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  1. Is there a way to make that setting default for all slideshows going forward?
  3. Hi guys, I recently upgraded to PicturestoExe version 8. How do I auto-sync my photos to the length of the music? I can't seem to find that option now. Thanks, Steven
  4. Hi Dave, I just got the runtime error when creating the ISO. What's going on? I burned each slideshow to 2 DVDs separately, but I'm getting errors when putting them on the same disc. Slideshows total about 35 minutes. Thanks, Steve
  5. Ok guys - I made some progress. I'm trying to burn a DVD with 2 slideshows on it. When I burn each slideshow individually to a separate DVD,it works. When I burn them both on the same DVD I get the runtime errors. Any thoughts? How do I burn an ISO? Thanks, Steve
  6. Hi Guys, Sorry, but it's critical that I get this slideshow burned. I'm using the latest version for Windows. I'm not sure why I'm running into this issue now. I'm getting a Runtime Error: I will try the ISO for now, and see if that works. -Steve
  7. Hi guys, This is the first time this has happened to me, but as I'm trying to burn a slideshow to DVD, it says VOB Files Multiplexing (46%) and it's not moving. What could be the problem? Thanks, Steve
  8. Thanks Dave, is it possible to have that setting checked as default?
  9. Hi Guys, I apologize, but where is the option to spread the images equally over the duration of the music option in version 7.5.7? I feel like an idiot that I can't find it!
  10. Hi Guys, I love the quality of the EXE files, but is there a way to burn HQ HD DVD Discs with the program? What's the best way to do that? Thanks, Steve
  11. Hi Guys, Sorry if this is basic frown.gif I am using a Toshiba Ultrabook to project photos with the Epson 8350 (HDMI). How do I make sure that my laptop and slideshow is projecting 1080p resolution to the projector? Thanks, Steve
  12. Thanks BBdigital - that was extremely helpful. I adjusted the slideshow aspect ratio to 2:3, that's what I was looking for!
  13. Thanks guys, this is all helpful, but I still can't seem to figure it out. The Horizontal Images should be able to use more of the screen space. Ken Cox, I need to keep the 2x3 aspect ratio on my photos. Yachtsman, I do not have an aspect ratio option in my screen options settings: Thoughts?
  14. I do have a question - how come when I make an EXE slideshow, during playback on a laptop or TV, the show doesn't take up the entire screen? There is always black space on all edges of the pictures horizontal pictures. I feel like there is room to make the photo bigger. Am I doing something wrong? This is the same case when burning slideshow movies to DVD format too. I am taking full res files from a Canon 5D camera to make the slideshows. Here's a slideshow to download and test for yourself: http://getstak.com/files/pix2exe-sample.exe -Steve
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