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Everything posted by Bruss444

  1. Actually I was hoping Igor would give us an update. благодарю вас Bill
  2. I couldn't agree more about the Wacom graphics pad. I have been using one for around 4 or 5 years and when processing photos or working with graphics in Photoshop it just is so much better and easier. It took me too about 1 week and then it just was natural. Bill
  3. Hello Tom and Henri! Thanks for the reply. The people at Wnsoft have sure done a great job giving us the now available Mac Executables by the way of a pc!! I sure hope soon though there will be a stand alone Mac version and when that happens my 3 year old PC wil be replaced with a Mac. I am also hoping that we will be able to add video clips too. Thanks again Bill
  4. I was wondering if anyone knows how far along a "stand alone" version of P2E for Mac is at this point. I want to replace my desktop pc with a MAC. (Would rather not set up a dual boot with Windows) I read on another form that Igor in April of 2008 said it could be 1 or 2 years which would put it into 2009 or 2010. I have made Mac executables with Beta 6 and they look great and run fine on my new MacBook Pro and especially when tethered to our Sony HD TV by the way of an HDMI cable. (New adapter now allows sound to exit by the UBS on the MacBook Pro and travel by way of the HDMI cable. Thanks Bill
  5. Hello Tom, I received the Monoprice mini-dislay connector and HDMI cable yesterday and it works great and it actually does send the audio out through the USB port. After connecting the adapter and cable one makes the change under sounds and in System Preferences and choose USB instead of the internal speakers. Go here and read about it and my review has been added yesterday. Thanks Bill http://www.monoprice.com/products/product.asp?c_id=104&cp_id=10428&cs_id=1042802&p_id=5969&seq=1&format=4#feedback
  6. Glad to hear your report Tom and hope to achieve the same. I notice your adapter has both the USB and the RCA jack. Which do you use for the audio? Thanks Bill
  7. Hello Ken, Actually I have been a pc user for years and just entered into the MAC system but my main desktop is a 3 year old pc with XP Pro which runs very fast. Why the change? good question! I have been self-employed for around 30 years as an appliance repair tech but even that business has been changing like may other and today as you know we are a throw-away society although with the down turn in our economy I find a few customers are repairing older machines but it isn't as brisk as it once was so around 4 to 5 years ago I decided to include photography, photo-restoration and DVD building for some of my customers and I really enjoy it. Well, last January I updated my cameras to the EOS 5D MARK II and the EOS 50D and since the EOS 5D can take HD 1080P video I found my PC just couldn't run the files smoothly but read where for video editing that Mac "may" be better. I made the mistake and visited a local Apple store with a flash drive in hand with some of my Canon HD files. The rest is history. I am still using my pc since Proshow Producer, which I have been using for 4 years, hasn't had a MAC version but now seeing what the Mac executables look like on my new Mac I am excited about a stand alone edition of PicturesToExe for Mac. When that happens I will "probably" replace the desktop with an Apple desktop. Actually Ken are we fortunate to have such equipment for photography these days? Bill
  8. Hello Ken, Greetings and thanks for your interest!! I did a search on the net and found there was an update for Snow Leopard version 10.6.1 yesterday and this apparently is what my MacBook Pro automatically downloaded. As you mentioned I too check my operating system by the method you mentioned but this time it did it automatically. For those interested go here an read this Mac update: http://support.apple.com/kb/DL947 Thanks Bill
  9. Hello Peter and thanks for the interest. My desire is to help others here too. I have the summer 2009 build MacBook Pro 15 inch 2.66 Ghz Intel Core 2 - 4 gbs RAM and am currently running the new OS Snow Leopard and version 10.6.1 which is the latest version. Sure wish I could tell you what the automatic update was about today but the version of Snow Leopard is the same as before today and the latest update. The problem is it also updates iLife and all the components there too. I have been using PCS for any years and am just transitioning over to MAC and have much to learn although so far everything seems straight forward but I hope it wasn't user error in my part but I must keep that possibility open too. For those of you with this same MacBook Pro here is some information I hope can be helpful. I want to connect my MacBook Pro to our HD Sony Bravia TV using the digital output on the MacBook. Here is what I found out. Since Audio doesn't exit by the mini DVI port, which is only video, but by the headphone port here is an adapter http://www.monoprice.com/products/product.asp?c_id=104&cp_id=10428&cs_id=1042802&p_id=5969&seq=1&format=2 and cable I ordered http://www.monoprice.com/products/product.asp?c_id=102&cp_id=10240&cs_id=1024009&p_id=2529&seq=1&format=2. This way the usb port can carry the audio into the adapter and then from there by way of the HDMI cable. I am really anxious to see the Mac executable presentation through the tv. I really want to commend those at Wnsoft for such a great product and it is great to be part of those here on this forum too. Thanks Bill
  10. Hello Lin and others too. Just an update that I am now able to make the MAC executables which is great. Actually I have been writing to Aleana at Wnsoft and they have been so good keeping in touch. Today I made another presentation with the same music and it played beautifully on the new MacBook Pro (model-summer 2009) So what caused the problem? I don't know. I did the same as before but today when I turned on the MacBook it said there was an update which it did automatically and after that I made the presentation on my pc and sent it wireless to the desktop of the Mac and it played fine. So that is one down and one to go and that is to try and make an .avi file. Glad to be part of this forum!! Bill
  11. Hello Wnsoft friends! Actually earlier I did as you mentioned and made a very simple slide show without music and animations and tried to run it on my new MacBook Pro but I only got a slight flicker and then nothing more, but those from Beckham Digital worked fine. I just made my first slide show using PicturesToExe today for a firm with music as an executable .exe slide show which we hope can be played with a laptop/HD TV combination. Hopefully next week we will give it a try. Here is an interesting test I did also today: First-I have been using Proshow Producer for 4 or 5 years and have made DVDs for customers and am quite familiar with it so I decided to made a sample .exe slide show with both PictureToExe and Proshow Producer using the same photos in both to compare the results. What can I say but PictureToExe is considerablly sharper, in fact stunning. Since I have not been able to make a .avi file yet with PicturesToExe I tired to make one with Proshow and it worked fine. I am still trying to figure why I can't make a .avi file with P2E. Nope! not going to give up! Thanks for all your responses! Bill
  12. Thanks for the response and I verified that my registration is till Sept, 11, 2011. Yes, I did use "create zip" when saving the presentation. Just seems strange that when I make a PC executable presentation it works fine and looks great but using the same presentation but choosing create for MAC it won't work on my new MacBook Pro. I am astounded how beautiful the samples from Beckham Digital look on the MacBook Pro. Wish I could make a small presentation and send it for testing to see why I can't make a MAC presentation and also address my other current problem of not being able to even make an .avi presntation too. Thanks again Bill
  13. Thanks Lin, I really want to use this software and am willing to see if it can be resolved. Is it true that this was developed in Russia? I had the geat experience of visiting Moscow and Saint Petersberg in 1985. Wishing you a great weekend. Bill
  14. Hello Lin, I am so thankful for the assistance given on this form and thanks again Lin!! I was wondering the same. After viewing the Mac samples at Beckham Digital I also wrote to them and they responded back too. They are wondering if it could be my current registration key. They said they had to get another key to build the Mac sample presentations. Any thoughts Lin if another registration key could take care of both problems? I am considering replacing my desktop but am thinking I would like to get another Mac as my desktop but from what I understand a "stand-alone" version won't be available for Mac till 2010 and it isn't known how long after the begining of the next year that could be. Thanks again for all you on going help! Bill
  15. Hello dear WnSoft friends, Unfortunately I didn't get my other issue resolved mentioned here on this forum about not being able to make an .avi file on my PC and even after downloading and installing new codecs. Now here is another. I can download the Mac samples from Beckham Digital and they are stunningly sharp on my new MacBook Pro. JUST AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL!!! but again when I make a MAC Executable on my desk PC and then watch it on my MacBook Pro I see a flicker when clicking on the icon and then nothing else as far as the slide show running. What is interesting is that when I view the contents(files icons) of the sample shows which do run from Beckham digital they look the same as the file icons in the folder of the one I made. I am running Version 6 of PicturesToExe and Beta 16. Again your help would be appreciated. I realize this is a beta version but apparently someone at Beckham digital made it work. These problems have been puzzling even though my custom built PC is 3 years old and is still very fast with lots of free hard drive space and 4 gbRAM and besides that other slide show software I have runs fine. Actually the only thing that works for me with PicturesToEXE is making an executable program for my pc and that works great and looks also stunningly sharp on my Apple Monitor connected to my pc. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Bill
  16. Just a short update before vacation. As Lin recommended I finally downloaded K lite and installed with the most current updater for it. I checked in the codec list in PT2 and saw new codecs listed so I choose "ffdshow Codec as well as some of the other new ones listed but again received the same message. My graphics card in a nVidia GeForce 8600GT and is quite new so I am not sure if something in there needs "turned on" or "turned off". Thanks Bill
  17. Hello Lin,First I made 2 slide program and saved it. Well I actually removed all of Roxio and its parts from the sytem for this test (then re-installed it after the test)and still no change and then I removed all that I was allowed to remove in the Task Manager but still to know avail. Maybe your first thought is correct and that the correct encoder is missing. We will rest on this for now since next Friday we head for Montana and hope to photograph Glacier and some of Yellowstone and have much to do between now and then. (We live in PA) I can't express how grateful I am for how much time you and the others have given. Will I give up on PicturesToExe. No not at all and will pursue it further. I have a new MacBook Pro and like it so well and I downloaded some of the PTE samples for Macs and WOW. I would really like to replace the desktop with a Mac but know at the moment PTE can't installed on them but hopefully in the near furture. Wishing you and all the others a great weekend! Bill
  18. Hello Lin and others, Thanks so much for your ongoing help. I took a look into Windows Media player codecs and there are quite a few more there than shown in PTE. I also have found that the same list that shows up in PTE also shows up in the Control Panel> Sounds and audio Devices>hardware tab> select 1 of the Video Codecs> properties and there is the same list including PicturestoExe. Lin, I think you may be correct about some conflict. I am always hesitant ending proccess in the Task Manager since a warning comes up about making the system unstable. Should I just start and 1 by 1 ending the process and each time then trying to create an .avi? Wish I could recognize which software is connected to each line in the Task Manager. I have Roxio CD/DVD burner software on my pc and have been wondering if if could be the problem. Thanks Bill
  19. Good morning and thanks for the reply.What seem strange is I have and have been using Proshow Producer and can make an .avi file easily but not in PictureToexe. I have questioned too in my mind about decoding and encoding and saw that these codec packages mentioned the downloads are many times referring to "play back and it seems my problem is that it can't conpress and "make the avi file" I keep getting this message "catCantCreateFile". I have no problem making an .exe file and playing it (just stunningly sharp) but when I want to create an .avi file that is when I have a problem. IF you have any more thoughts I would really appreciate it. Thanks Bill
  20. Hello Lin and Peter. I went to this site http://register.freeze.com/Download/index.aspx?s=ffdshow&c=329596&SessionId=018b7413-82ad-4912-8992-c6d3a1f453c9&fn=goog_placement_ffdshow and this time instead of saving the codecs on the hard drive I left them automatically install them for me and when it was done it said "installed" but I removed PTE 5.7 and redownloaded it again and again the same problem and there are no new codecs in the list when going throught the "create" process. Thanks Bill
  21. Hello Peter, Thanks for the quick reply and I am wondering the same and it seems apparently Proshow Producer will work on other codecs which I apparently do have. I downloaded XP Codec Pac but can't find a way it will automatically install their codecs so maybe Lin will have a different pac recommendation which would be more user friendly. Thanks again for all your interest, concern and help. Heading out on a Dishwasher service call. Bill
  22. Thanks Peter, (and Lin too) Peter, I have been servicing household appliances for 40 years and agree about not giving up. What I hope is that by finding the solution that others will benefit too. I just hope I am not overlooking something very basic causing others much of their time and grief! Here is another test I tried various times and always failed too: Select "Create" then "Creating HD video for PC and Mac and then click on "convert" and in the next window (see the process being done) and when done this is what info is given: Video encoding Done 0 fps Audio extracting Done 38.7 Audio encoding Done 12.5 x Mixing video and audio Done (this info also appears under the info above) C:\Documents and Settings\Bill\My Documents\PicturesToExe\Project23.mp4 (0 bytes) ---and the icon at the top shows a blue DVD disk with a green checkmark Take note it says "Project23.mp4" and why "0 bytes" when I check that file at its location it too says "0" bytes. Thanks Bill
  23. Hello Peter, just wondering you were able to contact Igor about these issues? Thanks again Bill
  24. Good morning to Lin and those who are helping with my problem. Thanks again for all your time and effort!! Here is another test I did this morning. As mentioned before, I have been using Proshow Producer for several years and I am quite familar with it although I never made a stand alone .avi video with it but always directly burned the presentation on a DVD and actually never had a failure and have made quite a few for my customers. Here is a test I did this morning. I made a stand alone AVI test video with Proshow Producer and it made it fine. If there is a problem with my codecs on my pc would it show up with Producer likewise or could it be PTE requires different codecs than Producer? BUT the detail in PTE .exe video file is astounding and hope so much to make an HD video or AVI video with PTE. Another note-- I also downloaded one of the PTE presentations from Beckman Digital for Mac and played it on my new MacBook Pro and WOW!! Crystal clear, pin sharp just astounding!! Thanks Bill
  25. Hello and thanks again for the ongoing help. Lin, I was mistaken and I did install the XP codec into the default folder which was the program folder. What I did select the start up fold as a short cut folder for it and that was all. I did as you suggested and checked the XP codec folder in Windows Explorer and there is actually no "run" option there which I find confusing and I alos checked using the install hardware wizard and couldn't find any new ones but I did see the PTE codec listed there. I am rather confused how one actully should install these new codecs. At one point I did find one place where the WINDOWS 32 folder came up with a save option but of course there are a lot of folders in there too. I am trying to be careful since I am self-employed and use this pc heavily and part of my work is Photography and don't want to make any changes which could effect the color profile I made have on my pc.I really am thankful for you and the others on going interest and help. Thanks Bill
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