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john gabriel

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  1. Hi Peter Thanks very much for you reply, I have since fixed the problem. i had left the auto spread slides along music box checked as well as the synchronize music and slide check box ticked. So AS I had manually synced the beat of the music to the slide. the pte's auto sync function was working against my manual input , hope you can understand as I don't think i have explained it very well. Anyway, I find this an awesome program, of which I have barely scratched the surface of when it comes to doing great things. However i will keep chipping away best I can, and maybe one day I'll be good enough to help someone new, as you have. Today. Thanks again John
  2. Hi guys. Have been working on a slide show for the last 2 weeks. taken me for ever as I am trying learn the software as i go. Was really happy with the Playback review ( small window display on right) But When I preview it full screen with the preview icon ( bottom left ) the sound and images are out of sync. I am using pte ver 7 delux. Can anyone please tell me what I have done wrong. when i publish as a Exe. File it still comes out wrong. But like i said in the small preview window that i use for editing audio and images are perfectly in sync. Do I have some vital settings or configuration wrong somewhere ( i guess I must have.) Any help at all would be so much appreciated . Cheers John
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