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Everything posted by Michel

  1. in the slide list, example image1, with object editor, I would be able to modify directly the image1's position... in the window object editor without any way. It's very usefull for the small pictures. It's possible for the next version 4.00 ? It's possible for the future ?
  2. Ok , boy.... How you wished was made: extract the directory in c:\ or copy the files in C:\Work http://www.fanaphot.com/PTE/travail.zip Done !
  3. Well, it's better ! You must know: the directory of the music's file can be changed: on my hard disk = D open the .pte and input your choice = example= c:\PTE\music\musique.mp3.....
  4. What ? Open the .pte and save as.....exe !!! You can modify all the parameters.... You can also adjust all the transitions....
  5. Yes, I know, but with this, we can extract many, many icon and open .icl...and use one for a slide show... Another software is IconBuilderXP 1.1, plugin with Photoshop, but the $.... http://www.iconfactory.com/iconbuilder.asp
  6. You can downlaod here the beginning's effects of "Jour d'hiver"...(pictures and .pte). http://www.fanaphot.com/PTE/travail.zip
  7. http://www.grafxfreeware.homestead.com/iconshop.html Very good freeware...
  8. IconArt is a freeware !
  9. http://www.conware.org/products/ia/about.php
  10. Very good idea, Rudi ! I'm going perhaps to work in french for a PTE tour with PTE. Or if anywhere want to make that, we can translate in differents language. Why not ?
  11. ...without any music.
  12. ...without any music. Ok, Ok, Ok !!!!!!! It's possible that finally I would be understood. (It's also difficult to be expressed in another language, but I make the effort).
  13. No ! I would like to adjust the "no customized, no synchronized" show, in a window, as the synchronised window. I would like to see directly my parameters realy.
  14. I will a little better explain: I want to visually be able customiser the show, as in the window of musical synchronization, but without synchronizing it.
  15. Other window "Customize Slide Show" to adjust a not synchronized slide show would be ideal. Optional supplementary. Why not ?
  16. I admit that I use little the window of synchronization. And I do not like the option in practice. But the option and the window works good. The scale of time could be also added in percentage. It is necessary all the same pity to lose the particular parameters of adaptation of every image and the link on objects. On the other hand, the same window to adjust a not synchronized slide show would be ideal. Optional supplementary. Why not ?
  17. The photos are all by me in this slide show.
  18. http://www.fanaphot.com/Hiver/hiver.htm
  19. It is as in the songs! The verses are repeated... No! No! No! No !!!!! One more time ?
  20. http://www.gdgsoft.com/gsplit/index.asp Gsplit, a good free software (Thanks to Boxig)
  21. Ok, for "Maria the image is digital: certain can see and find it with the eye ! For "Two seasons", the scan is starting from very good paper photography 13x18 cm... with the following scanner: Epson Perfection 1200 U. The Autumn's colors are quite real, some making think of painting "Monet". I know "Haut Jura" and I have seen it also.
  22. A new slide show - Two seasons - is released sur http://www.fanaphot.com with unforgettable photographs of the High French Jura, by Annie. I hope that it will give you as much pleasure that I had to assemble it. 48 pictures 1024x676 - 14,1 mb - Music: Vivaldi (Gloria) The direct link here: http://www.fanaphot.com/download/season.zip
  23. Yes, sure also, and perhaps the runtime for the transition's effect. I'm waiting for the next version of PTE ( because of the runtime). But what I , Guido, said is very lmportant.
  24. I'm sure and I think: processor > 450 MHz ram > 256 mb and PC very well adjusted ! With that, the slide show is a great pleasure. Below this level, that becomes a beautiful curiosity.
  25. The last version is here, a little adjusted with Guido: http://www.fanaphot.com/download/Marie.zip
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