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Everything posted by ContaxMan

  1. The idea is to have the image pixel dimensions the same as the visible area of your monitor - this is where the 1024 x 768 figures come from. The 72 figure is completely irrelevant, representing the approximate screen resolution of Mac monitors. When you use Photoshop to resize images, just enter the pixel dimensions you want and ignore the resolution figure. For a detailed discussion of the "72 myth" see: Resolution explained If the article doesn't convince you, nothing will! As for compression, I use "Save for web" and choose the amount to use "by eye". Generally this gives a jpeg of around 250 k, leading to a show which run fine on my ancient laptop. My guess is that it is the music rather than the images that cause "glitches" - perhaps Oleg might enlighten us?
  2. You can find some (very basic) help and links to other sites at: Bishopthorpe Camera Club
  3. A suggestion. You could email me two or three of the images you have tried and I'll try to make a short PTE with them. This ought to identify whether the problem lies with the pte program or with the images you're using. I could send you one or two images that I know work OK for you to test. Hope this helps and also that you manage to get this wonderful piece of software working OK on your system.
  4. Very good ads they are too.
  5. Same from me. Your recent New Year show is great.
  6. I've just taken the opportunity to view this presentation. What a delight! A real tonic and antidote to the terrible aftermath of the tsunami.
  7. There's a lot to be said for adding any text you want associated with your images in a program such as Photoshop. This has the added advantage that it will remain the same relative size and position regardless of the screen resolution used to view the final show.
  8. What lovely pictures - thank you for sharing them with us.
  9. I agree - unless you're going to buy your own digital projector, you need to plan for the "normal" (lower) resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels. Like Al, I too would never dream of editing images on a laptop. Their displays are not a match for the old crt (unless you're prepared to invest in a Victorian Photographer's head clamp so that you always look at the screen from the same angle!)
  10. 1. What you need is a free utility called "Multishow Player" - use the Search link to find discussion threads about this (last September). 2. Do this as you edit your pictures (in Photoshop). I use a batch process to resize, sharpen and then put a thin line around all my pictures intended for PTE shows. You'll find some information on this here: Batch Processing
  11. I should like to join in this round of Seasonal Good Wishes... to everyone who contributes, and particularly to Igor without whom I'd have a much less interesting hobby! My Card
  12. Now it's dawned on me what you mean! If you make a template, as you say all the stuff is together. So any PTE file elsewhere for that particular show is not necessary.
  13. The simple answer is no BUT In my experience I often wish to "tweak" a show that I had considered complete. And I know other workers who, to their chagrin, find that they just want to make "one more small adjustment" after they've made the exe file and done away with the others. Given this experience, my policy is to keep the images, music and pte file together in a folder (which is effectively what making a template does) that I keep for future revisiting. The exe show is put elsewhere.
  14. I'm not sure that I really understand your problem thoroughly but here's a suggestion for what it's worth. Let's assume you wish to have one or more portrait style images appearing/disappearing on top of a landscape image. First prepare your images in Photoshop (or similar) as follows: 1. each individual image separately 2. the landscape with one of the portrait images superimposed. I'll call this L+P1 3. Now, in Pics to Exe, insert the landscape image as the first slide 4. Add the second slide - ie P1. Click the "Customise slide" button. On the "Main" tab, tick "Use own background preference". Click the radio button next to "Tiled background picture". Select the landscape image you used in no 3 above. When you preview this, you'll see first of all the landscape shot, then the portrait shot appearing over the landscape shot. 5 Add the third slide ie P2. In the same way as in step 4, add the background picture, but this time use L+P1 (prepared in step 2) above. That's it - I hope you can follow this. If it is what you need and you require further clarification, just drop me an e-mail.
  15. My machine often tells me that things are potentially dangerous. Where I know they come from a safe source, I just ignore the message anyway.
  16. Could you give us a little more information? Have you actually got the file on your machine in it's zipped form? Or is it your email program that's objecting? (If so, which program is it?)
  17. Thanks Maureen - I'm already a subscriber. But I certainly support your recommendation.
  18. You can find some of my stuff on our camera club website: http://www.bishopthorpe-camera-club.com/Re...ces/goodies.htm I have recently done a talk introducing PTE at another local club so, if you think it might help, just e-mail me.
  19. It may be worth doing a test using just one or two images and another music track. Try using an MP3 music track.
  20. Welcome to the Forum, Peter. Can we hope to read many "words of wisdom" based on your wide knowledge and experience of AV techniques?
  21. I agree - we don't need this rubbish blocking up our Forum!
  22. This is a wonderful show! The images and music illustrate the narrative very well - I particularly liked the monochrome shots and the wonderful textures in the close-up images. Thank you for sharing this with us. I'll be sure to view it again & again. May I wish you " Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année!" (I hope I've got that right.)
  23. Lovely show - thank you.
  24. When you say "show my presentation", do you mean that you want it to actually play in the web browser or is it that you wish simply to include it on the site for others to download? The first is a real problem, the second straightforward.
  25. A capital show - well done!
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