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Everything posted by Bruss444

  1. Hello Mike, I know the feeling. I purchased PTE last September and found PTE to be superb. At that time I had a new MacBook Pro and was able to build Presentations to play on the MacBook Pro though our HD TV and they were stunning and even on my PC/Cinema 23inch monitor (where I build the Presentations) they were incredibly sharp. .......but then I decided in December to move my business over entirely to Mac (MacPro 293 Quad/24" Cinema). From the Mac versus Pc comparison I couldn't be more satisfied BUT I lost my ability to use PTE and am temporarily using Keynote to build presentations for my customers but do I miss PTE and its capabilities! I want to patiently wait on Igor and his fine team and know when they have it available I will be downloading it immediately. ......and passing this Product availability on to other Mac users Bill
  2. Hello Mark, Might you be able to post a Mac Version. Thanks Bill
  3. Hello Gayland, Thanks for making the Mac version available too! Your presentation was very interesting and actually a very similar piece of equipment came from France this summer and went to 3 mile Island which is about 45 miles northwest of us. Months were taken to prepare the poles, wires, road and bridges before it could be transported after being ferried on a large barge to Port-Depost, Maryland. I do find some sadness though with the fact that the US has lost so much of our manufacturing ability. Thanks again Bill
  4. Hello Sari, Thank You so much for posting the Mac version which played perfectly. Sari, I have a special place in my heart for the eastern European countries and have a dear friend in former east Germany whom I met in Vilnius, Lithuania in 1985. In the 1980s I was in east Germany, Poland, Russia, Lithuania and the Ukraine around 1998. I have never been to Hungary but have seen some beautiful pictures of your homeland. Thanks again so much for posting your beautiful presentation. Greetings from Bill from a snowy southeastern Pennsylvnia.
  5. Hello Sari, could you post your presentation as a Mac executable too? Thanks Bill
  6. Hello Andrew, Thanks for sending another try but it too won't open. When I click on the icon it flashes and closes. Sorry Bill
  7. Hello Andrew, Sorry but the MAC version won't open. I click on the downloaded file and it just closes. This is the first Mac version here on Wnsoft I couldn't play. Sorry, Bill
  8. Hello Bill, Would this African wildlife presentation be available as a Mac Executable? I would be very interested seeing it. Thanks Bill
  9. Hello Davy, Thanks for 2 more presentations for the MAC. Very well done and worked perfectly! The old photos of the linen mill are very interesting. Thank Bill
  10. Hello Maureen Thanks so much for posting your"Lakeland in Winter" Presentation. It ran perfectly on our new MacPro Quad and the audio was so fitting with the photos. The colors and detail are just super on the Cinema 24 inch and the white border gives it a nice finishing touch. Your photography skills are certainly to be commended. We appreciate your kindness in including the MacVersion so we could enjoy it too. Thanks so much, Bill and Joyce from southeastern Pennsylvania, USA.
  11. Hello Maureen, Is it possible you could post your Presentation as a Mac Executable too? I would really like to see it. Thanks Bill
  12. Hello Barry! Just viewed your Natures Textiles Presentation and it played perfectly, both video and audio, on my MacPro/Snow Leopard and 24 inch Cinema LED /LCD screen. Full screen with razor sharp video, beautiful! Thanks for making a Mac version available!
  13. Hello Yachtsman. I favor thermal printing myself. I do small DVD orders (1-25) which are Presentations I have built for clients and have been very satisfied and they can look very professional. One is limited with mostly just text and in several basic colors. I read that DVDs printed with a jet printer can smear if gotten wet and the printed label system can come loose or be out off balance when spinning and can damage the burner/player. I too have read the Lightscribe is very slow. After setup I can thermally print a DVD in around 2 minutes. No system is perfect but I am very satisfied thermally printing my DVDs. I currently am using the stand-alone Casio Printer Model CW-L300. Bill
  14. Hello Davy! Actually as of now one can't install PTE on a Mac (except with a dual boot system) but those with PCs can build a presentation as a Mac Executable which then can be viewed on a Mac. The great news is that Igor and his friends are coming out with a stand alone version of PTE for Mac and hopefully this year. The 24 inch Apple Cinema monitor with the LED back lighting is fantastic although the new 24 inch is glossy and not a matte finish. Here in my office that is not a problem though. Thanks Bill
  15. Hello Dave, I just viewed your Mountian Journey HD on my MacPro and Cinema 24inch. Excellent!! This keeps the fires going till I have PTE back again but on my Mac instead of my past PC. Thanks so much for making a version for both platforms. By the way the sound is excellent too. Thanks Bill
  16. Hello Jean-Pierre, Is it possible you might have your presentation in a Mac executable file too? Thanks Bill
  17. has not set their status

  18. Interest Photography/Graphics German culture and language

  19. Hello Davy! Just watched your 3 presentations on my new Mac Pro with Snow Leopard. Fantastic!! Presentations executed perfectly!! Completely fills my 24 inch Cinema monitor with beautiful colors. Sound excellent too! Thanks so much!! Bill
  20. Hello Andrew, Just watched your presentation! Very nice and again you made a Mac version available so we enjoy it too! Thank you very much!! Bill
  21. Thanks Igor, can't wait to edit my multiple soundtracks on my iMac... Henri.
  22. Hello Sam, How can I thank you enough for also providing a Mac version of your fine presentation which ran perfectly on my Mac Pro and sounded beautifully through the stereo sound system! This massive structure is amazing accomplishment and is beautiful in form and design. Sam, I must mention the music. Many times for Christmas and Easter we sing in our church choir either all or parts of the Händels Messias. Particularly blessed was it to hear the part "..and the Glory of the LORD" . Sam, thank you so much and my wife and I send you and your family greetings from our little town of Quarryville here in southeastern Pennsylvania, USA. (It was interesting to see the animation at the escalator and the text in the sky at the end too!!)
  23. Hello Dave, Thanks for posting your presentation in a Mac Version. Sure looked like a nice buck! Bill
  24. Hello Sam, Would you be able to post a Mac version? I would love to see your presentation. Thanks Bill
  25. Hello Elnor, I have the MacPro 2009 and 24 inch Cinema Monitor and have played all the Mac Executables both here and at Beckham Digital and they all run superbly. I should mention too I have the late summer 2009 MacBook Pro (I did a clean install from Leopard to Snow Leopard) and all the Mac executables run perfectly on it too and in fact connected it by HDMI to our HD TV and they look great. Did you do an upgrade or a clean install of Snow Leopard or do you have a new system that came with Snow Leopard on it? Bill
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