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Everything posted by bmccammon

  1. Thanks Goddi. I just reopened the project file to make sure I knew the sequence I was using when my problem showed up. Now the sorting works as it did when I was using PTE before my absence. I appreciate your input. All is well now.
  2. Thanks Goddi but my problem is not how to access the full screen page. I can do that. What I want to know is if I can move slides around on that page by dragging and dropping. Again, I appreciate the assistance
  3. I have been away from PTE for some time and just installed version 7.5.10. I am really happy to see all the improvements made during my absence. I used to be able to drag and drop thumbnail images on the "full screen file list" but that does not seem to work in the new version. I am able to drag and drop in the "slide" view in the main window but the sequence does not transfer back to the "full screen" view. I can prepare the slides in the proper sequence using an external program and then rename them to preserve the sequence if need be but it would be so much easier to do the sorting manually in "full screen view" as before. Am I correct that manual sorting in "full screen" is no longer an option? Thanks for your assistance.
  4. Playback is smooth as glass on my system. Intel Core 2 Duo procesor, 4 gb RAM, GeForce 8800GT video with 256mb
  5. It is generally a good practice to copy the program file to the computer's hard disk for presentation rather the playing it off the CD. Playing from a thumb drive is a good option too. Good luck.
  6. I've been following this thread with interest and would love the opportunity to construct a standard test show that conforms to some accepted set of "rules" or use a show(s) that someone else contributes. I recently purchased a little Netbook PC (Asus EeePC 1000H) for use on the road. This sub-notebook is designed to be highly portable and is NOT intended to be any kind of production machine. Its main uses are to access the internet and to do email or take notes. The specs of interest to this group are: 1016 mb RAM Intel Atom CPU N270 processor running at 1.6 gHz Mobile Intel 945 Express video chipset family (Intel GMA 950, 128 mb) Working screen resolution = 1024 x 600 for full screen without scrolling. Screen refresh rate = 60 I recently put together a short (4:11) show using PTE v5.6. The show involves 65 images sized at 1024 x 768, one MP3 music track. The images show with durations ranging from 15 seconds to 0.5 second. The show incorporates one long panning/zooming sequence (15 second duration) and some "quick" transitions, dissolves and some object pan/zoom on top of parent images. The show is about 27mb in size. I use an Infocus LP600 projector with a native resolution of 1024 x 768. Connection to the EeePC is via a VGA port/cable. With the little EeePC running on battery power I loaded the .EXE file onto the hard disk, turned on the projector and ran the show. Everything worked perfectly with the small exception of a very brief stutter about 4 seconds into the 15 second panning image. All the other transitions were smooth. Pan/zoom of objects was smooth. Image quality is as good as I've ever seen from a projected show. I also ran the show from a memory stick and got the same results. I just thought it was interesting that the show ran quite well on a PC that costs less than some of the new high power video cards. More grist for the mill I imagine.
  7. G'day, Lin. I generated two versions of your show in HD format...both using the default parameters in the VideoBuilder of PTE v5.6 beta 16. The only difference between the two versions is the screen aspect ratio. The first used the PTE default screen aspect ratio of 4:3 and the second used a 16:9 format. I thought that it might make a difference in how the show looked on playback. Both HD versions look very good to me using VLC. There may be the slightest amount of jitter in one or two of the sequences in which the disks are panning from right to left. This is noticeable only in the 4:3 version and, frankly, I'm not sure I'm seeing much at all and I've watched it 3 times now. The only stutter I see in the 16:9 version... and again, it is VERY slight (if it exists at all).... is in the zooming of the cougar to full screen just before the snowfall ending slide. All in all I don't see any substantial difference between the HD versions and the SD version I reported earlier. Any of the perceived jitter/stutters may be the result of my aged eyes and not your show or PTE. I certainly wouldn't hesitate to present the show to others based on the quality I see. Happy Holidays. Bruce
  8. Hi Lin. I used the default settings in the "create HD video" routine. It turns out that I really produced an SD (1024x768) MP4... not the HD that I said before. "Pan and scan" was enabled. BTW... it took a bit under 7 minutes to render the MP4 file. My playback was in VLC media player 0.9.6 Grishenko I hope this helps. Let me know if I can provide any more/different information. Best... Bruce
  9. I downloaded Lin's "Rotation Madness" file and previewed it in PTE v5.6 beta 16. Wonderful work Lin... but my wife had to leave the room or get motion sick. I loved it. I created an HD version and played it back in VLC without any apparant change in the quality of the rotations or movements. No shimmer. No jerking. Seemed pretty darn smooth to me. Maybe I'm just not tuned to as tight a pitch as others but I really don't think that the HD video output suffers at all. Intel Core 2 Duo E8200 NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT 512MB
  10. My point exactly. Thanks Dave. All I was trying to say was to scan the 35mm slide so that the transparency film is totally included in the scan but none of the mount. Scanning at highest resolution seems wise so that the information in the slide is retained. The resultant scan is a file with dimensions that are proportioned to the original 35mm slide. After that you can crop to any proportion or size you want depending on the use you intend to make.
  11. It seems to me that if one is going to go to the trouble of copying 35mm slides into a digital format that you'd want to include the entire slide content at the highest resolution possible and crop for subsequent use(s) based on the format and capabilities of any hardware used for presentation. My practice is fully scan or copy 35mm slides, store them and then edit for use in PTE or for other presentation. Maybe I'm missing your point or question.
  12. I have had the same problem. I'm using Chrome as a browser, not IE. I'll see about popup blocking as a source for the problem. Thanks Brian.
  13. smooth as silk on my XP machine with NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT and 512 of video memory. Thanks for the demo
  14. I just want to report continued success with the generation of videos using v5.6_beta2. I just created an HD version of the wedding show that I previously used to create a video for the iPod Touch. The new HD version plays beautifully using VLC and Quicktime. It stalls out when I try to play it with Gom Player and there is no music. While this isn't a problem with PTE specifically, I thought it might be of interest to Igor or others. The show is 13.5 minutes long and uses many embedded objects, rotations, pans and zooms. It has a single mp3 soundtrack file.
  15. I just opened v5.6 beta and was exploring the new buttons and options. I was elated to see the option to create a movie for YouTube and the iPhone... among others. I ported my latest wedding video over to my iPod Touch and was amazed by the quality and sound. Transitions are silky smooth. Quality is great. A 14 minute show took about 10 minutes to generate and move to the iPod Touch. Way to go Igor and the PTE crew! I had no idea this was in the works and I'm really happy to see the new capabilities. Best reagards, Bruce
  16. I guess I'm just really confused here. I've used a D200 for years and shoot RAW almost exclusively. I can't imagine a RAW conversion to JPG from a properly exposed ISO 100 or 200 file created in the D200 being so full of noise that it creates an issue in PTE... any version. Creating TIFF files in Capture NX seems like overkill if the end product is a file for use in PTE. You talk about Photoshop Elements 6 so I have to assume you have it installed. While I don't use Elements (I'm a CS3 guy) I have to believe that converting a NEF file in Elements to a JPG file of level 8-10 would not degrade the image noticeably. If you are seeing "mesh" or some other abberation in PTE when viewing your shows on your monitor then I'd have to conclude that your video card or file size are the sources. For the life of me, I don't see why the discussion is falling to noise reduction or "despeckeling". I really do believe that if you batch convert a set of properly exposed NEF files to high quality JPG at 1024x768 and level 8-10 that you will see a high quality show in PTE. If you don't I'd strongly suspect some hardware issues rather than how you process the files or what PTE is doing to them. Just my $0.02 worth based on several years of shooting NEF with the same camera and using PTE to provide high quality slideshows to clients and family.
  17. I get the same results as Lin.... sounds fine on all sites EXCEPT YouTube.
  18. If what Brian suggests doesn't work (it will) then save the modified program under a new name and then create the .exe file. Same thing as Brian suggests with one more step but sometimes it just helps to make sure.
  19. I am very interested Brian. I could have used your example for a presentation about 2 weeks ago. Thanks for your generosity. Bruce
  20. I created a slideshow that uses a frame inserted in the OA editor. The frame sits below a transparent PNG file and pans from right to left over a period of 5.5 minutes. Numerous people have told me that they love the shimmer effect I created. The thing is, I didn't do anything to create the shimmer and really did not mean to have it shimmer. The PNG file is not sharpened at all and is a simple line graphic showing a bunch of squares and other shapes all of which are gray in color. It seems like the shimmer (if this is the same shimmering being discussed by others) can be caused by slow panning as well as zoom or sharpening.
  21. Thanks Ken.
  22. I know that there have been posts that provide information about modern video cards that will perfrom well with the PZR capabilities in PTE 5. I have done a few searches and not been rewarded. Could someone please provide a link (or several) to past posts that cover video cards for PTE 5? Thanks very much.
  23. Thanks Dom. That cleared it right up! Fun times.
  24. Bravo!!! No problems downloading or unzipping with PKZip on an XP machine. I really like the new preview window... a HUGE improvement. Thanks Igor. I have a recent slideshow that uses a transparent PNG file to pan slowly from right to left over a 5 minute timeframe. The PNG file used to show in the thumbnail window of the slides in the show. In this version I see the background for the program and not the PNG file. Losing the quick visual key could be a bit confusing and I'd prefer to see the PNG thumbnail rather than the background. All in all I am really happy with the new version. Lots to play with. Thanks again Igor.
  25. I, too, downloaded Lin's example and have studied it. You can simply add keypoints by clicking on the "+" button and then drag the keypoint outside the bounds for the slide's timing. But I'm wondering... can't you get the nice overlapping dissolve by simply giving an image (or series of images) long transition times...eg, 3-4 seconds and total slide durations of something like 5-8 seconds? When I load 3 images into a test program, give them all 9 second durations and specify the transition timing to be 4 seconds it sure produces a nice blended transition. I'm not sure that this is easier than Lin's method but it seems more intuitive to me. Good luck.
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