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Everything posted by Michel

  1. When you delete PTE, you delete also the templates. And this is not good ! If we choose the directory to save the templates, we are in "security" for our "great" works !
  2. What do you think, all, to be able "rename" the thumbnails in the panel list and in the file list ? Is it a good feature for PTE ?
  3. What a marvellous release ! It would be a fantastic 4.30 when we could manage the templates and use a better layout-waveform. Don't worry, be sure that is tomorrow and we would like more PTE .
  4. It would be possible, perhaps, for the final 4.30 or before, to save the templates to a folder location we can choose. Please let wait a little bit. It's very important and the admin know it, but also a little difficult: with SuperIgor, nothing is impossible !
  5. Quickly switchable by button in the main screen ?
  6. It's not a problem for me: certain prefer this one or this second or this 3.... The better is to allow the choice. When we quit, we keep the last choice. It's more easy with the one for Paul, it's more easy with the second for Peter....where is the problem ? And PTE is the only software to permit this choice now. Marvellous for me ! And for you all ? Do you agree ?
  7. You are right ! Another minor bugs with the file panel: certains pictures are "transparent" when one use the drive letter; and with the T cursor (cross the button when we resize the window). Don't worry, SuperIgor know this ! And beta is beta ! The work for this 4.30 is very great and difficult, don't forget .
  8. Each border must have at least two pixels: by example, if your picture is 800x600, the picture with borders around must be 802x602, 804x604 but not 803x603 !
  9. Please, try only this line into apr.ini: opt_FastFade=1 (just after pte_SoundInitDir=) No problem with this option for many friends with low processors.
  10. Who use Ulead DVD Workshop to create a DVD ? What is the PTE DVD quality with this software ?
  11. You must first use "Timed points" and then "Add arranged points". In the time line, by mouse double click on "to2" (example), you can customize each picture. When you look at you show, you can stop (to look a picture during a moment) or forward....the synchronised slide show (Project Options, Advanced, Action for mouse click).
  12. Project Options, Customize Synchronization !
  13. Michel


    The better: open one project, make .ptev, use Ulead for encoding but only on the hard disk (videos files) Repeat this for the second show... After, open Ulead and import from the hard disk the one, the second...
  14. Dear friends, "My Heart" a new presentation here (15mo)... (near 50 pictures 1280x853: high resolution recommended)
  15. No ! The author as said is Michel Augé. I'm Michel Comte ! Thanks for him, I agree totally with you. He works since one month with my friends by posts in our french PTE forum, to learn the PTE functions. But I think that he is born artist and it's his "creation" ! He is a new PTE user.
  16. Michel Augé (France) presents his first very nice PTE slide show. (Vie Secrète = Secret Life) You can download it (22mo) if you want: Michel Website or with this direct link: http://diaporamas.fanaphot.com (link into the moving thumbnail - heart)
  17. Waiting better days, you can find 4.20 apr.zip always here.
  18. Ok ! Done, Guido. At this moment and for some days, you can download - fenêtres - here (32mb).
  19. Hello Al or Ken, It would be interesting to show links to PBase for the forum's members who have a PBase account. For me the link is http://www.pbase.com/michel_5169. It's important to share photographs as slide shows ! Thanks.
  20. Dear friends, you can download here "Venise entre Apparences et réalités". (mouse cursor inside the moving thumbnails) The two authors are french: this slide show is very different from others. I hope you enjoy it as also me !
  21. Hello Robert ! What ? You don't know who is Dadou ? Daniel is a friend and he write with me and Patrick Banzthaff to help the fench users in the french forum. And also a good photographer ! Fallas is a very nice show.
  22. Please try (with show navigation bar enabled): - Project Options - Advanced - Always show mouse cursor or Auto hide mouse cursor after: if not these options, you can not see the bar Good luck !
  23. Hello, you can upload here to expose in Cottage ! Good luck...
  24. Alan, I enjoyed your presentation and the "environment", but I find really "bad" to have "cut" the end so quickly ! You can use fade out...or title for the end...or as you want for the best. Can you modify that ? Greetings from France !
  25. You can now download Audacity 1.2.0 final release ! This software is a very good freeware and also a very good sound editor for PTE. website
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