Project Options", "Music" and only here if you want have the synchronization. And not in the window "Customize slide". You can verify: it's easy to see. Good luck !
  12. Together, Ken ! Good Night, now for me !
  13. Do you use CTRL + S or F8 ? CTRL + S = save as a project .pte F8 = Create a .exe file.
  14. You are right, Al. And this would be the best soluce; to insert directly the point by drag and drop of the new image in the slide list: it's full logic ! But, is it possible for this 4.40 ? I'm not sure and I think Igor will answer quickly.
  15. I used "Unrolling from left" with 5500ms of duration effect (a little slow to keep it smooth): my choice was from left to right because of the bible's parchement. And I hope (and I think) these effects (also Curling of page) would be more smooth in the next future versions of PicturesToExe.
  16. Very nice shows, cici, as always ! By the way: Do you use sometimes the function "Group" ( + center + windowed mode) in the objects editor ? It's a very interesting soluce in this moment, waiting for a future auto-rescalling: and very easy to use, simply with PTE and the screen display speed remains fast.
  17. True in home cinema, only with fast and very fast dark scenes. But with digital slideshows (I speak for mine), I never saw these rainbows. The most recent projectors have a "wheel" with eight "segments" and the rainbow practically does not exist .
  18. When we buy a projector, we must know for which use, I think. My projector is the "Optoma H56" (DLP - the guarantee is 3 years on site), because my choice is 80% for the "HomeCinema": but with this projector, the digital AV are also perfect (as with the Nec HT 1000 from a friend). The essential question is: the use (for the price) ! And I think some and many private users buy not the projector only for the slide-show. I tested the Optoma 739: it's a good choice, but more for different presentations in a little lighted room; also I prefered the H56 in a "cinema room" for the home cinema and for the slideshow.
  19. Bill, thanks for your kind words. This subject, very sensitive, was very difficult to express. I tried to do it my best for all, with only my sensitivy.
  20. Well done, Guido for this resourceful website: now whe can better see the differents use around PTE. This loved software is now also successful and a true honor for Igor Kokarev and his entourage. Thanks: it will help improve the PTE "contamination" !
  21. Dear friends, I released a new digital AV show (the last of the four seasons): "The Light of the World". download it, if you want - 15mb The voice is in french, but only at the beginning and at the end (translation included). Please use only this link; the .zip includes here a voice translation (.doc): text in english (some pieces of the new testament by John).
  22. Thanks, Andrew, for your explanation. If I find some time, I 'll try to explain how I use currently, exactly the new time-line with the new function. If it was possible, a larger full time-line with direct drag and drop three windows (explorer -> list -> time-line) would be fantastic: I have a dream...for a 7.10, 8,50... But I'm very happy actually with my personal use (4.40 b3); null doubt, Igor read, work for the best and all the topics are very interesting.
  23. The most important question I think we must explain better how is new time-line function. I suggest at all to try exactly this perfect mode: PTE must get to be fine and intuitive-easy together now. Please, work with it a lot...(don't worry, Igor is a "magician" and all will not be lost !)
  24. What I want to say, by example: if I'm working with a project, and if I want not to keep one picture, I must be able to delete easy and the picture and the transition. Perhaps another way is possible, but all must be easy and only an option is a little work, I suppose. It will be "fun" to have many opinions for all the plan and this discuss seems very interesting for all: so is the PTE life ! But why don't try to work with the new mode ? I used it with two works, and I enjoyed for his new feature: easy, fantastic ! By the way, Igor will find the best soluce for our pleasure and our slideshows !
  25. This moment seems very important for me as an option and is absolutly necessary when we delete/add a slide in the list. For the plan, very good idea ! But, the work must to be easy and keep it so .
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