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Everything posted by Michel

  1. Very good idea Al ! I agree completely ! (and also by action for mouse click)
  2. Ulead: - Microsoft® Windows® 98SE, ME, 2000, XP - Intel® Pentium® III 450MHz (700MHz or higher recommended) - 64MB of RAM (128MB or more recommended) - 150MB of available hard disk space for program installation - 4GB+ hard disk space for video capture and converting - Windows-compatible display with at least 800x600 resolution - Windows-compatible sound card - Windows-compatible CD-R/RW or DVD burner PII, in my opinion, is not "enough" and slow for the encoding.
  3. No problem...you can do it with Ulead ! All is done in Ulead. All in one. Good luck...try it !
  4. Good new, Igor ! I think that the forum will be easier to read for all now.
  5. I think you are right for this opinion, although to have magic some functions are needed nevertheless... The ouput .AVI and DVD is really great and I love it: it's a very nice spectacle on a TV ! And Igor is the first to propose an output with this quality for the slide shows (wtih all transition effects on a DVD). If PTE wants to remain the best and the first in this domain, it's necessary in my opinion. This function, not rich, must form of it integral part for the future compared to competition with other softwares.
  6. Sorry, this problem don't appear with my tests. Have you selected the picture or the tansition effect between ?
  7. If you want a DVD with PTE, you must purchase a good DVD vriter (Sony, Pioneer, Plextor) and Ulead DVD Movie Factory 2 (or other...but the ouput DVD is excellent with this software). If you want only a SVCD, you can use a software with ouput .mpg and a CD writer software.
  8. What is your blank DVD ? Tested very good DVD +RW ? TDK, Verbatim, Maxell....and tell us the results of your tests, if you want ! The DVD writer also...
  9. Thanks ! - Windows XP home edition - example: audio codec* Microsoft G.723.1 - Video Codec*Microsoft 263; other = audio codec*DV audio_PAL - video codec*Intel IYUV; but none of my tests succeeds. Could you indicate me some to test who must go OK ? It seems me very important to explain the subject too...
  10. That it's strange ! 1) at the beginning of "create avi", I see a short moment the green progression bar to hallf, then starts again normally at the beginning ! 2) always (create custom AVI video file) with another codec that PteCodec, I see the message this time immediately: catCantsetVideoFormat (also for a friend with another PC) or it's start to half, then stop...and time always goes.
  11. When I Use "Create Custom AVI video file" (with another codec), I see catCantSetVideoFile....but all is OK if I use PicturesToExe Video Codec here. I writed that also to support, a few day ago Try to reinstall the 4.20 beta 2. But the 4.20 is a beta version... it's perhaps necessary that some codecs are installed in more in the computer ?
  12. In theory you are right. But in practice it's different: to consider the fact that you look at your TV at a distance of 3m with a 82 cm screen(PC monitor at 50 cm), you will find that the resolution is very good, especially if you look morever on a 100HZ TV. All my slide shows (SVCD) are very excellent on my TV.
  13. Sorry, it should not be said, only because some have a problem, that output AVI is not good. Rather look at the MPEG2 enccoder and Ulead also perhaps (I don't know..here I have no problem for SVCD with Ulead) In France, we have several users who perfectly looked at to them diaporamas on the TV. There can is to also see problems with some DVD burners and the different blank DVD, ans some software to burn CDR ou DVD. Thank you to test your VCD with TEMPGenc plus... Notes: - I like the slide show on my computer (.exe) - I love the slide show on my TV, and I think that output DVD is a major innovation, one more, which does not prevent Igor from normally developing the 4.20. (new transition effects...full control, new navigation bar.....) It's what will make PTE a more great software. And it's needed, I think, because there will undoubtedly be competition with another software in the future.
  14. I think that that becomes urgent now....
  15. Have a little experiment with the DVD writers? Which hardware advise ? I look at the DVD writer Pioneer A06...some know it ? Perhaps Wnsoft could give us a help ?
  16. Do you speak about the VCD or about the SVCD ? Indeed the VCD is not very good if one compares it with the SVCD or the DVD ! But the SVCD is very good...it should be known that the final better output is the DVD and the encoding software must be also the best possible one. It's what I say in my last topic. The SVCD is made here for those which don't have yet a DVD writer. The ultimate objective of PTE is the DVD ! (besides I think buying a DVD writer soon)
  17. Please do it ! The last test with "Cinque Terre"(SVCD): file .exe = 10 mb, file .avi = 80 mb ----- PIV, 2.4ghz, XP ram 512 - with ULead: all was finished in 20 minutes - with TEMPGenc plus: all was finished (including writing with nero) in 10 minutes Me, I prefer a little more the TEMPGenc plus result on the TV. It would be very bad to lose the quality of output AVI by a not also good encoding (in my opinion TEMPGenc plus is the best). Perhaps a Wnsoft encoder will be one day the best with and for PTE ?
  18. I agree completely and I did it a few days ago for the French Fanaphot forum. Moreover subjects of the slide shows made to look on the TV will be perhaps different from those made for computer. In more subject SVCD and DVD does not interest obligatorily everyone and requires many explanations.
  19. Hello, my friends, who can test this solution ? I would like to know the result well: with this plugin, Nero can it write without problem this DVD with good transitions effects ? There must be one of them well among you !!! Here is the same ask: who can test this solution..... Note: sorry, I have no DVD writer !
  20. When we use this option at the beginning ot TEMPGenc plus (for DVD pal): CBR - MPEG -1 Couche*2 Audio MP2, the output is a file .mpg. Also I think one can make a test: (I do not have a DVD writer): who can try to write this MPG file (interlaced) on a DVD disc with nero 6 or other and to tell me the results ?
  21. Sorry, no doubt for me, it's because of your software and to in no case AVI PTE. Please, once again also try with ULEAD (or TMPGenc).... Don't create a VCD, but a SVCD...if your player acccept it ! And post your result here, if you want !
  22. Only WinDVD can read SVCD (on a PC) ! Try with it...
  23. We made more than thirty tests of reading in SVCD with all my slide shows with different photographs, and tryed 4 software: Ulead, TMPGenc plus, AVI to VCD (Cucusoft), AVI to VCD-SVCD-DVD converter.... I think now personally that there is very few good software and that the most complete solution, easy to use for all, is Ulead DVD Movie Factory 2. The quality of output is also very, very good (several tests with many very sharp pictures and surface aspects ). But I must also say that I didon't make a test with DVD, because I don't have yet a DVD writer. I speak only for SVCD.
  24. TEMPGenc plus is very good for VCD and SVCD. But for DVD, there is a problem because of the ouput format; m2v or m2p + wav ! How to convert into MPEG 2 ? With a plugin ? (TMPG DVD author is not very good and easy) We made here several tests yesterday more complete and precise and and I must say that for the moment it's to better use ULEAD, a little slower, but more universal, and allowing the making of very nice menus. Moreover it's less difficult of use. But it's normal, in moment of tests, which one look at for the best software. I think nevertheless that it's necessary to hear IGOR for that: the best currently is to use Ulead DVD Movie Factory 2, for optimal results and everyone can use it easily !
  25. Michel


    I would like to say that now many players DVD are compatible SVCD. The SVCD (PTE SVCD) gives a very good quality of image, near to that of DVD. Moreover for a little price (CDR). All the tests which we made with friends here in France are excellent and confirmed by the first users of the 4.20. Everyone does not have yet an hardware to make DVD, but of course, in the future, when the price will have decreased, it will be necessary better use the DVD for the optimal quality. But , I repeat, all my tests are almost equal between SVCD (PTE SVCD) and DVD.
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