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Everything posted by Bruss444

  1. Hello Andrew! Thanks for posting your excellent presentation on Detroit's Iron. You were kind enough to post a Mac version therefore allowing us to see it too. It played perfectly well, both the video and audio. Thanks Bill
  2. Hello Erik, Would you be able to post a Mac version too? Thanks Bill
  3. This may be a question only Igor can answer. Just as the current PC version of PTE makes it possible to make a presentation for Mac, will the coming Mac stand alone version of PTE be able to make a presentation to run on a PC. I need to know this since I make DVD presentations for clients who may have either a PC or a Mac. Thank you! Bill
  4. Thank you Andrew for your excellent new version of "Selling the War" I sent you a personal email with thanks. Bill
  5. Hello Andrew, I would be delighted to see your updated presentation too if available in a Mac exe. Thanks Bill
  6. Hello Gayland, dear friend at Wnsoft. That is fine, we all can error at times and I am really glad for all the help here and I have learned so much from you folks. Bill
  7. Hello Gayland, Thanks about the tip about pausing with the spacebar. Actually I don't recall asking about that before but maybe it was forgotten too. Since going to Mac in December and not building any presentations since last fall I have forgotten some of the features in the building of the presentation. Thanks Bill
  8. Hello Andrew, some additional thoughts. I have watched your presentation 3 or 4 times and have now forwarded the link to my son and his family. They all are well learned in American and world history and would know the flags and country but that gives another thought about adding the slide with the country's name. Many of us here do recognize the flag and country but for the younger generation who lacks a good understanding of history and in many cases knows little about it I think they might just need that extra title introduction to direct them to clearly recognize the country. (I wished I could of paused each slide so I could study more in depth each poster). Well done Andrew! Thanks Bill note: as Peter mentioned about the music I agree it could be smoothed out a little more and question, where did you find the sound track for the Russian section?
  9. Hello Andrew! Thank you so much for adding the Mac Version. I was born around 1 month before the end of WWII in Europe and I am extremely interested in that time. Thank you for a great job well done and therefore reminding us of those who gave so much for our freedom. Freedom is not free and comes with a tremendous price. (I have been to Germany and have some dear friends there , including several families in former east Germany, whom I visited before and after the wall came down. I also had the great privilege to visit Russia in 1985) Thanks again Bill
  10. Hello MickP Im just watched your Mac version of your presentation and it ran perfectly, both audio and video, and is well done. I found it very interesting. May I too give a small recommendation as mentioned before that the titles and credits are a little too fast but this is only a small matter. WELL DONE and thanks for have a Mac version available. I am so anxious for a standalone version of PTE for my Mac.
  11. Hello Lin! Simply another masterpiece! I had a friend in my office when viewing it and he too was amazed. May I repeat Ken's words? "Smooth as silk" on the MacPro single Quad 2.93! It would be interesting to know how many hours a fresh build of that would take. The last PTE I made was last November when I still was using PCs and boy do I miss it. Has Spring time arrived there yet? Here is Pa we are having beautiful weather. Lin, I really appreciate you making a Mac version available. Thanks Bill
  12. Hello Davy, Sorry I was away from Wnsoft for a few days but I just found your Mac version of Anne Frank which played perfectly, both Audio and Video on my MacPro Quad single 2.93. I can play MP4 too but this is perfectly done what you have created and prefer it greatly over MP4. Davy, your presentation is very moving and I have read much about this time of history, places and about Anne Frank too. Corre Ten Boom is another person from that same country and time who suffered in the camps but survived and after the war spoke many places around the world about her faith in God and His Son and how she even met the guard of her camp after the war and forgave him. Well, again Davy thank you so much for making a Mac version and you did so perfectly well. Thanks Bill
  13. Hello Davy! I am very interested to see your Presentation of Anne Frank. Do you have the latest version of PTE to make a Mac Version and post it? Thank you so much! Bill
  14. Hello Lin! Great to see you at work again and your Mac. Presentation is fabulous and played perfectly on my MacPro Quad 2.93 Thanks so much for making it available to see. Bill
  15. Hello Davy, Thanks for adding the Mac version which played fine. I have the MacPro and the Cinema 24 (1920x1200) inch and found there was a black bar on the top and bottom. each around 1 inch wide. Not a problem but thought I would mention it. It played fine and looked great on the monitor! Thanks again Bill
  16. Hello Sapper, Actually currently PTE is only PC compatible and can not be installed on the Mac operation system. One can build a Mac executable presentation on a PC which in turn plays fine on a Mac. Some here are running Windows besides the Mac operating system on their Macs and therefore can build a PTE presentation. Igor just announced they are quite confident they will have a stand-alone version for Mac sometime this year. Hope this answers your question. I see you are a new member, so welcome aboard Bill
  17. Hello Mark, Thanks for the Mac file and it ran beautifully. Great job in the photos you captured too. Bill
  18. Hello Igor, I would like to try the beta version too when available. (I am running Snow Leopard 10.6.2) Thanks Bill Model MacPro Quad (single) 2.93
  19. Hello Mark, I wasn't sure if you have a latter version of PTE to post a Mac Version. Thanks Bill
  20. Hello Maureen, Thanks for posting the Mac version but it is a PC executable file and therefore won't run on my Mac. Sorry! Bill
  21. Hello Don, thanks for posting your presentation which I enjoyed very much on the MacPro. Did the show display properly on your screen? My image dimensions are 1920 x 1200 pixels. While this fills my monitor perfectly, I do not know how it will display on other monitors, especially those with different dimensions. The show completely filled our 24 inch Cinema Monitor which has a resolution of 1920x1200. Are the images sharp enough? I experimented with varying ways of saving them, trying to balance sharpness against file size. I would prefer them to be a little sharper but that is my view only. Does the file size seem reasonable given the length of the show? Also, I was surprised that zipping the file only reduced its size by 2%. Is that to be expected? It took less than 1 minute to download. Did my attempt to provide navigation control to the viewer succeed? My intent was to enable control from the viewer’s spacebar and arrow keys, as well as through a navigation bar. Sorry Don but I didn't really use that feature. Does the mixing of portrait and landscape orientations jar the viewer? Not at all. Did the Mac version work? I have absolutely no way to know this, as I only have a PC. Yes Don, it played perfectly-both video and audio on our new MacPro Quad 2.93 and 24 inch Cinema monitor. I hope you enjoy the show. Yes I did, and Don when I was a child we had a dog very similar to you friend and he too was an excellent swimmer. Thanks Bill.
  22. Hello Allison! First!! Welcome to the Wnsoft Forum. You will find many here ready to help and I have received much help myself from Lin, Ken and Peter. I too made the switch late last year from PC to Mac. I had been using PTE on a PC from September till December and really like the software but since December have been without it waiting for the eventual stand-alone version for Mac. You will find many here already posting Mac Presentations to view such as this incredible one Ken just shared. (WOW does Kens challenge the graphics card) I too am not interested in putting Windows on my Mac and will use Mac's Keynote till PTE for Mac is available and will switch back instantly. You raised a very good question which I also question and that being whether the Mac users with a stand-alone version of PTE will also be able to build a PC executable on the Mac just as now a Mac executable presentation can be build on a PC. Bill
  23. Hello Daniel, Greetings from Bill in Pennsylvania. Thank you so much for making the Mac Version available too. I really enjoyed it both in composition and audio. I wasn't aware of rice fields being found in Europe.
  24. Hello Andrew, I just watched your Mac version of your presentation. Incredible! and very interesting and the sound track WOW! Andrew, it is appearing that Macs and PTE are very compatible and all we need now is a stand alone version. I really appreciate all of you who are sharing your very artistic work with us, the Mac guys! Thanks Bill
  25. Hello Mark, thanks for posting your Yellowstone Presentation in a Mac Version. I really enjoyed it and it played perfectly on my MacPro Quad and it viewed beautifully on the Cinema 24inch. We have been there 3 times and every time it has been a beautiful experience. The last was this past fall and we started in Glacier in the 70s then to Yellowstone with their first snow fall and finally finished in the Grands Tetons with the Aspens in their brilliant display of colors. Once I get a Mac Version of PTE I hope to build and post a presentation here too. Thanks again Bill
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