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Tony 1946

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  1. Ken I have a fabulous sense of humour, I must have to be a Windoze user since the days of 95 and MS-DOS and PTE since version 4, And still no answer to very reasonable mac question? Tonyrebin
  2. Thanks DG for the link but my question still stands does the Mac exe work with 10.4, 10,5 or only sometimes with 10.6 (Snow Leopard), and please save us all from all those" Stupid side order OF ONION RINGS" and stupid yellow objects (emoticons?) Yours Tonyrebin
  3. As a Mac user I was very pleased to receive an e-mail from Barry Beckham, but try as I may his Intro slide show for Mac will not run on my Intel Mac Book. I have just tried Lin Evans Critter Cube from the forum and this did not work. The version of Mac OS I am using is known as Tiger 10. 4. 11. Perhaps if this new feature only runs on Leopard 10.5 or Snow Leopard 10.6, this should be stated on the site so as to avoid disappointment. Regards Tonyrebin
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