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  1. Hi Peter, thanks for your reply but this was a misunderstanding. It's not about the file size, it's about the possibility to send the whole project to Igor. The reason for it is that my client doesn't allow to send these (his) images because it's commissioned work. Regards, Klaus
  2. Hi nobeefstu, I'll try it within the next days and I'll let you know if it works (hopefully). Thanks for advice and have a good day // Klaus
  3. Welcome back nobeefstu, you're right that every image is about 9 MB. I only use files converted from RAW and retouched in Photoshop but I don't resize them before I add them to PicturesToExe. Do you think that it makes sense to resize them in PS before adding them to the slideshow? Thanks and regards, Klaus
  4. Hi nobeefstu, thanks again for your reply. I've tried a few variations (only with different file sizes) and I've created two different files. The original EXE is about 2,67 GB and the sounds did not work. The second file is about 1,99 GB (i've deleted some photos) and it works perfectly with the sound files. The main problem is that it's impossible to upload this project because the client doesn't allow this. It still seems that this problem causes from the size of the EXE file ... Regards, Klaus
  5. Hi nobeefstu, thanks for your reply. I've tried it again and again with your suggestions but it doesn't work. After that I've kept all videos and reduced the number of my photos (from 225 to 155) and it worked! I work with Windows 7/64bit, drive file format NTFS Regards, Klaus
  6. I think that I've found the reason for this problem. My project contents 226 photos and 4 movieclips and the file size of the exe-file is about 2,6 GB. This exe-file doesn't play any music. The music will be played when I reduce it to 170 photos and 3 movies so it seems that it depends from the file size of the exe-file. Regards, Klaus
  7. Hi, i have exactly the same problem as you. The preview and the iPad-MP4 works well but the EXE file doesn't play any music. It's a shame because the EXE file offers the best quality and this is what i want to show to my clients ...
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