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Everything posted by Maureen

  1. This must be one of the most popular discussions on this Forum ! Has cropped up so many times - earliest was Dec 2002 on this current Forum and even many times on the previous one. Think all the web links explain it very clearly. Hope Ron isn't feeling too confused ! Love your Status Quo pics bjc ! How about a "Quo" sequence ? BW Maureen
  2. I also think this would be an excellent idea Igor and agree with Ian's suggestion of letting people untick if they wish to do so. I know I have seen some shows where beginners have this unticked and maybe one image was accidentally sized incorrectly and then shows the border. Having this option ticked we would not be so aware of this minor error. BW Maureen
  3. Hi Most of the info is either on RPS Wessex-DIG at www.wessex-dig.org.uk or for Bath see the Western Av Enthusiasts (WAVES) web site click on events & venue location More AV sites with events listed are accessible from www.maureenalbright.com too Hope to meet some PTE users there. Hope this helps. BW Maureen
  4. Welcome to the Forum Jim. Great tutorial is PTE 101 Tutorial by Al Robinson. You can download it free from www.beechbrook.com see PTE presentations section - also several other PTE utilities there too. or from Al's own web site Barry Beckham sells a range of Tutorial CDs on his site too. Good info and tutorials on many other sites -PTE members are very friendly, helpful and enjoy sharing their knowledge. Ken Cox has pinned links to P2E members sites in the Pictures to Exe Presentations section. Scroll through the list. AV World is a magazine devoted to producing sequences and its web site is www.avworld.org Best way to learn is to use it and test it out. PTE itself has a good help section in the program. We all learn best from our mistakes. I assume you are looking for templates of sequences already created by others which you can then use to create your own ? PTE has the ability to save your own work in template format which can be very useful. Hope this helps you get started Jim. Best wishes Maureen www.digital-av.co.uk
  5. Croeso Kev You'll find everyone very welcome and helpful here. If you're South Wales based too, you could always drive up the M4 to some digital AV workshops etc in Bath or Aldbourne sometime. Ian's doing a talk in Bath on January 22nd. I'm doing a show in Swansea April 11th. Look forward to seeing your work sometime. Best wishes Maureen
  6. Happy Birthday Peter Thought you'd want everyone to know ! Look forward to seeing your AV of the day and many more Coles sequences. Will upload your latest one to Beechbrook for you. Hope you like the "surprise" we sent you ! Love Maureen, Robert & Fern
  7. Just to be the first posting in 2005 and wish you all health and happiness in 2005 Happy New Year everyone. Just finished partying here in England. sore head in the morning I expect.......... Maureen
  8. You can read lots of Peter's wonderful words of wisdom in his magazine AV World Contaxman - see AV World for some details. Happy Christmas everyone and lots of fun creating new sequences in a Prosperous & Healthy New Year! Best wishes Maureen
  9. International florist service When I wanted to flowers delivered to other countries I have used this web site several times to different countries.
  10. Hi Hopehigh Welcome to the Forum. We were also at the Great Northern but didn't win Excellent weekend though and Ian's new sequence caused quite a stir ! Scrolling text effect can be achieved with Photoshop effect as Ron mentioned - I did see one there which used that method. You need to use layers and also make sure of the use of edit/transform/ prespective. It can be done using other software but then you also get a loss in other areas if you switch to "them". All "swings and roundabouts" except with PTE you get all the fun of the fair, quick upgrades to what we wish for and the friendly, helpful Forum. Hope you'll come along to our WWW-DAVE weekend next April. Peter Coles wants articles for AV World too about the Great Northern w/e We all had a wonderful session on Friday night viewing super work from Kordial Multimedia Group from Belgium(also PTE Forum members ) Best wishes Maureen
  11. Merci Maurice. Thank you for sharing your wonderful sequences with us all and also for taking the trouble to put an English translation on your web site. I feel guilty that I have not made a button so that my web sites can be viewed in French. Making the button is easy but the translation work is very long and time consuming. Best wishes Maureen
  12. Actually I do copy photos from the screen often - but they are my own images. Usually to use in demos or to send by e-mail to demonstrate a technique with various arrows and words added in Photoshop if necessary. Useful if someone the other end of the globe is stuck and can't even see which button you are referring to in a piece of software. The world of photography is actually a happy friendly place where lots of information is freely shared. I have great sympathy with those professionals who earn a living from their images and lose money when their work is copied and sold. However I don't think "the trillion times a day worldwide" is a reference to image theft or photo-copying shops would be raided every few seconds by the police. Photo-copying does not necessarily mean "ripping off another person's images". A copy can be made with a photographer's permission - I wonder how many photographers have rushed to get the permission of the original photographer before they take a picture with a poster on a wall in the background? It's all about common sense and keeping things in perspective. Understanding, tolerance and respecting the views (and photography) of others makes the world go round. As I've just seen the first Christmas tree - can I be the first to say ........... Happy Christmas & Peace and Goodwill to all men (and women) Best wishes Maureen
  13. Brilliant ! That is exactly what I need too ! Merci Jean-Claude ! I hope you don't mind but I have added a link to your download on www.digital-av.co.uk which I have been updating today and when I have played with it a little while longer, I will try to do a write up in the AV World magazine. Thank you for all your hard work it is very much appreciated in England (by the Welsh !!) An enthusiastic convert to Sy(P) Best Wishes Maureen
  14. Happy Birthday Igor We all hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy all the messages from all around the world who wish you many more happy birthdays. With very best wishes from Aldbourne in England Maureen
  15. Igor you are a star ! Thank you a million times. These new features are wonderful - I can't wait to try them out. PTE is such a great program and you and your team work so hard to continually improve it - we are all very grateful. Please take some time to rest, relax and celebrate your fantastic achievements ! With very best wishes Maureen
  16. Because I do work between a PC desktop and laptop I always save my PTE files onto my external drive. When I work on my laptop I have to change the external drive name so then all the PTE files will be recognised and work. Have posted all this up previously. see thread here Contact me if you need the steps to change the external drive name on your laptop (ie just to let PTE recognise the location of files) BW Maureen
  17. We have permanent leads set up out of the pre amp (and in to - and each labelled clearly). The leads then go into a portable minidisc, so music from the record, tape etc is stored digitally. Mini disc is then connected into leads which are set up ( and I leave them set up) into computer sound card. Take it into sound editing software........ I use Audition most pf the time.
  18. The problem with your idea Al is that most of the time, the soundtrack is edited, so playing a background track would not work with my sequences unfortunately. For example if I made sequences & just played the background music behind the voice, the quiet parts of the voice-over might also correspond with the loudest parts of the music etc completely destroying any mood I want to create. One of my earliest AVs was about Dolphins and then I had voice, several background tracks and the dolphin sound effects. All had to be edited and inserted in the correct places. This is going back way before wonderful computer editing and it involved lots of counting, maths and notes to get each part in the right place onto a tape recorder and in the right place. It is so much easier now. If I stripped the music out of my AV you would only be seeing half a sequence. Because we do edit the music, that is one of the reasons we are not supposed to give credits for the music on our sequences, according to our UK licence agreements. -that depends how the musician would view us cutting and pasting and changing their original piece ! They might be very unhappy with our version ! Nothing to stop us putting the info about the sequence on the customized start up window tho ! I sometimes do this so an audience can read the background there. This start up window can be easily changed for competition entries or different versions of the show. I am often surprised that this start up window is not used to greater advantage in competitions when the background information about the sequence can be projected up and even maybe written in the language of the hosting country. Normally sequences with a start up image are just started and clicked by the projectionist to make the sequence run immediately. Although it is easy to add text info onto the slides with the object editor, I tend to quickly use Photoshop to create a new slide so I am sure the text will always appear as I want it on any computers.
  19. Have uploaded the background info to my sequence "What Do You see" on my web site at www.digital-av.co.uk Look on pages for Sequences then notes. Maureen
  20. Congratulations and Many Thanks for all your contributions, help, encouragement and friendship. from Sunny Wiltshire - surrounded by fallen leaves ! Love Maureen
  21. Many Thanks Cor and also thanks to Diatoon for such a beautiful prize. I am very pleased and honoured with this award. We held a Digital Day in our village today and Ian came over and surprised me by presenting this to me. He had collected it on my behalf in Holland. BW Maureen
  22. OK Will do a long write up on background etc and post it on the web site very soon. Meanwhile keep diaries free for a new digital AV Competition next April Saturday 9th at Cardiff & Saturday 16th at Aldbourne & Dublin. Aldbourne will have a weekend of digital AV with opportunities for some to come along and just show & share their work if they don't want to enter the competition on the Saturday. More details soon.
  23. Just lit a few more candles for you ! Hope it gets light enough for you soon. Off to get some rest and hope an idea hits me too! Need to do something quickly for a fun sequence to illustrate using sound effects............??
  24. Am also happy to wait for Igor or test your version Granot Many thanks for all you do ! Very much appreceiated ! BW Maureen
  25. I frequently use Photoshop layers to build up my sequences, add slides to the time line with transition points and test effects. Then when viewed decide to make some extra dissolve slides to improve/ create the effect I want to achieve. This then becomes a pain, as I drop new slides into the timeline and have to remember to create the same number of new transition points (and all the other points move along etc ). It is worse if I decide to remove some slides and change with new ones (not always the same number of slides) Your new utility sounds wonderful Granot ! I have done all of the above at various times ! Many Thanks Maureen
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