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Everything posted by Michel

  1. OK. Just the region "Cinque Terre" relate to Unesco Site. You can see this link also: Link to visit I think that this region should be visited by many people, because it is the expression of human labour, as all the sites of the Unesco List. The slide show "Cinque Terre" permit to discover this beauty.
  2. Ideas for travels: Unesco world heritage list
  3. You can download this slide show here (9,10 mb): downloading page
  4. Thank you Igor, it's a good idea !
  5. Presentations by Michel: the most recent - "CINQUE TERRE" page of downloading Presentations by Guests: the most recent - "Magic Venetian Masks" page of downloading 15 presentations
  6. Voilà Reverso
  7. Only 5 mb. downloading page (thumbnail "Coeur de printemps")
  8. It would be desirable that the authors of the shows specify say if there is a expiry date. It's very unpleasant to download a large show and to discover it limited to 30 days without knowing it. Idea for Cottage ? Thank you to inform !
  9. What a beautiful voyage! It is my dream of going there low. I have just spent a great moment of dream in front of these very nice images. Congratulations for this moment of pure happiness.
  10. Ok, thanks for your tests. Me also, no problem. It was a question from a french user with a music's synchronisation problem. I must be sure before my answer to him.
  11. Example of menu.exe: two images in the slide list Image1 and Image 2 Image 1 loading with a music In the image 1, a button with the propertie:”go to the slide nomber”, here Image2 In the image 2, many buttons with the propertie: run application or open file (here your shows) OK.....?
  12. Have you a problem with "Customize Synchronisation" if the music duration is very big = over 65' ?
  13. It would be also interesting to be able to add a banner or a small image to each image. Customize banner = set banner for all slides Have you seen this suggestion ?
  14. Undoubtedly not priority but quite useful. It would be also interesting to be able to add a banner or a small image to each image. Customize banner = set banner for all slides No priority also, but it is what does one more...very useful, I repeat !
  15. When we make a menu to start several diaporamas: if we insert a sound in the launching menu, one cannot stop the sound before his end. Example : if the sound duration is "20s", when we use faster the second button to start the show, the sound play to "20s" in background. It would be very usefull to add "stop the music" in the properties of the button. I writed to Igor. Answer : probably it can be added Are you OK with that ? What do you think of this function ?
  16. For the pleasure ! Look at, if you want: picture in my garden this morning
  17. On Cottage or here (direct link) download
  18. Congratulations for the quality of your presentation... I had in reserve some photographs of that, but you me ridges there giving up, so much your slide show is nice and as I love them. Magnificent once again as well by the music as by the sound. Thanks very much.
  19. Hello, please, put your slide show in a file.zip or rename it .p2e ! many providers don't allow the download of file.exe because of virus. PS: finally a little of spectacle !!! Would have I listened to? Thanks for your contribution and your work with PTE.
  20. With this perfect software, everybody waits for magnificent presentations... Let's get to work, the lads !!! We discussed a lot, we have to more speak if you want, but if we made a little more shows ? No ?
  21. To see message admin below...
  22. I downloaded on beechbrook this slide show. It is always pleasant to see a first show. But I am obliged to make comments which, I think will be useful. 1) the quality of the pictures is good; the compression ratio is ok; but you must modify a little the sharpness with a software. 2) don't use differents pictures horizontal and vertical: if you use it, all the images of the same type have to follow itself 3) the comment must be different with every image and not the image's name 4) use the same transition effect 5) both first images are too high, leave at the top and below a little space; but one can speak of it... 6) where is the music ? Please come back with a next show. Best regards
  23. Maybe the file.zip is not good with certain software. This morning, I opened a file .zip (sended to me) made with aol = bad crc Try Winrar...
  24. I work with Windows XP without problems. I think that you have a problem of configuration with your computer or your winzip or your downloader.
  25. I have just downloaded again the slide show and extract it = it's ok on my computer. What is your software to extract ?
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