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Everything posted by Maureen

  1. Hi The Welsh have a language ! It is very different from English but we do sometimes speak English with an accent. The "North Walians" speak some different Welsh words to the "South Walians" but we do blow each other kisses over the mountains and smile & wave at one another ! We even marry folks from other countries ! Ian and I are from South Wales. Ian's wife is from Scotland, and my husband is from England (but he was born in New Delhi) So we are all a very happy friendly International family of friends who enjoy PTE. ........and we are also happy to follow PTE information in English ! It is wonderful that we have so many generous people who will freely share their knowledge, expertise and translating skills so we can all benefit! Thank You all - especially Igor ! BW Maureen
  2. duplicate message - oops!
  3. Currently waiting patiently for Virtual PC 7 to be delivered from Amazon so I can test it on my G4. (delivery estimate 27th Oct - 5 Nov) I was unable to obtain it from PC World. Hoped it would be great news when it arrived - now am a bit woried!
  4. The link to www.avworld.org is now working again. I was sent some corrections and the longer list of acceptances this morning (all now up on the site). I still don't know what "Diatoonprijs" means. But I'm very grateful! Husband Robert thinks it's the prize for the saddest sequence! BW Maureen PS I see Igor will be visiting Hayange, France to judge the next round!
  5. The results from the 3rd International Diaporama Festival at Brabant - Rijen Netherlands 15th & 16th October 2004 are now on the AV World web site. Still a problem accessing it from www.avworld.org so try from my own site at www.maureenalbright.com and click on AV World Magazine BW Maureen
  6. Hi Some people may have problems accessing the site at www.avworld.org at the moment due to maintenance problems beyond my control. Howver this link ( www.avworld.org alternative website link ) should get you there while the work is being carried out. New results & photographs being posted now. Thanks for your patience! Best wishes Maureen PS Awaiting results from Holland - if anyone could e-mail them to me (maureen@maureenalbright.com) ........ I'd be very grateful!
  7. Hi Good to hear such good reports of AV World and its web site . When I get two minutes I'll be up-dating digital-av.co.uk too. So many people have different ways of creating their sequences. As has been said before here, those which are led by the idea or concept usually work better than those which start from a collection of images. But of course its not a rule .......... there are always the exceptions which are little "gems" ! Both UK magazines, AV World and AV News (which is only available to members of the RPS AV Group) have run articles about how some of the top award winning sequences were created. I do think two important points to note if you want to improve is having contact and communication - contact with others to share skills and experience , and communication so you have good feedback about your work ....this may only be the comments from the audience or remarks from more experienced judges. However to really improve - ask about the weaknesses or faults and take note for any future sequences. (Also - don't take offence if you ask for the weak points) Thankfully with digital AV we can exchange our sequences by e-mail and obtain some feedback even if we are alone and away from any local AV groups. For anyone UK based, (or you could travel over for a visit - I know we do see Continental friends there) ........ there are also weekends organised around AV - the "Great Northern" at Wilmslow (Nov 27th/28th) and next Spring we'll have another digital AV weekend again at Aldbourne (April 16th /17th 2005) Hope this helps Maureen
  8. Bart sent me a message which may be of interest to you. I didn't know whether to post it here or as a new topic ? BW Maureen
  9. Ooopppppppssssssss! Sorry Brian! Where can I buy / download it from ! Looking forward to trying it and dusting off the Mac. Ours is a G4 with a Gb of memory but not the Jaguar OS system (9 point something ?) Hope it will work with ours too Thanks Maureen
  10. Hi Brian Have you seen PTE working on a Mac running this software? I've asked in the past but have never found anyone who managed it. Was told previously that Virtual PC slowed everything down too. It has been around a long time. Hope it now works better as we have a Mac here too ! (getting dusty!) BW Maureen
  11. It would be flattering if someone copied our image and then credited us but how would we feel if he/she used our image put a filter on it, left part of it out, turned it into black and white and then credited it as "our picture"? Reason the licence states that we should not credit music is so we are able to edit our soundtracks legally without offending the original author, orchestra, record producer,etc when we shorten it, make parts quieter, add echo ...whatever ! The original composer may be dead but the record producer, performers, musicians etc still need work ! Think I prefer to have my own work exhibited under my own name rather than being lifted and reused. Several years down the line we could see chunks of old AVs being rehashed by others and re"marketed" .................
  12. Hi all The copyright issue is very complex. We pay for a UK licence which allows us to send work as amateurs into the comps. Mechanical Copyright Protection Society This organisation is also linked Internationally (lots of info on the web) ie you have the necessary licence for the organisers to project and "free of rights of ownership" - This means that the organisers are checking you have permission to use everything within your sequence i.e. copy of an old photo from a book etc (so the organisers are covering themselves about permissions etc.) I've asked about posting on the web and as far as our UK licences are concerned it's a big no (at present) - hoping this can be ammended somehow in the future. For those anxiously ticking off days to the next Festival - I've been in "negotiations" (arm twisted very badly!) to run another "super Southern weekend " next April (16th) here in Aldbourne. All will be revealed in due course. Am trying to get it shown in Wales, Ireland, Scotland at the same time - how about offers from across the Pond or even Russia? So you could see lots of D-AVs locally & officially ! Like a massive Eurovision Song Contest for AVs ! I know the Supercircuit is great & very active in Europe (held in the Autumn) This would be a Spring based Festival. Maybe I should start another thread when I have more info for you. Congratulations all round again. Love Maureen
  13. Now that I'm on Broadband (the faster connection) I have been able to download some shows. Unfortunately my life is still on a 24 hour cycle and crammed with 48 hours worth of things to do. Every so often I take time out and view a few of the wonderful sequences from Beechbrook, etc. I really enjoy this time and have seen some great work - my thanks to all who have shared their sequences with me. I do mean to write and comment & say thank you , but then the phone or doorbell goes, another deadline to make .....and another intention has flown quickly out of my batty brain! Thanks to all who share their work, I'm trying to find a solution to uploading some work soon. Sorry about the lack of comments - it does not mean we haven't loved seeing the work ! Thank you & apologies! Best wishes Maureen
  14. Congratulations too Al - you also have a FIAP AV winner's point ! Well done. Will be posting up some pictures from Cirencester soon at www.avworld.com Maureen
  15. We had a great time at the Festival at Cirencester and I have now posted the results on the avworld web site Congratulations to all the winners and also to those who took part. It was good to see so many good entries. I have also posted up the results from the European Supercircuit at Hayange & Nilvange too. Best wishes Maureen
  16. Yes Igor would become a multi millionaire and Weightwatchers would go bust ! Only kidding ! Yes think your suggestion is better Al. Best regards Maureen still battling the bulge..........
  17. I think Igor is a Superman ........ the way he manages to update PTE so fast and gives us everything we wish for! Many Thanks Igor If we are being cosmetic .........please could PTE change me into a size 8 with a super brain too ! I'll be happy with all your new changes Igor, whatever you manage to create for us. My second wish (after above) would be to lock slides to the time line so when I want to delete one slide I don't have to leave the customize synchronization section. Maybe when I click customize slide #slide number, apart from the main, ccmments,effect, music buttons ..........it could also show an option to delete this transition and remove slide from the project - so at the same time you remove the transition you could also remove the slide. Think everyone has come up with some great ideas. Best Regards to all, Maureen
  18. Have you been drinking that 12 year old Bushmills already Alan? Sweet 16 will become No 41 (the vanishing Race) if she gets into No 42 (Deep Water) after No 54 (The Pleasures & Pitfalls) I can see you are No 90 (Under the influence) of No 09 (Liquid Gold) so take No 05 (Tea for the British) or you'll end up No 46 (In a Bad Shape) and having to go for No 72 (The Cure)! Better finish and maintain No 11 (Solitary Silence) BW Maureen PS Good Luck ! Pick up the bottle (if it's not empty! ) at Shannon ! see list of entries
  19. Advice above is very good. Quick reply - hope this helps........ Lots of Photoshop Tutorials here including some about creating text layers, working with type etc. Useful for title pages. Have a look and play with the effects. Alan's suggestion is excellent -eg write words on sandy beach, in dust (not in my house I hope ) Try unusual fonts (but in Image editing software not for PTE object editor!) Sorry not much time to write more. Best wishes Maureen hope this doesn't appear twice - error when submitted the first time!
  20. Hoping you will soon find a new day dawns when all your problems are over and both Cindy and your mother are both fit and well again. I am sure you will also find a new job with all your excellent skills. Meanwhile we are all thinking about you and look forward to your return to the forum. Thank you for all the time and hard work you have spent trying to help us all with your MMM site. Take care and join us again when you can. Very best wishes to you all Maureen
  21. Have been toying with the idea of posting it up minus the first few minutes introduction (which has the music and therefore the copyright problems ) So you would see some of my work (now that I have at last got the Broadband fast connection!) Oh course you might not wish to ! It is a pity to "cannibalise" the sequence but some might think it is stronger without the introduction ! The British organisations who provide amateurs with the licences here are very strict about where the work can be shown and I was told that posting it on a web site was not allowed. The M.C.P.S. (Mechanical Copyright Protection Society) also employ people to make checks (copyright police!) and I can't affford their large fines ! Will let you know if I manage to post it up somewhere!. Best wishes Maureen
  22. Hi Alan Don't know about food parcels and blankets but Irish whiskey would be nice ! Just to let everyone know that the full programme for the 16th International AV Festival at Cirencester is now available at ...........www.avworld.org Good Luck everyone - especially number 79 ! Hope to meet lots of Forum members there. Best wishes Maureen
  23. http://www.acoustic-energy.co.uk/aego2/ Contact: Write to: 16 Bridge Road Cirencester Gloucestershire GL7 1NJ Telephone: +44(0)1285 654432 Fax: +44(0)1285 654430 E-mail: info@acoustic-energy.co.uk They come in black or white and are still available priced £75 now - perfect condition. Anyone going to the RPS AV Internationals - the company is nearby, but they also have a courier service. Recently had someone from "up North" asking about them. No I don't work for them! Bought some several years ago (they were originally £300) and they have been excellent. Hope this helps. Best wishes Maureen
  24. Hi Bart asked me to post a message, as he has again had to visit his sick mother. While he's away the site is locked down (to avoid hackers). So some people may have had problems accessing it at the moment. He's busy working on developing it further and it will certainly be worth a visit when he returns. I'm sure you join me in wishing Bart well and hope his mother improves soon. Look forward to visiting his site soon. Best wishes Maureen
  25. Hi Aldi have a "star buy" for laptops this week, if you are near their stores (or see their web site www.aldi.com) - they get sold out very fast as the offers are so good. Many of my friends have also bought them & had no problems. Several friends have also bought this week's model too. I have been using their last edition (Gericon) with great success and highly recommend their equipment. I use the Aldi laptop to project at demonstrations, festivals and Competitions and it coped very well with the "Mad World" sequence, which is a massive test for even the most modern PCs. Not so concerned about the screen, as you can plug a monitor in and I use a digital projector to show. (Aldi laptops have very large 15 inch screens anyway) Graphics cards are also 128mb & have had some PTE sequences to show, which really needed that ability. Hope this helps. BW Maureen
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