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Everything posted by Bruss444

  1. Hello Ray, I am a Mac user and would really appreciate a Mac version of your presentation. Thanks so much Bill
  2. Hello Tony, Thanks for your comments and may I suggest you check here: http://boinx.com/fotomagico/homevspro/ and look which features you loose with the home version. I never used it knowing some of the features I wanted were missing on it compared to the Pro Version. Hope this helps. Bill
  3. First a big thanks to those who post their presentations here for we the Mac users to view! Barry, I always enjoy visiting your site too and looking at your fabulous presentations. Great job. Here is what I am doing to build presentations for my clients. First I too am a former PC/PTE user and was extremely delighted but since have been using Fotomagico Pro (Mac only software). The final output is also fabulous and honestly just like PTE when viewed on a HD TV from a laptop by HDMI cable. Where Fotomagico lacks is much better control of audio and having various animated layers within the software. I did though figure a work-around to add a second layer and animate it which helps considerably. The audio I must build and edit in Mac's Garageband and do a lot with Photoshop such as making a PNG file before using photos in the program. I have heard that Fotomagico is working on a new version because many have requested better audio control within Fotomagico Pro and most importantly being able to have multiple layering with animation. For you PC users you have a fantastic piece of Software by Wnsoft and I highly commend Igor and his fine team. Whether PC or Mac isn't it incredible the tools we have at our disposal these days!
  4. Hello Peter! Greetings from Pennsylvania! First, sorry to see your damage. I saw a news clip about that massive storm. We here on the east Coast of the USA are familiar with such storms too. I am a Mac owner and have missed so much PTE but I come back time to time to visit all you friends here on this forum. Your presentation played perfectly and the photos were excellent. Peter we are thankful you weren't injured from the storm. Thanks for offering it in a Mac version. Bill
  5. Hello Igor! I tested the clip on my 2009 MacPro Quad 2.93 and it runs fine. There was no sound but maybe your test clip didn't have sound. Bill
  6. Thanks Igor, great news! What a surprise it would be now to soon have a Mac version of PTE. Bill
  7. Hello Mr. H. Wnsoft PTE is written to "only" be installed and run on a Windows system. I too now am a Mac user and miss PTE. One can build a presentation on a PC to run on a Mac though. There have been some that have installed Windows on their Mac using Mac's Bootcamp or VMware Fusion or Parallels as a virtual machine. There has been info stating that they are working on a Mac stand-alone version but just recently the company announced that it could be another 1 or 2 years till that is ready.
  8. Hello Ken! Thanks so much for the links! What an interesting set up with the dual Fujis. Very interesting! Thanks Bill
  9. Hello Bernard! Thank you for posting your presentation "Seychelles" which I enjoyed very much. I watched it on the 24" Mac Cinema/Mac Pro and both audio and video worked perfectly. I am always interested which camera and lens combination was used so if you could post that I would be interested. The complete presentation was mastered perfectly! It was so kind to add the Mac version for those of us only on Macs! Thanks Bill
  10. Hello Igor, Greetings from Quarryville, PA!. I too downloaded Barry's "Good Housekeeping" file and I too found a white screen and no sound and could only advance with the horizontal arrow keys. I tried it on a MacBookPro 2009 Summer model and am running Snow Leopard's latest firmware update: 10.6.8. Bill
  11. Hello Lin, Greetings from Quarryville, PA. I know you wanted to know how this runs on the lower graphic card but my MAC 2.9 Quad single with the more powerful Radeon HD 4870 graphics card runs it fine and very smooth. Was this photographed in the Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado? I have been there a couple of times and it is beautiful. Bill
  12. Hello Barry, As you may remember I am a Mac user (2009 model) Even though I haven't purchased any tutorial DVDs I have purchased some of your music which is great and very well priced. Thank You. Barry. I have watched many of your presentations online and they are absolutely fantastic and play perfectly. The most recent news from Igor though isn't too promising for we Mac users. Bill
  13. Hello Igor, Thanks so much for the information and honesty. I an sure this is a huge undertaking for you all and I understand. I will have to decide whether to buy Windows 7 and use Bootcamp in order to run PTE or us different software. You sure have a fine product and will always recommend it to PC users. Thanks Bill
  14. Hello dear friends here at WnSoft. With the absence of info about the progress of a Mac Version of WnSoft I was wondering if any of my fellow Mac users have decided to run WnSoft with Boot Camp on their Mac and if so how well it works. How well does WnSoft run on Windows 7 Pro 64bit? Thanks Bill
  15. Hello Igor, greetings form the US! Even though I am a Mac user could this sample with video be posted in a Mac file for us to see? Thanks Bill
  16. Hello Malcom, I just watched your presentation and it was excellent on our Mac! Brilliant colors with pin sharp images! Besides a very interesting presentation to those of us who have never been to China. Malcom, I would be interested to know what camera and lens you were using and if you shot them in RAW.. Thanks Bill
  17. Hello Barry, Spectacular!! Played beautifully on the MacPro and 24inch Cinema! So kind of you to have a Mac version available too. Thanks again Bill and Joyce
  18. Hello Bernard! Thanks so much for this beautiful presentation and that you were so kind to have it available for we Mac users to see too. (I viewed it in 2D) Beautiful photography and composition and the sound track is perfectly matched for this presentation. We wish you and your family a blessed New Year too. Bill and Joyce
  19. Hello Lin, It has been quite a while since being in contact but I just watched your Christmas Presentation on the MacPro and it played with excellence. ......but dear Lin, more importantly the message deeply blessed my heart and this is an excellent way to close this day by watching your presentation before retiring for the evening. Our complete family came today as we celebrated the Birth of our Saviour. A big hello from Bill & Joyce in Pennsylvania!
  20. Hello Mick! Greetings from Quarryville, Pennsylvania! Fantastic show. The colors on my Mac 24 inch monitor are just beautiful. The music was a perfect choice and so relaxing. You did a wonderful job and thanks so much for offering your presentation in a Mac version. Thanks Bill
  21. Hello Benard, Greetings from Quarryville, Pennsylvania, USA. I just watched the 2D MAC version and it was fabulous! I would be interested what camera and lens you used too. On the Mac Cinema 24inch it is pin sharp. I really enjoy landscape photography and this was beautiful. WELL DONE!. ( I still am waiting on PTE for MAC!) Bill
  22. Hello Igor, Greetings from Pennsylvania, USA! I was wondering if you could give us (the Mac users) some insight where PTE is for the Mac at this point. Thanks Bill
  23. Hello Lin, I just found your message here on this forum and read with much sadness about your dear wife Sherry and your loss. We will pray that God will give you much comfort at this time. Your friends in Quarryville, Pa. Bill and Joyce
  24. Hello Ken! Great to hear from you. If my office was bigger I would of considered your suggestion. I have since been building DVD presentations with Fotomagico Pro 3.5 (very good but lacks layering) and Mac's Keynote 09 which has satisfied our clients very much but I know I can do more with Wnsoft. Yes, currently there doesn't seem to be a need for an anti-virus software for those of us who have Macs BUT as you say we are a much smaller percentage in the computer world and I am sure someone could come up with something destructive. I had used PCs for quite a few years and was quite comfortable with them and actually worked on some of the computers belonging to my appliance customers whom I service. I think it is great to have such good choices but for me the Mac OS just works so well and its function and design seems so natural to my thinking. Wishing you well! Bill
  25. Hello Ken! OUCH! You just trapped on my foot! I am one of those Mac persons! Just Kidding!! Seriously the wait on the Mac version has been a long one and I myself have been in great need of it and miss it greatly since last year. I really like the "family" connection here on this forum and the help so graciously given here too. I really appreciate it when some here keep us in the loop by posting Mac Versions of their presentations. Thanks Bill
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