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    Creating and improving slideshows for my club and friends. . . and for me if I have time again (with PTE of course).

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  1. "The Night of the Hunter" (1920x1080 pixels). http://users.skynet.be/atnh/EH_RG_The-Night-of-the-Hunter.zip I created this slide show in 2009 by continuously zooming in the Orion constellation (The Hunter of the Greek mythology). - High quality pictures allowed of Robert Gendler, R Jay GaBany and the NASA (Hubble and Spitzer). - Original music, specially created for this slide show by the young talented French composer David Gay-Perret. You can find his musics on Jamendo : http://www.jamendo.com/en/artist/340947/david-gay-perret And "The Night of the Hunter" here (In French : "La Nuit du Chasseur") : http://www.jamendo.com/en/list/a66833/la-nuit-du-chasseur The major difficulty was the perfect positioning of more and more detailed successive pictures. Because the slightest gap of one or two pixels is immediately noticeable. The power of the zoom and the high accuracy in the positioning of PTE (in "Low quality of resizing") allowed the creation of this slideshow. Etienne
  2. J'ai réalisé mon premier diaporama digital en 2006 avec un logiciel concurrent. En deux ans, j'en ai créé 37 pour les membres de mon Photo Club. Je n'étais pas satisfait de la fluidité des montages. Puis j'ai testé et acheté le PTE. La qualité des transitions et mouvements était parfaite ! De 2008 à la fin janvier 2012 , j'ai réalisé entièrement ou participé (pendant de nombreuses heures) à l'amélioration de diaporamas, pour mon Photo Club, des membres de forums français (dont Diapositif.net dédié au PTE) et autres amis, à exactement 63 diaporamas en PTE. J'ai donc participé au total à l'élaboration complète ou partielle de 100 montages depuis 2006. J'utilise le PTE de 4 à 11 heures par jour. C'est est un bon outil, simple et très puissant. Cependant je regrette l'absence de plusieurs fonctions qui nous faciliteraient énormément le travail dans la fenêtre des Objets et Animations (et me feraient gagner beaucoup de temps). J'espère pour une des prochaines versions du PTE qu'Igor et son équipe dirigeront en priorité leurs efforts afin de faciliter à leurs usagers intensifs la réalisation de diaporamas de grande qualité. Etienne (Belgique) I realized my first digital slide show in 2006 with a rival software. In two years, I created 37 for the members of my Photo Club. I was not satisfied by the transitions and movements (jerk). Then I tested and bought the PTE. The quality of the transitions and the movements was completed! Of 2008 at the end of January, 2012, I realized completely or participated (during many hours) in the improvement of slide shows, for my Photo Club, members of French forums (as Diapositif.net dedicated to the PTE) and the other friends, exactly 63 slide shows in PTE. I participated thus all in the complete or partial elaboration of 100 slide show since 2006. I use the PTE from 4 to 11 hours a day. It is is a good tool, simple and very powerful. However I miss several functions which would facilitate us enormously the work in the window of Objects and Animations (and would make me win a lot of time). I hope for one of the next versions of the PTE which Igor and his team will manage first and foremost their efforts to facilitate to their extensive users the realization of high-quality slide shows. Etienne (Belgium) (Sorry for my bad English)
  3. A very good suggestion ! We are excited to have this function!
  4. Yes, I agree too. It would be very helpful to have separate actions by default. For me it's a first step because... The best for us (the 10 hours - or more - by days of PTE's users) would be able to select some control points and give at this selection the desired animation ! This would solve many problems and frustrations encountered in the preparation of slides show. (We'll talk later). PS: the PTE for me is not a toy but a tool!
  5. This time it's OK. Thank you Igor !
  6. Sorry Igor, At this address I found only the beta 9 of 06-29-10 and not a new version 10.
  7. Congratulations dear Jean-Cyprien, You are incredible ! What is your next challenge ? The Eiffel tower in 3D ?!!!
  8. Etienne


    Jean-Pierre was entirely devoted to his French PTE forum "Diapositif.net" and to the improvement of PTE, despite the illness which weakened him day by day. He was an extraordinary friend. Igor and his team know how hard he worked with them to improve PTE. We have lost a great friend who was very precious from many points of view. I present my condolences to his family.
  9. I have communicated the information to members of my club. One of them just answer me this : I noticed this problem on my new P.C. (Windows7 64-bit). At first glance, the PTE version 6.02 improves the operation of the program (including scrolling control time on the timeline).
  10. Hello Igor, What do you mean by "Insert Blanc Slide" feature ? What is a "Blanc Slide" ? ("Blanc" is a French word to say "white").
  11. Very beautiful country. The curved text at the end, is it the same technique as for the earth ?
  12. Congratulations for the work of Igor, the whole team and the Beta testers (from all countries) ! The 6.0 opens many doors !
  13. Congratulations to Jean-Pierre and Jean-Cyprien for their excellent work explaining the desire of moving the point of view. It is a function of interest which will be an indispensable complement to the proper use of 3D features that allow the new version 6. 0. I too hope that moving the point of view will be added in future versions.
  14. has not set their status

  15. Hello everyone.

    Allow me to join you because I am particularly interested in the evolution of the PTE.

    My English is very limited. So be indulgent.

    The most important thing is to be understood...

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