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Everything posted by bmccammon

  1. There is a measure tool under the eyedropper in Elements as well.
  2. I use Photoshop CS2 but the procedure is the same for other versions. I put 1024 and 768 into the crop dimensions in the tool bar at the top of the screen. I then drag the mouse to select the part (or all) the image that I can or that I want. No matter how much or how little you stretch the crop tool, the result will be 1024 x 768. You can also specify the final resolution you want... eg, 72, 240, 300. Good luck
  3. Using two shows would solve your problem. You ask the viewer to choose between English and French already. If they choose French then they would see a show composed of your slides 21-40. If they choose English they see a show with 40 slides and that switches to French at slide 21. This requires the build of two shows and redundancy but it would work. Or at least that is how it seems to me. Good luck.
  4. Very smooth on my laptop Dell Win XP home, SP2, 1gb memory Pentium M 1.73 ghz IntelĀ® 915GM/GMS,910GML Express Chipset 128 mb memory
  5. Like others, I am asked for a username and password before I can download the show.
  6. I'm a Nikon shooter and will visit the site. Thanks for the link.
  7. Of course you're right but who wants that hassle?
  8. As a spectrally challenged (ie, colorblind) person the blue doesn't bother me but it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to read what it says in yellow on what I assume to be a gray background. Good grief... B
  9. I just got the October 2006 edition of Professional Photographer magazine and found this testimony to PicturesToExe on page 43 which is an interview with photographer Tim Blake. "Little thing, big difference... PicturesToExe by WnSoft, probably the best software for quick and easy slideshows for proof preview in the studio. This program saves hours of production time." It is always good to see PTE featured in mainstream publications.
  10. Great show. I enjoyed it a lot and will forward the link to my friends that sail. Great photography in such a wet environment. Good job. B
  11. Thanks very much, Lin. Much appreciated.
  12. It appears that the "filter/render/3d transform" routine has been removed from PhotoShop CS2. It's probably right in front of me but I've looked in all the filters and the CS2 help section... nothing. Does anyone know if the 3d routine is in CS2? Thanks.
  13. As a colorblind person all I can say is that I can definitely tell the difference between the two screens that Brian offers but if asked I'd say that the one on the right is Yellow, not Green. I'm not sure that the color idea has much strength.
  14. Thanks for sending me the tutorial and for considering my suggestions in any revision you make. I think this is exactly what many folks are asking for as we move into the PTE5 era... clear tutorials on specific techniques or approaches. I look forward to any other tutorials that you or others provide. Good work and much appreciated. Bruce
  15. Since you are resizing your images in an editor prior to use in PTE, why not add your titles in the editor and save as another file for use in PTE? This allows total control as well as text enhancement. Also, if you are using PTE to place text objects on a slide you can set the resolution to your desired size using the small drop down selection in the upper left of the screen. If you set the resolution here to match your desired playback resolution (image size) then any object placed will be carried forward as you want. Once version 5 is out in full form this problem should go away entirely. Good luck Bruce
  16. You bet. It seems a bit slow but I've never had a problem with it in over 3 years of use. Good luck. Bruce
  17. Actually, in Powerpoint 2003 you can save Powerpoint slides as JPG or PNG files directly using File/Save As and selecting the format you want. There is an option to save a single slide or all the slides in a Powerpoint presentation. These could then be moved over to PTE. I'm not sure which versions of Powerpoint have this capability but it sure exists in my version of Office 2003. As Ken points out, you will need to reconstruct the fades and timing but the slides are preserved as built in Powerpoint. I suppose that if you have sequential reveal of bulleted items in Powerpoint that it would be easier to build the sequence from scratch in Photoshop for use in PTE. Best wishes.. Bruce
  18. I think there is some confusion between "archiving" and "cataloging" in this thread. Losing image files due to hard disk failure is something that I never want to go through again. Most of us have probably experienced this heart-sinking feeling. Programs like Portfolio, Cumulus and iView Media Pro catalog image files using a variety of keyword or category strategies. I don't think of these programs as a means to archive and protect image files, however. They do a great job of creating ways to locate image or a group of images quickly after you go through the pains that Lin describes to get the catalog built initially. Having a good indexing "keyword" or "category" scheme designed ahead of time will pay dividends as the catalog grows. Personally, I use iView Media Pro and find that it works nicely for the way my mind thinks about image organization. My system for archiving and protecting images starts right after each photo shoot (weddings and landscapes). I copy each memory card to two external hard disks to get immediate redundancy. I use Downloader Pro since it allows me to copy each file to two locations simultaneously. I then copy the files to DVD. Then, and only then, I erase the memory cards by reformatting them in the camera. I build a quarterly archive of all images taken in the past 3 months using a program called "Archive Creator" (http://www.pictureflow.com/) This program looks at all the files you want to archive, figures out how to span multiple DVDs as needed based on total file size, generates an HTML index of thumbnails that gets copied to each DVD in the collection, and burns the DVDS. It also allows you to select the level of validation on the archive that you want. The way I do things may sound excessive to some. I've lost images in the past and my system is built on that experience and recognition that wedding images are priceless and warrant the redundancy. Lin... you might try the latest version of Picasa (version 2) that is out in beta form. It supports my Nikon NEF raw files just fine. It also opens the door to a nice "FREE" web gallery capability that can be very useful. Best wishes... Bruce
  19. Thanks Lin. I guess I'm good to go. B
  20. Thanks Lin. I ran the RAM heavy test on a Dell 8300 with a NVIDIA FeForce FX5200 video card and it played. But please tell me... is there supposed to be a fairly long display of a black screen with music in the background prior to the puzzle pieces showing up? The puzzle pieces moved smoothly but rapidly... is that what I'm supposed to see? The show completed by dissolving to the "uncut" picture so I'm guessing that I got what you wanted to deliver. True? Thanks Bruce McCammon
  21. the navigation window on the left side of the PTE5 screen allows you to navigate between drives. My window shows the word "desktop" just below the drive icons at the top of the screen. Clicking on "desktop" shows all folders located on the desktop. Good luck.
  22. www.yousendit.com allows you to post up to a 1 gb file and notify the receipient that it is available for download... free.
  23. I count myself as an experienced user of Photoshop and PTE as well and own many of the Beckham DVD/CD offerings with the exception of the very basic topics. I find that I learn something new from each program. Even with the currency exchange and credit card costs of the purchases I think Beckham's offerings are very worth the price.
  24. slight jerk on second vertical pan segment and another slight jerk in the segment with the copyright text NVIDIA GEForce FX5200
  25. No Music - run #1(no leak), run #2 (memory leak), run #3 (no leak), run #4 (memory leak), run #5 (no leak) reboot of computer between "no music" and "with music" with Music - 5 runs; no memory leaks in any run
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