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Gérard de Lux

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About Gérard de Lux

  • Birthday 02/09/1949

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  1. You can be very proud of this achievement, Igor ! 25 years, it's quite a long time in this field where not so many AV programmes or systems still exist nowadays. Congratulations !
  2. https://www.wnsoft.com/en/pte-av-studio/old-versions/
  3. You probably didn't notice that there's a plural "s" at the end of Wnsoft Forums ; this is because there is a German forum and a French forum in a section labelled international forums. See attached screencopy. Thus German language posts and French language posts are perfectly in order when they are in their respective forums !
  4. 2 computers. Look in the middle of this page, left column : https://www.wnsoft.com/en/pte-av-studio/buy/
  5. It seems like a joke! Just do what is required and type the 3 letters "PTE". Est-ce une blague? Il suffit de faire ce qui est demandé : tapez les 3 lettres "PTE"!
  6. Happy New Year to Igor and the Wnsoft team !
  7. Enjoy your well-deserved holidays !
  8. Congratulations and thank you !
  9. 4 GB data drive? It doesn't seem much to me.
  10. According to my personal records, there have been 11 spams since July 7; thus, an average of 1 spam a day. It's certainly too much, but it's not that dramatic, is it? If there is a 100% reliable way of preventing spam, I'm sure that Igor will be happy to be informed by the experts.
  11. No. Exe files can't be run on smartphones or tablets and other devices using Android as operating system.
  12. In order to be clearer or more specific, attached is a copy of the activity log showing the spammers already banned today (and the day isn't over!)
  13. Gary, What you receive, as we all receive as well, are the notifications from the Forum of new subjects or topics. These notifications are automatically generated by the forum software and they quote the posted text but they are not the spam in itself. When the administrators or people in charge receive these notifications and/or see these spams, they react as soon as possible by deleting the topic and banning the spammer; this of course being subject to their presence and availability.
  14. Very very sad news, indeed. Maureen was very much dedicated to promoting AV, particularly among young people, and she was very engaged and enthusiastic in her numerous activities. We have met several times (including once with Igor) and it was always a pleasure to see her again with her dear husband Robert. I feel sad tonight and my deepest thoughts go to Robert and the family.
  15. Works good and fast for me ! Well done, Igor.
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