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Everything posted by ContaxMan

  1. The photos are good but the extra bits are very distracting - lose them please!
  2. Thanks for the info on Cool Edit. I'll try to get hold of the magazine. My problem is that, despite copying the cool edit folder with all its contents onto my new machine, I haven't a copy of the setup program (foolishly didn't save this when I first downlaoded from the web). So when I try to run CoolEdit I'm instructed to run setup first - frustrating!
  3. No - CoolEdit is now Adobe Audition - it's sound editing software; that's why it's relevant to this discussion. I found CoolEdit & PTE to be an excellent partnership.
  4. Al - I would certainly make an exception to what I said about narration when dealing with tutorials - I certainly found yours very useful indeed. On a related topic, I wonder how many people, like me, have been badly affected by Adobe kidnapping CoolEdit? I've just changed my computer. I had a fully registered, paid-for version on my old machine (Win 98) but have so far not worked out how to move it to my new (XP) system. The version of CoolEdit I bought does all I want & I'm not prepared (nor able) to pay Adobe's asking price for an upgrade (almost £100!). I know Audacity is a free alternative but I feel there is a principle involved here. Of all the software, drivers, etc I use, CoolEdit is the only one that has evaded transfer. Had I bought a cd system for my car, I wouldn't expect to have to buy a new one when I change model.
  5. I agree with the last comment. Let's keep Pictures to Exe as a photographic tool. In my experience, voice on av's rarely works well (except as a very minor feature). There's no bigger photographic turnoff for me than having a "speaker" present an av with recorded commentary.
  6. Pictures to Exe doesn't work with psd files. You'll need to save these first then flatten for export to pictures to exe as JPEGs. It's worth watching your file size too. Keep individual pictures to no more than 200 kB for use in Pictures to Exe. To do this, first decide on the pixel size you wish to use for your pte show - for example, my computer display is 1024 by 768 pixels, so I would make landscape pictures 1024 pixels wide. Portrait pictures would be 768 pixels high. Using Image > Image size in photoshop to resize the image to the correct pixel size (don't worry about the resolution - it's irrelevant for images to be displayed on screen). Having resized your image, use "Save for Web" to produce the final JPEG image for your presentation. I hope this makes sense - if not, don't hesitate to contact me & I'll go thro it all in more detail!
  7. I also enjoyed this one very much indeed. A standard-setter for the rest of us.
  8. And mine too!
  9. Click the restore (middle) button on the image window!
  10. Is your problem making the cd autorun as opposed to just saving the show to cd? If so there's an excellent utility to do this, described in an earlier message on the forum. You need to look for: boxig Posted: Feb 29 2004, 01:32 PM I hope this helps.
  11. Yes - it's certainly very clear and attractive. But it would be important to have the option not to show it - for the user as well as the programmer.
  12. Downloaded from Beechbrook with no problems at all. My only criticism is that I found the mixed slide transitions distracting. Would prefer dissolve for most with maybe one other used to indicate something special/different - e.g. a change of topic. The narration & music worked very well & the message came over loud & clear.
  13. After that abysmal display by my heroes on Saturday, I doubt there's much point in letting the Irish have rugby tutorials from us. Never in all my years of supporting England through thick & thin have I seen such an abject performance. We didn't turn up and seemed clueless. Sir Clive should have used his subs a lot earlier - perhaps it's time to teach a few more players how to throw the ball straight at the lineout. And ban lifting (sorry "supporting") the jumpers. I'm glad I didn't go with my camera - it would have seized up.
  14. Will we be able to get tickets at the door - not sure whether I can commit in advance?
  15. I confess that I didn't contribute to the images - not my style of photography - but am really looking forward to seeing what you do with them.
  16. This is superb - excellent - brilliant - a tour-de-force. Thanks to both of you.
  17. Cawl?
  18. Not sure about this rating business. Experience in camera clubs shows that different people have quite different criteria that they use when assessing other peoples' work - not least the judges! I usually choose which shows to view by their subject matter so a synopsis of this would be much appreciated. Other than this, how about having just two categories: 1. shows for critique and advice 2. shows simply for enjoyment? Or just leave well alone...
  19. I received my copy today & am very impressed - thanks Barry!
  20. This dpi business really seems to confuse people. It refers to images intended to be printed & not to those intended to be viewed on screen or via a digital projector - you'll find an excellent discussion at the following link which ought to be compulsory course reading for anyone using digital imaging! http://www.scantips.com/no72dpi.html Forget dpi - just make sure your image is the correct number of pixels! However, if you're scanning for printing purposes you'll need much bigger images to get decent quality. Don't really on up-sampling images in Photoshop or similar programs.
  21. Click on the 3rd button at the bottom (Project Options). In the new window that opens click on the 1st tab at the top left. About half-way down you will see "Show settings" - the answer is there - just choose the 3rd option "When show ends keep last slide on screen".
  22. I find it difficult to see how anyone can do much usefully with the kind of low-res image needed for PTE to work effectively, other than use it in another show. If you're really bothered, why not include a discrete "copyright" notice on each image (in Photoshop). Of course, someone could also clone these out but I'm sure I couldn't be bothered!
  23. Thanks for this message - there's lots of excellent advice there for us beginners in this digital av lark!
  24. Sounds like a good idea - will suggest it to our Camera Club cttee: www.bishopthorpe-camera-club.com
  25. Half "tongue-in-cheek" dare I suggest that a short example showing similar (or the same) shots, first chosen fairly randomly then with the aid of a storyboard (supplied as a text file) would make this thread more accessible to those of us who are not experienced av'ers. I wait with baited breath!
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