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Everything posted by vilara

  1. Error
  2. No more problems, everything works and this style is very interesting. Thanks for your help.
  3. Thank you for your response. I have 13 pictures, I place them in the timeline in the order I would like to see them in the wheel: the first one in the center of the wheel, the second one at the top and when the wheel is turning I want to see the 2 then the 3 ...etc... in that order. How do I do it? Thanks Спасибо за ваш ответ. У меня есть 13 фотографий, я помещаю их на временную шкалу в том порядке, в котором я хотел бы видеть их в колесе: первая в центре колеса, вторая в верхней части, и когда колесо поворачивается, я хочу видеть 2, а затем 3 ... и т.д... в этом порядке. Как мне это сделать? Спасибо
  4. I like this style. The photos are shown in random order in the wheel. Is it possible to define a particular order and if so how? Thank you Мне нравится этот стиль. Фотографии отображаются в случайном порядке на колесе. Можем ли мы определить конкретный порядок, и если да, то как? Спасибо
  5. Readers of this post: how fonts have you purchased? So no doubt that this is not worth to make the nodes in the brain
  6. I had forgotten to put duplicate photos. Everything works super. Thanks
  7. Tahnks for your answer. Your example works perfectly well, I do a mistake somewhere. I'll try again.
  8. I have a problem with this style : opening the box Ok I see an picture at the bottom of the box but the picture that comes out of the box is as follows. A photo two is ignored. What is the problem? Thanks for the answer.
  9. Thanks, Dave
  10. Thanks to you both for the very clear explanations. Best regards
  11. Thanks Yachtsman1. The codec is H264,AAC. What is the benefit of using optimization with vidéoconverter?
  12. I have a mp4 video which weighs 13.4 MB. I place it in PTE and accepts optimization with videoconverter. Its quality is not top but its weight increased to 55.1 MB. Why?
  13. Yes, nobeefstu, I always use this solution to add multiple views in O & A
  14. I am totally in agreement with the requests made by Jean Claude. This is a major improvement for O & A
  15. "We don't plan to display audio waveforms in the timeline of the O&A editor in future version. it will be implemented later." It's a real disappointment to read it. It is the only thing that seemed essential in O & A
  16. If you used specific Styles, should also add them to the zip, which is a drawback.
  17. I believe that a checkbox is most visible as a slight change in color. But if this is your choice, I shall confine Regards
  18. Yes, but if you click infornunently two times this button the corresponding featue is not applied
  19. Please see this picture :
  20. The button « Apply to all slides » is not practical. Would it not possible to have a checkbox ?
  21. The backup-zip is the good solution but the personal styles are not included in the backup-zip
  22. OK, your explanation makes sense. Thank you for your interest in my question
  23. Since the style has already been applied it is no longer necessary to include it in the ZIP. I understood this If you want to include it just drop the exported version on top of the ZIP in Windows Explorer and the recipient has it for future use. Yes, I know this solution, but why my Style is it not directly integrated in the backup in zip? This would avoid forgetting to attach it
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