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Everything posted by Bruss444

  1. Good morning Lin, Sorry I was away for a while. I downloaded the XP-Codec-Pac 2.5.0._exe and asked where to install it so I installed it in the startup folder but still don't see any new codecs in PTE list when trying to create an AVI file. I haven't worked with Codecs in this manner before so I quite possible need help how and where to install this package. I really appreciate all of your help. Thanks Bill
  2. Hello Lin. Thanks for your added information!!! Here is the list of codecs: Cinpak Codec by Radius Intel 4:2:0 V 2.50 Intel Indeo ® Video R 3.2 Intel Indeo Video 4.5 Intel IYUV Codec Microsoft RLE Microsoft Video 1 Microsoft H.263 Video codec Microsoft H0261 Video Codec Indeo Video 5.10 picturetoexe Video Codec full frames (uncompressed) Thanks Bill (I actually have tried most of these)
  3. Hello Peter! Thanks for your help here. This really has me stumped. Any idea why Microsoft Video Codec H.264 is missing in the video codec choices too? Thanks again for all of this help!!!! Bill
  4. Here was a short and quick test. Started new project, no music and just 5 slides with fade in and fade out.Runs fine! but then I choose create and then Choose AVI Video file and then "create custom video file and then preview and the same window comes up "catcantcreatefile". I too updated to the 5,7 beta version but same problem. Thanks Bill
  5. This is what I meant Microsoft video codec H.264
  6. Sorry I meant H.224 codec
  7. Hello and thanks for all the input. I am running XP Pro and is blistering fast with 4 gb Ram and loads of extras HD space. (I have been using Proshow Producer for several years and made many DVDs for my customers) I just checked my key and there are 2 double lines of code so that should be fine. I did make a DVD with PTE and it played on our DVD/PLAYER and HD TV but when I burnt it it froze in operation at 99% and wouldn't go any farther, but it played on our player. (P use DVD-Rs which I have used for a long time) Any idea why the Microsoft video codec H.224 doesn't even show up in the list when choosing a video codec? Thanks Bill
  8. Hello Dave and Peter, I tried all of the video codecs and everytime get the same window with "catCantcreatefile" Actually MPGE4 isn't even in the list. Bill
  9. Hello Peter, Greetings from Quarryville, PA!! Thank you for your help and links but Peter I must be missing something very fundamental here since I as of yet can't resolve my problem. Here is a step by step list of what I do. 1. Load all my photos and MP3 sound file into PTE Deluxe with transistions and it runs beautifully! 2. While this program is still loaded in PTE I then click on the "create" button- lower left hand corner. 3. Then I select "AVI video file" 4. In the next window I choose (small circle) Create custom AVI video file 5. Set audio codec to default 44,100 khz, 16 bit stereo and then the video codec I have tried several listed there including the "PictureToEXE Video Codec. Must I purchase one of these video codecs and install it on my pc or is the PTE Codec fine and is in included in the PTE software? I have a feeeling I may be completely misunderstanding something here at this point. 6. click on on the "create AVI button 7 asked to save at my choice of folder destination 8. click on save and get this exactly spelled message in a small window "catCantCreateFile" I would appreciate your help very much! Thanks again Bill
  10. Just joined and a completely new to this forum and software. Last week I purchased the PicturesTo.exe Deluxe. I have also been using Proshow Producer commercially for several years and have been building DVDs for my customers and usually can work through the challenges. I have already built a test PicturesTo.exe presentation and was AMAZED at the detail on my Apple 23 inch Cinema running off my PC. Incredibly pin sharp!! I made a DVD and found it to be close in quality to Proshow Producer (not near as good a resolution as an .exe file on the computer) when watching on our HD TV but when burning the DVD it would hang at 99% and would lock up the PC but apparently finished the DVD since it would run on the TV/DVD player. That was one Problem but I also can't figure how to make a AVI Video file. It simple goes part way and a small window comes up and say "CatCantCreatfile". I also find when trying to make a H.264 video file that when done I can see the Quicktime Icon with MPEG-4 but it says 0 kbytes. I downloaded the recommended Media Player Classic HomeCinea and it wouldn't recognize the Quicktime file either. I was hoping to make a H.264 video file and then hoping it would also possibly play on my new MacBookPro. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Bill
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