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Everything posted by Maureen

  1. Thank you to all the Team. I look forward to using them Igor as I create so many menu pages using this option. You can import invisible buttons using the add image Ron over your background. If you made the buttons transparent in 4.0 objects editor, I always had the rectangular line showing. So I didn't use them over buttons previously as I felt it was "killing two birds with the same stone" I didn't see the point in putting invisible buttons over existing buttons. Maybe I am missing something ? It's a while since I used them, as I got into the invisible routine for so long. I think you will be able to reduce the opacity of these new buttons. Can't wait to do some new menus with 5#9. Love Maureen
  2. Hi Sharon Have had Internet problems today so couldn't reply earlier. By all means contact me and I'll try to help you. Talk to you soon. BW Maureen
  3. Welcome foto1 You asked about invisable buttons ......... I wrote something for a magazine article a while back............. Sorry I haven't yet transfered everything from my old site to the new one and this article is still on the old site for www.digital-av.co.uk but the old files are here Hope this helps if it is what you have in mind. BW Maureen
  4. We welcome everyone Leonard and we are all human! We make errors of judgement and because we are intelligent enough to realise our mistakes we learn from them. This is one of the most welcoming and friendliest Forums in the World. You are still very welcome and now you have as you say surely it is time to relax and enjoy being creative with new work? You may find in time you prefer the human contact to pdf files Hope to see you soon at meetings in Bath I promise not to bite ! Best wishes Maureen
  5. Hi Leonard I contacted you personally to help you, I told you about the four groups who all meet within an hour of your home. When I last heard from you, you were going to attend some of the meetings. Guess you wanted a chauffeur and individual tuition too as you didn't attend any! Since we exchanged e-mails I've held or attended four meetings in your area, including a very detailed and informative workshop on PTE 5. We who live in this area are extremely fortunate that we do have so many active demonstrations of PTE and all its new features. We have many people who are using and happily exchanging information & ideas about PTE within a short distance of one another while others are prepared to drive for hours to attend the meetings we have available. Many PTE users in other areas live many miles from any other Group and rely on this excellent Forum to help one another. However instead of the personal touch you Leonard apparently prefer paperwork. or rather pdf files. If you want to really learn and grow beyond classing yourself as "a novice", you would be better meeting others who will willingly help you. The next AV Group meeting in your area is at Trowbridge – not very far from Bath - when WAVES will be holding a meeting on Saturday February 10th – More info here The next day there will be a meeting around the corner from you, at the RPS HQ (map of venue on the RPS Western region web site here ) when Ian Bateman FRPS will be doing a lecture on digital AV - he's the UK's top digital AV specialist so I would highly recommend you go along. 11 February - AV by Ian Bateman FRPS Then a week later there's the only UK hosting of the 321 International Digital AV Competition at Aldbourne – only 45 minutes away from you, A great chance to view top quality work from all over the world and all the sequences will be under 3minutes 21 seconds. What better opportunity to mix with other PTE users and learn AV techniques. But you are truly obsessed with pdf files. You seem under the impression that Pictures to Exe has never supplied such a thing. Well prior to the very rapid upgrades we have been having free from Igor and his team, as they worked steadily to develop all the new stages leading up to PTE 5, there was a very comprehensive help file, which did include a manual. I only ever saw one person who had gone to all the trouble to print it all off and it was very long and extremely comprehensive. Given the speed with which PTE was upgraded this help file soon needed to be constantly changed and so that aspect of the programme was left while the team concentrated on what the users requested. This is the only software programme I know of, whose development has been led by what the users ask for (and receive). Maybe if you had placed a polite request for a new pdf manual in "the wish list" you would be looking forward to reading it when the next full version is released. Following your request for this "manual" I will search through all my old copies of the many versions of PTE I have saved and send these help files to you so that you can spend the next few months happily printing them off. I am sure that the vast majority of PTE beginners find it easier to learn by trying out the features which Igor and his team have always strived to make so easy and user friendly. I will also send you the six tutorial files which Wnsoft supplied, ……March 25, 2005 …….. New official tutorial for PicturesToExe is available now. Overall size of 6 lessons is 7 MB. - Your First Slide Show - Working With Comments - Visual Editor Of Objects - Use Of Music: Basic Level - Secrets Of Synchronization - DVD-Video Conversion You may like to also receive these pdf files ………… Getting Started with PTE v4.48 by Roger Walton Timeline Functions by JW Evans Producing a Title Sequence But I know you hate links so I will send them to you soon. As a novice you may of course wish to receive some sound tuitorials for novices too : Not forgetting the many image editing tuitorials for novices to help improve or process digital photographs. I think I had better start sending you the e-mails now - you have a very busy time ahead…………………….. As a beginner to AV …… …. your quote to Sharon, although I am intrigued how you can refer to yourself as a novice at 4.28 on January 29th and by 8.30pm on January 30th you quote …..and you are suddenly Quote … Sorry there is absolutely NO WAY you could do that, unless you suddenly developed amnesia and wiped clean 20 years of computer/ software knowledge. All you have demonstrated to us is as you yourself said, an ability to be .. Your comments about ……… This shows your complete lack of knowledge about PTE and even worse a negative attitude to learning about the programme and its history. As I stated earlier documentation did exist and I will send it to you ! We obviously do not purchase the same software products Leonard as I either find my new software arrives with a thick manual which sits gathering dust on the shelf , or a flimsy piece of paper or even none at all. I am sorry but documentation in my world means hard copy - solid manuals not pdf files and my bookshelves are full of unopened copies of these manuals. So stop playing silly games, you are too long in the tooth to revert or pretend to be to an inexperienced newbie! All you have succeeded in doing is showing your own lack of common courtesy and good manners Leonard. Please stop wasting the time of the Forum members, they are prepared to help those who need it. Maureen
  6. Hi Sharon Welcome to the Forum ! You'll be amazed at how versatile Pictures to Exe is and the range of help and advice you will find here. With regards to Leonard's remarks I've decided to answer them elsewhere as this is a thread to help you get started in PTE rather than let Leonard feed you incorrect information here. We're all willing to help whenever you need it and however silly and basic the problem is. We've all been beginners at some time and I would say that the vast majority of people learn by having a go and making mistakes. We remember those hiccups and hopefully don't keep making the same ones again! Good Luck with your slideshow. Hope your sister-in-law enjoys it ! Best wishes Maureen Hi Keith – what happened to that "Beginners Guide" you had at Wilmslow ! Stop hiding under a bushel and tell everyone about it ! Catch up with sometime soon…. Wilmslow Guild – distinctions day in April? Love Maureen
  7. I like this option best Igor. Thank You for all your hard work Best wishes to you and the team, Maureen
  8. Delighted to hear the news so far is good Lin. Keep resting until the all clear is 100% from the Doc. Put more water in your whisky or it'll be pink elephants next time ......... now there's a thought for the next floating AV ! ...... wonder if anyone can turn their snowflakes into pink elephants ? Thanks for all you do for us Lin, make sure you put your health and family first, then the templates Love Maureen
  9. Beautiful effect and stunning images. I am currently creating a new sequence which I wanted to use a photograph album so I eagerly await the template from you and Dom. Many thanks to you both for sharing this information with us. I have already tried your cube template in my new work, still lots to do with it though. Thank you once again Merci JPD Bel effet et images renversantes. Je crée actuellement un nouvel ordre que j'ai voulu pour employer un album de photographie ainsi j'attends ardemment le calibre de toi et de Dom. Beaucoup de mercis à toi tous les deux de partager cette information avec nous. J'ai déjà essayé votre calibre de cube dans mon nouveau travail, sorts immobiles pour faire avec lui cependant. Désolé mon Français est ainsi les pauvres mais moi devons essayer de pratiquer et assister alors à un festival français de Diaporama encore Maureen
  10. Hi Bill I also do routine checks and go there regularly. Many Thanks for all you do for us. Hope you're getting lots of donations to help with all the costs. Hope one day we'll meet up in UK
  11. Hi Lin So sorry to hear of your eye problems. Hope that with rest and relaxation they clear up quickly and you'll be good as gold! or sparkly as snow Meanwhile a huge THANK YOU for all your hard work with help and tutorials. Take it easy and get well soon. Love Maureen & Robert
  12. Igor Please do not remove this show duration button I use it frequently as I often have a number of different timings on the same piece of music and if I want to do a quick demo I can double check I've chosen the correct short piece of music. So useful if I'm working infront of a large audience. BW Maureen
  13. Lovely effect, very relaxing too. Many Thanks Igor.
  14. Thanks Dom All work OK now.
  15. Try this link for Reflet : http://photofiltre.free.fr/download_en.htm It is half way down under My Other Utilities Although the link goes to the CoolRuler site, there is no longer anywhere to click to download this utility. Thanks for all the helpful items on your site Dom - Well Done ! Hope this helps.
  16. Sut Mae Ron ? Dal ati!, You been talking strange after the Birthday crwr? How was the birthday celebrations ? Are you coming along to Swansea DI Meeting on January 27th? http://www.southwales-dig.rps.org/ Going back to my own afternoon Zzzzzzzzzzzz sss now Dymuniadau gorau, Maureen
  17. Notes to create icons with Photoshop are here - http://www.maureenalbright.com/digital-av/...s-photoshop.htm Also view - http://www.maureenalbright.com/digital-av/...av-az-notes.htm icon-maker information Good tutorial for favicons here : http://www.biorust.com/tutorials/detail/136/en/ Software to buy - http://www.axialis.com/iconworkshop/index.html I must get all the old information transfered to new site soon. Hope this helps.
  18. Oops ...... caught me napping there Ken as I still have to transfer the old sound section onto the new site so apologies to anyone who has looked already! Literally have to dash out to shop for a meal I'm cooking this evening to entertain many fellow AV friends. Will answer and put info on web site when all are asleep Hi to Den! Will try to help you later. Hi to KSF too... SorryKeith haven't had a chance to ring you - hectic here as usual.
  19. Penblwydd Hapus Ron ! Shw mae? Hope you enjoyed a good night out tonight. Keep off the cwrw or you'll have a headache ! Dal ati!, Are you coming along to Swansea On January 27th? http://www.southwales-dig.rps.org/ Dymuniadau gorau, Maureen
  20. Welcome Nickolas We wish you many happy hours working with PTE in 2007. Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year too, Best wishes Maureen
  21. Nadolig Llawen ac Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chwi'n gyd
  22. Hi John Happy Christmas! Yes save your project as a template and you can move it around. There are three file formats when you save with PTE ..... pte file is when you save your project and the files (previously) had to stay exactly where you first used them. exe files are the finished executeable file which can then be moved to view the show on other computers (but not Macs) and these cannot be edited and revamped. Then we have pt files which are the template files & initially saved by default to the PTE program folder but you can change the location of this folder if you go to file/Templates/ manage templates/ choose the location you wish to use. Save your working version of your slideshow as File/ Templates/create template from this show/ When I have saved my templates I usually make a spare copy of this folder in another location, which is the one I use to then put a working version onto a pen drive to edit the working sequence on my laptop or wherever. Hope this is clear enough and helps. BW Maureen
  23. Many Thanks Lin for this and all your other helpful tutorials. As we have no snow here in Aldbourne, I'll try my best to create some later. Good clean snow with no hard work to clear it away from the driveway! Wishing you and your family a very Happy Christmas
  24. Merci JPD Votre Diaporama était très belle. Avec les meilleurs voeux pour Noël très heureux Thank you JPD, Your show was very beautiful. With Best Wishes for a very Happy Christmas Maureen
  25. Wishing Igor and all the PTE Team, Forum friends and all PTE members, a very Happy Christmas and a Healthy, Prosperous and Fun filled New Year With Love and Best Wishes, Maureen and Robert
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