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Everything posted by Maureen

  1. Peter put in an extra f.......check out http://www.anderle.info/images/povezave/stumfl.swf Stumfl is an European system of projection. Their software is "Wings Platinum " - quite expensive Looking forward to seeing all those new sequences at the GR Peter. Maureen
  2. Bart's site is working fine. click here to access A Superb site - well done Bart ! Are all the new "third image" sequences going to be on the Cottage site or Bart's ? BW Maureen
  3. Hi Ralvis Mad World contains 3,260 something images Sorry I added an extra nought! Showed it in Wales on Tuesday & will take it to Wantage Ian - so long as the snow keeps away!
  4. Sorry it's not my sequence .........only quoting what they told me. Will check it out again next week with them. Great sequence though! Wish it could go on the web but 330 MBs........ Maureen
  5. Ian - Yes I will bring it along. (PS Will we having advance birthday cake on Friday....???? Got to watch my figure so I'll give up the salad ready for it ) Mel & Mark are going to bring it along, show it & talk about it at next RPS Wessex day on April 17th too. Tickets will be available at the door (but advance notice appreciated if possible) Showing Australian AV exchange sequences after AGM at Waves on Saturday and Llanelli DAVE on Tuesday (off to the green, green grass of home ) ....it's a very busy digital AV week ahead, or should I say month. with GR at the end and Ian in Ireland (some people will do anything .. or go anywhere ..... to avoid sitting through 82 sequences Peter) Alan I will be giving Ian a special parcel for the Irish (no not potatoes or rugby tuition CDs!) Ken You are a STAR***** Maureen
  6. I'll bring a very comfy cushion Peter Oh and a napkin and plate for the Irish food parcel! Congratulations on the win today by the way! I saw a very exciting new PTE sequence on Thursday evening it is 7 minutes long with over 30,ooo images .It's 330 MB and needs a PC with over 3MB processor, lots of ram and fast graphics card. Called "Mad World" It played perfectly on Thursday night (but did not win our competition). Not something you'd put up on the web ! Hoping I can persuade the authors to enter it in the Internationals next September so more people can see it. Robert and I were very impressed with it. We''ll see what others think ! Looking forward to visiting the Geoffrey Round Comp and meeting other PTE users & even traditional slide/sound AV workers too.
  7. Hi Alan Have our annual AV comp tomorrow, someone bending my ear for an entry to the GR comp, one for East Anglia and doing an evening of my work in my hometown next Wednesday so my "third image" shots are all busily being slotted into new sequences - plus my computer is showing 9kb/sec so doing very little downloading or uploading apart from trying to sort out all my glitches in web sites. Will be an honest unbiased "judge" of the results. Anyone from the US who wants to enter the GR comp - I have a Paypal account so could forward the money to Peter (after buying my Lottery tickets - only kidding!) Looking forward to seeing all these 79 ++++ entries - just hope the chairs are comfortable but not too comfy or I'll fall asleep..........
  8. Hi Alan & others There's an RPS Distinctions Day on the Friday evening - shame I'm not nearer to " coax " you" ! It's not too late to enter either! You'll have a good day with Ian when he comes over too. Love to all across the Welsh Water / Irish Sea Maureen
  9. Happy Saint David's Day ! the Welsh equivalent of July 4th ! I can see I'll have to make a sequence about it one day ! Thanks for the recipe for cawl Al http://www.wales-calling.com/culture/st-david.htm St David of Wales or Dewi Sant, was a saint of the Celtic Church. . . . David became the Abbot of St David's and died on 1st March 589. A.D. . . . " Therefore, Mar 1st = St Davids Day. ..........and the Welsh celebrate ! cawl = traditional welsh broth with Welsh lamb and lots of vegetables especially leeks! It's our annual Camera Club AV competition on Thursday so nose to the grindstone this week. It's a sequence about Old Age. Hope I get feed back from lots in the audience, the wonderful thing about digital AV is sometimes a comment from another will pinpoint something you didn't see in your own sequence as you are so busy working on it. If you agree with their comment, it is much easier to alter something digitally than it was years ago with slide tape. You can now keep both the before and after sequences to check you prefer any changes. I think feedback is important but personally I prefer not to be rated. (I'd be bottom anyway! ) and I'd feel like I was in a competitive race. I prefer to stop and smell the roses than gallop ahead Back to the cawl cooking and searching for Welsh whisky. Love Maureen
  10. Hi Granot Enjoyed your slides and also many thanks for all your hard work with all your programs to help us. I would like to download / order the Swish software but forgotten the link. (will do a Google search for it) I have managed to place a piece of music running on my www.digital-av.co.uk web site and I was wondering could I leave the music / sound running in a loop while the slides dissolved below on the web site? It obviously couldn't be tied to a time line but just playing background music (copyright free & a tiny .mid file ). I have tried using Anfy applelets to dissolve images on the web but was told Flash is very difficult to learn Many thanks Maureen
  11. Totally agree with ContaxMan. I have a very very slow connection so download smaller files only, and then sometimes have to sit up half the night! Can understand how some people would like feedback & it also might discourage others. Even judges can rate a sequence higher some evenings than others - depends how comfortable their seat is (only kidding) but different halls, sound etc give a sequence a very different "feel" in competitions & camera clubs etc. Casting aside our differences in what we enjoy, our monitors etc will also give us all different views. Main reason to enter competitions etc is to gain some feedback (often the best comes from audience members who will give you an honest reply & sometimes good advice). It's all about sharing your work and how much you want to change / improve what you do. But ContaxMan summed it all up very well. Very busy at the moment so better get back to my "work". Wishing everyone and especially all Welsh members here a very happy Saint David's Day tomorrow! We'll be celebrating wearing our daffodils, eating leeks , and drinking cawl along with something stronger I expect. Best wishes Maureen
  12. Maybe if all the information about the competition taking place on Bart's site were actually placed on Bart's Forum he and others there would know what was happening! Still think it's weird to keep jumping between the two Forums to find what to do ! Think Bart's doing a brilliant job - well done and thanks. Not to mention thanks to Igor here! Best Wishes Maureen
  13. Ian's article on "the myth of 72dpi" is also still up on the AVWorld web site see previous articles pages. Hope everyone is sending sequences in to Peter Coles for the Geoffrey Round digital AV comp! Great place to see superb dissolves and new sequences from lots of countries. BW Maureen
  14. Hi jacksno8 Suggest you look back at PTE forum pages .......... copyright search http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...&f=2&t=1297&hl= http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...ct=ST&f=2&t=299 The IAC site http://www.theiac.org.uk/central/copyright2003.html U S Copyright http://www.mcps.co.uk/medialicensing/ http://www.editor.net/bcc/index.htm Current fines are around £2000 PLUS costs. Yes some have been caught & fined. Recently I was given some information that a professional licence costs about £17 for about 100 copies, but have not found any evidence to back this up. Hope this helps BW Maureen
  15. Many thanks Igor! Sounds wonderful - I look forward to using this very soon. Hope you received the CDs OK? Best wishes Maureen
  16. Hi Barry What size are his images? Saw someone last week who was talking about a "bug" in PTE But when I queried it & got him to check, some of his images were over 300kb and these were causing problems. I always advise keeping images under 200kb - although now processors can cope with under 300kb. When he resized the larger images all worked fine. Just a thought. Love to you both Maureen
  17. Hi Ray Many thanks for letting me know about the dud links. Will fix them later or early tomorrow (getting a reputation as a vampire with all my late nights). Peter has sent me some new articles to upload too. You certainly don't have to be there in person - but always nice to meet other friendly AV workers, apart from seeing the huge range of sequences. Several years ago it seemed most British sequences were documentary. These days there is a tremendous range of topics and styles. Look forward to seeing your sequences. There will be another big International Festival at Cirencester in September links at www.avworld.org soon Will try to add a Paypal button on the AV World site so people could pay & send in their sequences, or subscribe. Thanks for your help Best wishes Maureen
  18. I have now updated the AV World web site with all the details of the 2004 International Digital AV Competition. Hope lots will send in sequences to share with us & come along to meet up & see the variety of work. It is based at Haworth in Yorkshire which is a very pretty place & lots to see & do if you fancy a holiday in that area any time. Look at the pictures & try to see the accomodation links etc See http://www.avworld.org and please let me know if the links don't work ! Anyone any advice about adding a Paypal link please? I'm not professional! BW Maureen
  19. Just posted up info on sound editing on another thread. (forgotten the name!) Basically I've posted links to sound tutorials at http://www.digital-av.co.uk look on Sound Sense page. I personally use Adobe Audition (previously Cool Edit Pro ) put music tracks & or voice onto tracks in multi track mode and use the volume sliders to mix & or shorten. You can do lots of things, split, etc to edit the soundtrack to exactly how you want it. This is a very rough write up here as it is a whole subject in itself. Best way to learn is play with it and make notes of what you do ! - I used to create a soundtrack and then a few months later have to "relearn" as I had forgotten how I did it all. If you get stuck post a message here or as I S said e-mail us - everyone is very helpful. BW Maureen
  20. Hi Ron I've got Audition and find that works on some computers but not always. (Don't know why?) Usually haven't the time to sit down and logically work out why, but sometimes it won't show the music files on the CD - must try it again one rare day when I've a moment to spare & see why it doesn't always work.My Laptop wouldn't show the Nero facility at a demo which we assumed was because it doesn't have a writeable CD attached (?) - I usually do all my sound work on my main home computer. Feeling better Thanks Love Maureen
  21. I do feel split completely down the middle on this aspect which Fred pointed out. Personally I feel that the ability to retrieve the lost PTE data (i.e reversing what Igor has written into the software) should come from Igor & PTE. Maybe I think I would like to see this utility removed from Boxig's list (Jury is still out though!) BUT ..... Anyone who has lost their files, contacts PTE - who could forward the request directly to Boxig. He could then take some of their details and ask for a donation / fee Unfortunately this makes extra work for PTE & Boxig...... It won't stop those who really are out to collect others images but some professionals may feel a little secure & happier. Many thanks to Boxig and others for producing all these wonderful utilities. Hope this encourages others to go to his site and use them Don't forget the donation button Folks! BW Maureen
  22. Hi Dave I usually use either Nero Express to import sound files from CDs (ie more button at bottom /extended settings / save to hard drive) This gives me a very easy way to save mp3 directly. Or I input via the sound card using Cool Edit software previously (but now that is called Adobe Audition), or you can download Audigy free from the web. Then I can use LPs, tape, microphones, minidisc etc . This method of using sound editing software then lets me play and mix the sound including removing hiss etc which I prefer to do. Bit like whether you take images and just resize them to use or prefer to tweak them with Photoshop, etc. Welcome to the PTE Forum, you will find lots of people here to help you. I've got a site at http://www.digital-av.co.uk which a resource for all aspects of digital AV (easier to put it on the website so I can point people there when they ring or e-mail for help - I can never remember the urls etc. There is also a magazine specifically produced in UK for AV workers called AV World. The editor Peter is also a prolific PTE user (won top awards!) and a member of this Forum. I produce a web site for AV World too at http://www.avworld.org The magazine has articles on sound aspects as well as photography and information about meetings & seminars for AV workers. Article in next issue on Audigy I believe http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ Audacity is a free audio editor. You can record sounds, play sounds, import and export WAV, AIFF, and MP3 files, and more. Use it to edit your sounds using Cut, Copy and Paste (with unlimited Undo), mix tracks together, or apply effects to your recordings. It also has a built-in amplitude envelope editor, a customizable spectrogram mode and a frequency analysis window for audio analysis applications. Built-in effects include Bass Boost, Wahwah, and Noise Removal, and it also supports VST plug-in effects. http://www.digital-av.co.uk - look for sound sense page Some links did not work but I need to know which ones - have been updating & working on updating the whole site soon. Also on the Sound Sense page you will find some links to sound tutorials eg COOLEDIT Some time since I put them up so links need checking again now. Sorry I don't use Windows media player, as like you I became unstuck with it many moons ago & just found the way I was pointed so easy (Thanks IAN !) Hope this helps. Best wishes Maureen
  23. Hi Peter Welcome to the PTE Forum! I have had some computer problems in last few days & am currently sorting it out, so hopefully all will be there very soon! Guessing that the link to the entry fiche is the "weak link". Sending this on my old computer & the website is on the new one (which is currently copying a DVD - like watching paint dry!). When the other computer is free I'll check the links again. The AV World site loads OK (I think) but I have to ammend some of the details of the competition venue. (six hands and twelve computers would be nice!) - I just have the important bit - a patient husband! Will ask Gerard to double check my french ammendments - don't want to give them the wrong information. Love to all Maureen
  24. Hi everyone, I've had lots of Internet problems (cleared my cache & history & all settings went haywire on me!) I wasn't sure if I was having problems with Bart's site or just my computer. All seems to be almost sorted here now and Bart's site is up and running brilliantly - well done Bart. Thought I would suggest ........ that all discussion about the image sizes, and what is going to be happening on Bart's site would be better typed up on Bart's site now it is running perfectly? Otherwise some people who use both Forums would know what was happening but have to keep going back & forth between the two Forums (?) and newcomers to Bart's site would be "in the dark" and need to pop over here. Just a thought ? Sometimes very long threads benefit also from a new topic title. I find it hard to reread something about (e.g. gallery images ) if it is buried with lots of other things in long thread about eg the third image. This usually happens to me when some has mentioned a piece of software or a link and then I can't remember where I'd seen it (as it often doesn't have much connection with the title of the thread). Perhaps I'm the only one who tries to look back in this way. (?) Hope no one thinks this is a crititism, none intended. We used to have very very long threads in the early days and Igor worked hard to rethink the divisons & keep the topics easy to spot. Thanks Igor! Can't be many with his patience and tolerance, not to mention talent and dedication. Bw to all Maureen PS posting a new thread about the digital comp (as my web sites got "tangled up" too!)
  25. Hope you're not refering to the state of my little brain cell Alan! Ron - I am very impressed. I used to love Corel -got me started, then there was the BBC .........waiting for the tape to load and play........ Happy days! Now I get impatient if I can't find the news - must need new glasses (or brain) Ah well, all keeps me from the housework. BW Maureen
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