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About Bruss444

  • Birthday 03/26/1945

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  • Location
    Pennsylvania, USA
  • Interests
    Photography/graphics, German culture and language, computer, Church History

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  1. Hello Igor, Congratulations on the 25 years of an excellent program (the best) to build slide shows. I was away for 10 years after moving from Windows to Mac and was so delighted when you offered a Mac version which I immediately purchased. Wishing you well!
  2. Hello friends at Wnsoft forum. Thank you for your suggestions. Formatting a flash drive here in the US varies. Our recently new Sony BRAVA TV will play a 4K video from a flash drive when formatted in EXFAT and other brands will not. Then also older Sony TVs will not work with EXFAT. What a joy to use Wnsoft software on our M1 MAC. Currently building a 40 minute 4K video with slides taken from a trip I took to the High Tatry Mountains in 1987. Already around 50 hours of labor and Wnsoft is running flawlessly. Not one single glitch!! Thank you Igor for such a fine product!!
  3. Wanted to ask if this applies too when they play a video from our flash drive on their computers? Thanks again Bill
  4. Hello we live in the USA and have friends in Germany. I understand their TVs are PAL and here in the USA is NTSC. If I build a video and send on a flash drive should it be formatted in EXFAT and rendered in PAL or NTSC format? Can one render in PAL with Wnsoft PTE? If uploaded to Vimeo must it be rendered differently for our friends.in Germany to see. Thank you for your help. Bill
  5. Hello Barry, Wonderful displays of God's beautiful creation which you captured so well. Excellent photography and sound composition. Thank you!! Bill
  6. Dear Igor, After photo searching through our families albums and many many days of selecting and restoring the photos and then building a 40 minute historical video of my grandparents and their farm we finally finalized it yesterday. It was build in 4K and I am amazed how trouble free the whole process was. I use your software 11.0.2 on a MacMini (Apple Silicon) in conjunction with Affinity Photo and Capture One. The final result on our 4K Sony TV is stunning. There are many animations I build also in the process with Wnsoft and just works great. It took one and a half hours to render the 40 minute video and the MacMini had hardly any heat buildup which is amazing. Your product is fabulous and thankful to have such a fine product available, Thank you Bill
  7. Hello AleAle! Stunning and fabulous. Is there a way it can be edited to use just a single photo instead of 7? Thank You Bill
  8. Thanks Igor for the great price and I pre-ordered last week.
  9. Thank you, Igor for adding the Drop-an-Drag feature for the Tree of Objects. I am enjoying PTE immensely and will upgrade as soon as PTE 11 final is available. Thanks to Barry Beckham in Australia who has helped me a couple of times when I had a question about a feature. Just built a presentation for a funeral service and received many positive comments.
  10. Thanks Tom for your comment, Yes it runs fast and great on the new Mac M1 chip.
  11. Many thanks again to Igor for providing a PTE version for Mac. I waited 10 years to have this software again after moving aways from Windows to a Mac in 2009. Bill
  12. Excellent Autumn slide show with great animation!! Thanks for sharing!!
  13. Greetings and thank you so much for your generosity and always find your styles amazing.
  14. I too want to thank you for your kindness and generosity of some amazing styles. You sure are skilled at a high level of creatability.
  15. I heartily agree, having and using Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer for more than several years and now their newest version is a native version for the Mac M1 chip and yes runs fast and trouble free.
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