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Everything posted by Justinr
Whoops! But the sentiment still applies.
France is a lovely country and I'm hoping to get to see a bit more of it this year. Your show has made that intention even stronger. It certainly brought a sense of the place to this corner of the world and I look forward to seeing some further shows. Justin.
Many thanks for the feedback. The photos are pretty much in the order they were taken to give some idea of the passage of the afternoon whilst the portraits were left as they were because that is how I saw the shot. I like to think that each picture is a photograph in its own right which just happens to have been brought together with others rather than the slideshow itself being the object of the exercise. The young lad eating a sandwich with the old fellow behind, for instance, makes for an interesting contrast and remarks upon the inevitability of time, well, that's the way I saw it anyway. The music was the hardest part of this presentation. As mentioned above I wanted to move away from the clichéd idea of Ireland as being somehow merely remote and give a little idea of life outside of the romance. Then there was the pace, jaunty and light rather than a dramatic galloping heavily along, it's Handel's Flute Sonata #7 suitably edited in Audacity. Andrew & Ken Horses and Ireland are a bit like Austria and skiing, just as soon as you can walk you are put on the back of a nag. OK, that might be something of an exaggeration but around this neck of the woods there are plenty of kids who start riding at four or five and the pity is that the country doesn't capitalise upon it when it comes to world championships etc. Why that should be I don't know but one reason given is that a lot of the top horses bred in Ireland are sold abroad just as soon they show promise, denying our young riders the better animals to work with, but the Irish style is certainly recognised the world over, bold and impetuous is the polite way of describing it. The girl with the green top is just five feet and a little bit tall, the grey she is riding is 17hh.It's merely a question of imposing your will upon the beast she tells us, but she has had to be reminded that the same does not apply her poor old dad. Doesn't stop her trying though! Justin.
Shamed to say that I've not been regular over the last couple of months so I've Just been catching up on some of the videos posted recently. Was really quite moved by the Haiti and Mississippi ones and fascinated as always by the opportunity that these slideshows give in allowing us to share something of our lives with each other. Talking of which here is a show centred around a local pony club event. Much of the Irish imagery we see centres on the landscape but here is a view into just another Sunday as experienced by parents and children up and down the country, although Co Tipperary is especially fond of the horse. The farm where it all took place lies in the shadow of Sarsfield Rock, site of a historic battle during the siege of Limerick in 1690. Scarteen Pony Club Justin.
Some lovely photography there, I could feel the energy and drama just sat here in front of the monitor. BTW, British members will no doubt politely remind you that they have the world class aerobatic team! Justin.
There is a lot to be said for that. I've been casting around and a lot of the stuff that is free, is free for a very good reason as you say. My original post was based on the fear that getting involved in licensing agreements could be complicated way of signing an open cheque but this may not be the monster that I presumed after all. Thanks for the links, I'll have a look round. Justin.
I've completely rebuilt this show to bring in some other photo's that I wanted to display. Couldn't find any music to match the four genres shown so went with something that didn't clash too violently with any of them. It can be found at the bottom of this page , the full screen download is a tad monstrous though at 70mb. I used the original source of images rather than the resized folder by mistake. Doh! Guess I'll have to redo it sometime. Musicians Justin.
Many thanks for that, here's another I found although it might have been mentioned before. Classic Cat Justin.
Thanks Lin, much appreciated. What I'll probably do is just pick the best images and do a remix with other portraits of musicians that I have. Justin.
I did this a few years ago just as I was getting serious about the craft. It was for a Baroque trio, lovely girls with great talent. Anyway, some of the images are a bit dud but others have stood the test of time. Speranza
Another Youtube presentation that I really ought to put up full screen as the photo's look an awful lot better when larger. Justin.
Just uploaded another to Youtube with many thanks to those who responded to my questions about cropping and background music. Justin.
I've tried Google and indeed there was plenty around but I wondered if there were any recommendations of handy sites that gave a good range presented in a convenient manner. Word of mouth is often quicker and easier than trawling through long lists and I'd be as happy to help anyone else with a similar query if I felt I could. I'll try the search, I did flick briefly through some past postings but didn't see anything immediate. Justin. p.s. I do wonder at times though whether it would be such a bad thing if the Goblins did gobble up Google, but that's another debate altogether!
Anybody know of any good resources for free music downloads to accompany slideshows that won't infringe any copyright? Justin.
Doh! Careless copy/pasting on my part, my apologies and thanks for pointing it out. Hope you enjoyed the show anyway, I'm planning to have another crack at loading it soon with the pan and scan disabled. Justin.
Many thanks for the feedback gents, I'll take another look at this one as the photography is what it is all about. BTW, the link works for me but if not try searching for Emly, Irelands tidy town winner on Youtube. My user name is Triplemanr. Justin
I recently prepared this for Youtube- But as you will see from the first slide the images were cropped dramatically both top and bottom. Is there a specific size/ratio that I should prepare the photographs to in order to prevent this? Justin.
Many thanks Tom, seems to have sorted it. Justin
I've just returned to to PTE after an absence a few years and am looking forward to getting some shows together. However, on my first attempt I'm getting the following message appear in a solid blue box on the slide which I can't get rid of - Image not found: Path: What's this all about? Justin.