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About ContaxMan

  • Birthday 04/29/1949

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    Photography, Hill Walking, Classical Music & Singing

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  1. Yes LR can export images to a PS stack. IMHO it's a great tool to use when preparing AVs. In fact, I'm giving a lecture on this very topic at Leeds AV group on Friday 3rd October!
  2. Thanks to both of you. I'll investigate further.
  3. A search for this didn't resolve my question so here it is: I use the Title metadata field to add titles to all of my images in Lightroom. When I build a PTE show I sometimes want to pick-up this information to display with the slide. By trial-and-error I've worked out that I can add information from the Exif Comment field - using Exif-Description in PTE but I'd rather not have to copy my titles into the comment filed. I am stuck with having to do this or is there something I'm missing?
  4. Interesting discussion going on here. After years and years of using a PC I got a Macbook Pro laptop. So now portability is the laptop, main machine still the pc. Any problems - none at all - the two machines both do exactly what I want (only a bit differently)!
  5. Ah - glad that's sorted out! I teach PTE and can show someone the basics in 10 minutes!
  6. Very effective!
  7. This is a splendid piece of work - thank you for sharing it with us.
  8. Just studied Barry's tutorials for this - excellent as always!
  9. A wonderful presentation - a real audio-visual treat.
  10. If there's any interest, I'll do a pdf of my workflow for LR with PTE in mind.
  11. I hope I'm not guilty of hijack. The great things about PTE fora is how helpful they are. Someone has a problem so I try to help! perhaps I'll have to do my own site on how well LR & PTE mesh together?
  12. I have Photoshop CS5 and Lightroom. I want to use LR 4.3 in a similar manner that I use PS. What I mean by this is that I can open an image in PS by just doing a File/Open. In LR, I have to deal with 'Catalogs'. I don't understand this concept. The difference is that Lightroom does not actually change your original file at all. Lightroom builds a database which describes how the image will be processed when it is output for a particular reason. For example, if you're making a PTE show then you might want to crop your image to a particular shape, mybe convert to b & w, then produce jpgs of the correct size for your final show. When you do these things in LR, it "writes a recipe". When you tell it to output the files for your PTE show it produces new jpgs (or whatever file type you need) according to the instructions on its recipe card. Your original image is not affected in any way. I already have my images in folders where I want them and can easily find them. I don't want 'Catalogs'. I have to do a 'File/Import' in LR to be able to view them as a Catalog in LR. Is LR creating a duplicate image? Or is it just a shortcut to the same image? I just can't figure it out. The Lightroom catalogue is not a copy of your files but simply a reference to where they are already - you don't need to make any changes whatsover to your file structure - just tell LR where they are. Am I not seeing the forest for the trees? I just can't see how to work with LR in the way I normally work with other programs. Is there a way to do this??? Also, I can't figure out how (or if I can) get the Nik Viveza plugin to work in LR. I don't use Viveza but Niks Silver Efex pro works well with LR - you simple Right-click on your image in LR and choose to edit in another program. The problem is that LR works in a different way to PS. When I lecture on the two programs I often say "PS is singular: LR is plural". What I mean by this is that it is much easier to work on multiple images in LR - I demonstrate this by getting people to time how long it takes me to take 20 images in LR - adjust their exposure, contrast, white balance, crop them, sharpen them, convert to black and white then export as 1024 x 768 px jpgs. It wouldn't worry me if I had to do these basic adjustments to 500 images. Imagine just opening and saving these in PS! I then get them to time me doing the same operation in PS - they usually get fed-up by the time I've done 4 or 5 images. LR doesn't have actions - but it doesn't need them; automating processes in LR is far easier than writing the most basic action. I hope this helps a little!
  13. I agree with this! LR is (for me) the key to image processing for pleasure. I've used Photoshop for more years than I care to remember (and taught it too) but I now only use it when absolutely necessary. The Lightroom workflow combines so well with PTE - it's brilliant. I wonder whether those who can't get on with Lightroom have given it a real try? Remember how much time and effort it took to become really familiar with Photoshop then give LR about 20 % of this to get properly familiar with it.
  14. I have been using camtasia for years - it's excellent!
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