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Everything posted by ContaxMan

  1. Hello Phil good to read you here! Roger
  2. Beautiful images of a beautiful country! The music is "just right" too.
  3. Yes, I for one certainly did enjoy it! I love the way you have presented this with the frames and the postcard pile effect. Just one small point - the close-ups (which I assume to be frames from the video) produce a distracting shimmer that is a bit tiring to my eyes.
  4. Just got me even more enthusiastic (if that's possible) - thanks!
  5. Good "heads-up" - thanks. On a much more mundane note, I use PTE where in the dim and distant past I might have thought of using PowerPoint. PTE is great for preparing photo talks etc. We also use it to present competition images at our camera club.
  6. Very effective show - lovely photos. This reminded me that it's a long time, too long, since I visited Dent & had a pint of the excellent local-brewed beer.
  7. Very clear explanation and an impressive result!
  8. It would need to be egg-shaped to catch my attention.
  9. A useful tip - good lateral thinking. Thanks.
  10. More to study! Thanks, very useful.
  11. Thanks for your very helpful explanation Dave - it's much appreciated & I'll study it in conjunction with the template you kindly provided. Roger
  12. "nested frames"? Pan Z is then not required. - I'd welcome a bit more explanation as to how this/these works/work.
  13. You're not completely alone! I'm lurking in the background; trying (and failing) to follow how this splendid effect works.
  14. Splendid - nostalgia encapsulated!
  15. Thanks - I'll give it a try as I didn't fancy exploring the inner machinations of Regedit!
  16. Great stuff - really took me back to my youth!
  17. My friend has PTE on his computer and has received his key from WnSoft. However, the registry already contains an entry for the pte key (this is mine! due to an error I made using a "recover pte registration" utility). We tried uninstalling pte then reinstalling but it is still picking up the wrong registrations details. Any suggestions for how to resolve this please? Sorry - posted twice, though the spelling's better here!
  18. Thanks Sheila for sharing the project - I'll try to get my head round the way it all works! Thanks Lin - a very nice demo - perhaps you might choose to finish it off?
  19. Very impressive effects - I particualrly like the pyramid. Perhaps you might coinsider sharing the zip file or doing a write-up of this for others to learn from your work?
  20. I too found this to be very interesting, entertaining and well-presented. Did you use a template for the "picture pile" effect or did you construct this from scratch?
  21. A very relaxing presentation - lovely images & the music worked well for me. A lovely lady too.
  22. 1920 x 1200 here!
  23. Thanks - enjoyed that too!
  24. Great entertainment value!
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