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Everything posted by Michel
Courage, Harry. This cancer cures very often. I have a friend (52 years old - driver TGV) with complete removal of the gland since two years. The cancer was also found with the PSA. And, now, all is OK. He travels again ! I'm sure PTE will be a fantastic help for you to think also at another thing.
Robert, two comments: 1 - 750 mhz is "inadequate" for transitions of pictures with much informations as your (some pictures contents many flowers...full) 2 - I'm curious to know which video card you use ? I saw your shows and I have no problem with all the transitions (PIV - 2.8ghz - Geforce).
You must have 242 transitions and 242 slides.
The actual download link (Wnsoft): http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr.zip.
You can have a corrupted MP3 or bad encoding. Your many MP3 stays in sound A ? The better is one file MP3 arranged with a sound editor.
4.20 ....Waouh ! Very quickly, please, install the 4.43 !
Ok, ...but with some counters, it's false . When we look at the tutorials and we go again home, the counter increase...as we update the index page. With a cookie, it's better...
Granot, no...only the slideshows. For the birds: Norway and Scotland - Animals: France also. And Claude wait sometimes many hours to can photograph what he want.
In the index page, you can also create your counter with a script; one example: http://javascriptkit.com/script/script2/counter.shtml This script with options (colors...): Step 1: copy in your HTML beetween <head> and </head> <!--Counter--> <style> .counter{ background-color:black; color:yellow; font-weight:bold; } </style> <script> //Personal Counter- by Jaafar Bin Yusof, Singapore (jaafar66@yahoo.com) //Modified by JavaScript Kit (http://javascriptkit.com) //Visit [URL=http://javascriptkit.com]http://javascriptkit.com[/URL] for this script expireDate = new Date expireDate.setMonth(expireDate.getMonth()+6) jcount = eval(cookieVal("jaafarCounter")) jcount++ document.cookie = "jaafarCounter="+jcount+";expires=" + expireDate.toGMTString() function cookieVal(cookieName) { thisCookie = document.cookie.split("; ") for (i=0; i<thisCookie.length; i++){ if (cookieName == thisCookie[i].split("=")[0]){ return thisCookie[i].split("=")[1] } } return 0 } function page_counter(){ for (i=0;i<(7-jcount.toString().length);i++) document.write('<span class="counter">0</span>') for (y=0;y<(jcount.toString().length);y++) document.write('<span class="counter">'+jcount.toString().charAt(y)+'</span>') } </script><!--End of Counter--> Step 2: copy in your HTML beetween <body> and </body> where you want <!--Counter--> This website was visited <script> page_counter(jcount); </SCRIPT> times.<!--End of Counter--> PS: - it's just to see how it works...you can modify the text, the color...edit also the part 2 - the counter you can find on the web are sometimes with publicity - try...we learn so ! - you can find also other counters html on the web, but I prefer in PHP
Ron, your site is "writed" in HTML or PHP ?
For the safe zone, strange... The safe zone can be different with certain TV: near 5 to 15%. PTE permit to see "visual" line: it's an indication. I think the actual safe zone is perfect for a TV 4/3. And whe have also a problem "safe zone" with 16/9 TV... Difficult, very difficult...Igor ?
Please, why not resize to 1280x960 ? OK, 1024x768 for a digital projector...mine accept 1280x1024. On suggest: one slideshow for your projector and one for your monitor ! The safe zone can be different with certain TV: near 5 to 15%. PTE permit to see "visual" line: it's an indication. I think the actual safe zone is perfect for a TV 4/3. And whe have also a problem "safe zone" with 16/9 TV... Difficult, very difficult...Igor ?
For Norway, I used 1280x853 pictures: min 150ko - max 270ko (<300ko because, with water and sky we have less informations in the picture). Igor, your are right, we have so photographies with many details (certain are taked at 400 ISO). Dear friends, please try these 1280 resolutions for the slideshows also...
Granot, a very good friend, Claude Fritz, has released on our website, many pictures of birds in Scotland: you can look at here And in Norway: You can look at here also Claude, trip often far to take nature and animal's photographs. And he has released many slideshows; subject: Chine and others. Warning: all is copyrighted. But if you ask to Claude, no problem, I think !
Digital cameras With a sensor of certain camera as Canon Ixus, the picture resized for a LCD 1280x1024 is 1280x960. With a sensor of the Canon 10D, the picture resized for the LCD 1280x1024 is 1280x853. With the different sensors, with a LCD monitor 1280x1024, we must use so large pictures 1280 horizontal, is it right ?
Dear Ken, I readed your post and your links: these links speak about "printing", if I understood. My wife use also a laptop HP 1600x1200. But my 19"LCD monitor is very good as the laptop. And we must see the future also: the HDTV vill com one day...the AVI must be follow...the video-projector exist in 1280 or permit that (with resizing - I have a Optoma H56 and the results from a slideshow in 1280 are really excellents). I will not work too small and for the eye and for the pleasure . But these resolutions don't accept bad photographs...one see all better (also the mistakes :bad lights, bad compositions...- I speak for me also !).
My LCD monitor is a 1280x1024. It's logic: I use pictures 1280 for a good view. I think: if I see my slideshow (1280) with a monitor 1024x768 display, the quality is very good also, because PTE resize easy very well the picture. Also no problem for me. But, my ask: If I see a slideshow (from a friend) made with 1024x768 (black background) on my Philips (1280), it's the picture's quality the same (fit to screen disabled) as I viewed with a 1024x768 ?
Also, you can have a hardware problem. Certain french had same problem as you, but only with this software. After checked his components, a memory bar ("bar" or stick in english ?) was failed: this is a possibility. But also other problems with your PC softwares....
I think we speak about the screen display: by example, my LCD monitor (19" Philips) permit 1280x960, 1280 x1024. Native is 1280x1024. I use always this screen display 1280x1024. When I see a photograph from a Canon Ixus, I see this picture (resized in 1280x960) with two small black borders (top and bottom). When I see a photograph from a Canon 10 D, I see this picture (resized in 1280x853) with two black borders a little larger (top and bottom). The different size comes only from the camera. But, it's very important to say: don't switch you screen display from 1280x1024 to 1280x960 to see the pictures. You will lost the original quality of your screen and of your pictures.
Dear friends, if you want, you can download here our last slideshow: "NorWay" ("La route du Nord" in French) with pictures 1280x853. This slideshow is very simply with a little of voice. In the file .zip (21 mb), you can find an English translation (.txt) of the voice.
If, before adding views on the timeline, I put a colored JPEG in place of the main picture (no change for the objects ), ( each three view for instance ), I'll see on the timeline different colors You see different colors on the time line if I perfectly understood: you synchronize only after after having replaced the colored pictures ? Me, I prefer to work directly in one step, exactly with the true pictures (and view immediately the preview) for have a perfect synchronization with the waveform. Bye, bye.
Because that: I just edited my preview post. PS-I forgot: I work very exactly with the preview (full also) to synchonize the slideshow and set the picture in the time line. I want really to see the picture as is it.
Thanks for your answer. I understood perfectly this tip when I readed your post and I knowed it since an old time...It's a way, waiting better. But in my post, I speaked about a different thing: I would see really the objects in the time line preview. Igor has his "todo" list. By the way, I'm working with a long slideshow and the synchronisation/effects/voice/sound is very difficult. If I had many, many pictures with objects, I would not have with this colors. It's very interesting to present for all members exactly the tips. Have a nice day and good work with objects . PS-I forgot: I work very exactly with the preview (full also) to synchonize the slideshow and set the picture in the time line. I want really to see the picture as is it.
It's very easy with many pictures !...But it's your choice. I'm busy with many work: I don't understand how you can see the objects inserted in the time line preview. We asked that for the future...But if your tip show this: can you indicate us exactly how ? PS: I use the method as said in the preview topic without problem and the button "Group" is a very usefull function.
I readed again your post: for your ask, the "set" position don't move an object by one pixel, but, in this case, set "one object of one pixel" to the extremities of the screen. Please, try also that: 1) use an image (black pixel or white pixel by example) and disable "show image" 2) insert inside one picture as an object and set position to center 2) insert on or some objects in this picture and set the position with the arrows keys 3) select all your objects + your picture 4) group But with a synchronized show, we have also another problem: we don't see in preview the picture with objects in the time line...