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  1. OK thanks wasn't aware of that
  2. which is not at all creating to me what this means. Should have been which is not at all clear to me what this means.
  3. I have now solved the issue, but what the problem was as follows, I have the Mac version of AVStudio and I needed to create an .exe version to play on a windows PC so I used the "safe Executable for PC" and this creates a zip file, When unzipped it reveals 2 files, an .exe of about 14mb and a pteav file of the size according to the AV content. I thought that the .exe file was to play on a windows PC and the .pteav file was for a Mac. I have since discovered that BOTH the .exe AND the .pteav files must be in the same folder in order to run on a win PC, I was just trying to run the .exe file without access to the .pteav so my problem solved. Just a suggestion though that this is not made known when publishing the AV so a few words to that effect in the 'Publish' panel would be of help, what it says now is "Exe file in zip with a digital signature" which is not at all creating to me what this means. Hope this is clear to you
  4. I have trouble with the exe files playing on Windows from slide shows created in my Mac version of AV studio, version 10.5.3 AVstudio creates exe zip files and when I unzip I get an exe file and the mac version pteav, this generally plays fine on my Mac but the exe file is hit and miss in Windows, (mainly miss) Can anyone throw any light on this?
  5. Any news on the release of the Mac beta version?
  6. Thanks, look forward to it
  7. Just picked up on this topic, Just installed crossover and the latest trial version of P2E (27th Jan 2019). All seems to work OK except the P2E app file for Mac will not run on my Mac. Error message says cannot read the file. Created a mp4 video and runs OK. I cannot test a win .exe file as I do not have a windows machine. Any ideas?
  8. I find this a pleasant show without being stunning. The pan and zooms are subtle, perhaps just too subtle for some slides where it is almost but not quite static, but I don't find them intrusive. Well done John
  9. Been away for a while, so thanks for all the feedback. Ideally I should add the border when preparing the image in PS, but will have a go at both methods mentioned here. Thanks John
  10. Maybe a bit late but what I would try is to divide the number of slides into the music duration, viz 232 seconds/63 slides = 3secs and 683milli secs. then set the slide duration for this part of the show at this 3.682 secs, you can then make fine adjustments by dragging a few slides to match. You can then repeat for other sections. John
  11. Just recently started to use V6, Thought I'd try and add borders. I seems to me that borders have to be added to individual slides, with no option to add to ALL slides, is this correct or am I missing something. John
  12. Great show, super pics. You say they can be freely downloaded from authors site, but what is the url of the site ?? John
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