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Everything posted by ContaxMan

  1. You may find the tutorials I did for my club helpful. You can find them here: Bishopthorpe Camera Club
  2. "But it needn't be of you! You can go out on the street outside the local pub, and snap off any old bloke that comes along and use that, you know." I should have thought of that, Al. But I guess that you'll all have to put up with my mugshot now. PTE-related tutorials and help I nearly missed an opportunity to plug our club website. You'll find some basic help on the link above. If you, or anybody else, do use this, please let me know how useful (or not) it is - all suggestions for revision welcome. As I write this stuff, it's nice to make it work as well as possible. But I try to keep it simple as us Yorkies are not too bright, must be the northern air.
  3. Great show Barry - as I would expect from you. I like the use of the white border - it helps to hold in the image and, for me at least, keeps the eye on the pictures. I find that with some shows without borders the image is often lost at the edges. As for the foot tapping synched transitions - I thought they worked very well indeed. The "images in the slate" were very nicely done but I'm not altogether convinced that the technique added anything to the overall structure of the show. But this is a very minor and nit-picking point. I enjoyed it a lot.
  4. So, does anyone know how to convert ones own image into an avatar? OK - so I do too, now - thanks to you guys. I hope the mug-shot isn't too frightening!
  5. Still getting nowhere fast. The pop ups don't help either.
  6. Odd - I can't get in at all. I get an error message that the site domain name has expired. This is the link I tried: http://www.creatingslideshows.com/
  7. Are other members who visit Desert Dave's site also having problems with it?
  8. I've put a simple tutorial on batch processing here: Bishopthorpe Camera Club Look at the Resources link.
  9. Use the View Menu: just click on View and choose the required option, i.e. file panel as thumbnails, slide list as thumbnails.
  10. I use this technique a lot and construct each image in Photoshop. It is possible to achieve almost the same result using "Object editor" within pte. Send me an email if you want more help with this.
  11. Yes - I do! While my shows are going to be projected via a digital projector that has a native resolution of 1024 x 768, I can see no point whatsoever in making my (rather aged) laptop work harder with bigger images.
  12. Thanks Brian - a very useful link.
  13. A very nice show with lovely, evocative images and suitably subdued music. I enjoyed it very much indeed - thank you.
  14. The music file is generally the largest part of any show. That's it basically.
  15. I still think you're mixing up two different exe files. If you want to email me, I'll send you some screen shots to try to clear this up.
  16. It looks to me as though you're zipping the wrong thing. A PTE show in development produces a file with the suffix .pte (e.g. slideshow.pte) but this is NOT what your viewers need. They need a file with the suffix .exe (e.g. slideshow.exe). This is produced by PTE when you use "Create slideshow as", or simply press the button marked "Create". The "slideshow.pte" will work on your machine because you have all the files and the PTE program itself. But it can't work on a different machine. When you make an .exe file, all this is packed together into a self-contained unit that should run on any pc, whether PTE is installed or not.
  17. Thanks for your help. I've found a source and downloaded the codec and exported the avi. Now to get to grips with the Riva software.
  18. Microsoft MPEG 4 Video Codec didn't appear in the options. Any ideas?
  19. Very impressive - thanks for the link.
  20. Yes - this is a very helpful contribution. I'd like to see what this technique is capable of.
  21. I assume that what you had on the cd was your project images, sound file and .pte file? These are what you need to develop a show. But- the aim of the exercise is to produce a self-contained .exe file (hence the name of the program!) When you've got the show as you want it, you produce the .exe file by choosing File Create slideshow as. This is then the only thing needed for the show (but it's good practice to keep the other stuff for if/when you want to edit it). As some cd readers are a bit slow, it's often better to copy the .exe file to the desktop from any cd on which it's stored. I hope this sorts out your problem.
  22. I like the nice clean layout of your homepage. Too many sites go for fancy effects whereas the average user probably just needs a quick and easy access.
  23. If the file is .exe, all you need to do is double-click on it to make it run.
  24. "I set up a 2 slide show, the first slide having fadein/out set at 10 seconds and display for 10 secs. The second slide is set to no transition. I included a blank sound file to let me use the timeline (not sync.) " Sorry, I'm talking rubbish here! To get the slides on the timeline of course I must choose sync. and this overrides my manual settings. So I just hope I haven't managed to confuse too many other people by my musings. But how do I find out how long the slide takes to fade and display?
  25. Brian sent me an example of this - it works very well.
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