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Everything posted by Michel
Please, also, have received an attached file with the email of Wnsoft ? (.zip, .key. .txt..) Just to know.
Barry, you use regedit.exe in C:\Windows. You are right: in the registry. You find in Cdrom : AutoRun REG_DWORD 0x00000001 (1) (or (0) if disabled You modify (0) with the right mouse button at (1).
Dear Barry, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Cdrom autorun (to modify): enabled = 1 disabled = 0 It works ! Good luck !
It's the most important feature !
No problem: you upload your show (.zip) in a subdirectory named (for example) "Shows". You call the file with: http://mydomain.com/Shows/myshow.zip It's all ! Don't worry, it's easy: just do it !
Bill, it's a serious problem for us and all webmasters who host free the slideshows and help for PTE. During a moment, also I discussed the possibility of discontinuing certain services on my website or my website, for personal safety and quiet. But we keeped the service with more security and less problem. I hope you find a soluce to keep the service (perhaps different or smaller with rotation) to present various slideshows as always, from anyway. Bill, good luck and be brave (no doubt)! Friendly and thanks for all. Michel
You can send it as, no problem (if it's small no 15mb), but it would be better to include the.exe file in a .zip file as an attachment.
Another free software only for icons: http://www.snidesoft.com/ (SnIco Edit 2) And now try also PixBuilder Studio RC2: you can create easy your icon...
In the time line, you select your 99 points with CTRL + Mouse, then "Timed Points", then Shift Points" as you want.
Yes, I wait your explanation (16:9) because I work always with this software.
No, no, no ! You are registered for the life .
This day, after your post, I tryed to burn a DVD with NeroVisionExpress3 to check if I find a problem: sorry, all is perfect with my PC. Perhaps, your update don't works right. Can you delete all your software and make a new install ? Also try to check your space disk before to burn the DVD.
For the moment , with a DVD it's perfect with no pause. For the future, I agree if posible but I'm not sure (seak read of the hard disk...). Perhaps in the next version will appear another way to make panoramas.
I think the problem is "standard": the DVD use 720x576. If you see the DVD with a 19" monitor LCD by example. (full screen), it's very bad (1280x1024). As said by Ken, it's better to use PowerDVD (parameter small window) or with 800x600. Certain softwares (WinDVD) gives a better look.
And don't use "Hide mouse cursor during the show": with htis option, you don't see the nav bar.
For Ulead (and .ptev) maximize the file format (avi) for this software and so the DVD is better: each software has preferences. And thanks Igor to propose the better for each software. Ulead 4 changed certain functions and now PTE 4.41 is adjusted (.ptev) for it.
Sorry, but Nero VE is not adjusted for this. With these files, it will be better to use DVD Author with very nice results.
Well done ! PicturesToExe gets what it is: great and very precise. Thanks to the team .
Claude Fritz, a faithful member of the french website, released four last slideshows (subject: "Chine"- first four at the top page). Slideshow deleted (not free music).
PTE change...And the uses are more various now. I speaked about possible important changes-evolution: sure for the editorial ! My support forum is and will be first always faithful to PTE: others Digital AV are now downloadable with a very good quality and to promote the digital slide show (builded with PTE) is also important. One is free. One can create his website. One can create his forum: the various opinions are excellents. One can choice his editorial and PTE opened at all the various subjects: we decide to help better for this and less speak for the slideshows comments. The important is the result. And, by example, as your slideshow, these three slideshows (as said) are a very nice promotion to PTE. And PTE is universal (as said by Guido with his website links, as view in the JPD website links): it's the best new ! And we enjoy with that.
I forgot also an excellent slide show from Pierre Salbrèque: "La gestation du monde" ("Tango" is from Ricardo Zarate and "Le fantôme" is from Laure Gigou) NB: maybe the french forum is dead ! Maybe it would be revive or resurrect with important changes ! Wait and see a few days, please, I don't know exactly for the moment. Don't worry, it's not very important, but you can find many informations on a french Digital AV forum: http://www.diapovision.com/forums/
I like especially two shows recently published in this website (voice in french, sorry): - Tango Passion (with some very nice dancer's pictures) - Le fantôme de la sérénissime Now, PTE used by many Digital AV authors and it's a pleasure to see how this software permit to express various subjects. Congratulations to the authors !
I stay in no camp/boat . My choice is only PicturesToExe and I think only at the difficult work for the "Master". And we ask, we ask...perhaps also wait and see a moment after some tests and works of many users.
I don't like "Fit to screen option", because the picture are resized with a less good quality. You can use the maximum windowed mode...as 2048, etc....no problem. But if "Fit..." is your choice, you must wait for the future. PS: I have no problem with group and the windowed mode But perhaps, I understood not full your problem.