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  1. Igor, I do need a key for the deluxe so that I can make the CD. I am going to download that deluxe version to my laptop which has a CD Burner. Can you please help? Thanks, Jonathan
  2. Maureen, An amazing solution. I only bought the standard version...there is nothing I can do?
  4. Can you change the path of photos? So if I originally got the image from my external hard drive, and then I transferred it to my PC after putting the image into my slideshow, can I change the path to the new location?
  5. Can you change the path of photos? So if I originally got the image from my external hard drive, and then I transferred it to my PC after putting the image into my slideshow, can I change the path to the new location?
  6. It has to be a dvd format so I can just hand it to the reception hall to play easily. What should I do? I have an external hard drive to transport the file...I just don't have all the images on that hard drive, which would ruin the original file paths...correct?
  7. Hello everyone, My wedding is tomorrow, and I am panicking. I purchased PicturestoEXE 5.6, and have created a long slideshow for myself and my bride. The problem is, the computer I created it on does not have a dvd burner, necessitating that I move the slideshow to another computer to burn to a disk. I am worried about doing this, however, because of the file paths that each slide is associated with (some of the images were from the PC's hard drive, some from an external hard drive). PLEASE TELL ME HOW I CAN DO THIS...I AM IN BIG TROUBLE IF I HAVE TO START AGAIN. Thanks in advance. Jonathan
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