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Everything posted by ContaxMan

  1. Yes Ron my point entirely!
  2. Presumably you do some preparation work in Photoshop or similar? Why not make an action that does the resizing and, at the same time, adds a watermark to each image. You'll find a nice technique for watermarks here: http://www.ephotozine.com/techniques/viewt...e.cfm?recid=339 The subject of people copying pictures from a presentation has been discussed previously on this forum. IMHO it's not worth bothering about - if people are happy with a low-resolution image of around 1024x768 pixels, they can have it!
  3. I trust this is now sorted?
  4. Hello Tillman I really enjoyed this show - the spectacular colours produced by the crossed-polaroid technique transforms the citric acid crystals into a wonderland of colour. All the transitions worked well for me and the music fitted beautifully. You've done a great job of updating this presentation. Roger Walton
  5. You'll find an explanation here: http://www.guru.to.it/en/tips/regkey_en.htm
  6. Harry - it's a pretty well-accepted idea that one of the best ways to learn something is to teach it to others. Good luck with your club.
  7. I wonder if you have an unusual pofile assigned to your images? Perhaps you could try using (in Photoshop): Image > Mode >Convert to Profile> sRGB In addition/alternatively you could email me one of the "suspect" images and I'll see what happens in my PTE and PS.
  8. "When I try to download the pdf file, I can only get about 2.5 kbs download speed. I have a fast cable connection that usually downloads between 100 to 300 kbs. Is there something about the site it is stored at that makes the download so slow?" I'm not sure why the download is slow. Would welcome suggested solutions on this!
  9. A quick way to get a title is to add a second copy of your first image, select it then click the Object Editor button that appears under the preview. In the window that opens, choose the third button from the left (at the top of the screen - text). A box appears with the word text repeated several times in it. Double-click this and a dialogue box appears in which you can type and format your title. When you leave this box, you can drag your text into position. A double-click on this, reopens the text box for further editing. A click on the preview button will confirm that the text is there. Should you prefer the text by itself, simply untick the box under the larger preview image - labelled show image. A nice effect is to duplicate the title frame you've made, turning off the picture for the first one. In the long run, you'll find that a separate image editor like photoshop offers many more options, though.
  10. 1. although the opening page of the tutorial refers to using Photoshop or Elements, the rest is straight PTE. 2. It will be staying on the link given earlier for as long as people find it useful - and will be revised in line with any major changes Igor may make to the program.
  11. I have prepared an introductory tutorial, aimed to support a series of talks that I will be giving to a local camera club. Should anyone take time to view the tutorial, I would be glad of any comments or suggestions. You can download the tutorial (in pdf format) at: PTE tutorial NB - link edited to correct problem mentioned in later posts!
  12. So I guess you're a fully paid-up member of the Igor appreciation society along with the rest of us.
  13. Nice to hear from you - keep battling on.
  14. Not sure it helps much, but you may like to know that your show works fine for me too. Lovely images and music. I hope you get this glitch sorted out soon, I'm only sorry that I can't help.
  15. With version 4.41, all I have to do is to open the timeline and click on the first slide transition point I want to move - keeping the left button depressed drag over the other slide transition points. Then simply move all the selected slides.
  16. Would you find it helpful if I sent you a zipped folder containing some images and the pte file of a show that works to test on your system?
  17. The autorun bit is to make the cd start automatically when it is inserted into the cd drive. It's not necessary however. Here's a simpler way to proceed: 1. In PTE use File > Create Slideshow As to produce the self-contained slideshow (that can run independently on any PC) 2. Copy this file (which will be something like "slideshow.exe") onto the laptop - either by burning it to a cd or using some other method (I use a pen drive to swap files between my desktop and laptop machines - cheaper in the long run and much quicker than burning cds). 3. Run the exe file from the laptop (and not from the cd - as this can result in syynchronisation problems due to the poor reading speed of most laptop cd readers). I hope you can make sense of this - let me know how you get on.
  18. This kind of problem happens sometimes when one tries to play a show directly from a cd drive. The simplest solution is to copy the show from the cd onto the computer desktop and run it from the desktop.
  19. Thanks for your continued hard work on our behalf, Igor. It's much appreciated.
  20. Thanks for bringing this to our intention. It contains some lovely images and an interesting use of PTE and Photoshop masking (I guess) to display multiple images. Nicely matched to the music.
  21. The simple answer is to suggest that the compressed versions of the images you save on a cd, whilst perfectly OK when viewed on screen, are hardly of printable quality. So, IMHO, if people wish to "rip off" low resolution copies of my pics then they're welcome as they obviously can't appreciate the "real thing" anyway.
  22. sorry - I've no idea what that kind of file is. Over to somebody else.
  23. mp3 files are just what you need. I wonder if there is a problem with the one you're trying to use. if you look here: http://www.beckhamdigital.co.uk/royaltyfree/m1.htm you can download some mp3s (zipped) - free - that work fine. Why not try one of these to see if it is your music file that's the problem.
  24. Yes - I'll second this - Guido did me proud too.
  25. Sounds to me as though you could be using image sizes that are putting the computer's cd reader under too much pressure. What size (in kB) are the individual images in your show? Most workers try to use no bigger than 300 kB per image (by resizing to 1024 x 768 pixels and saving as jpegs around level 6 quality).
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