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Everything posted by ContaxMan

  1. Thanks for a great show and also for the explanation of the mechanism underlying it - I for one will study it assiduously!
  2. Thanks for sharing this Howard - very fitting and moving.
  3. A super presentation. Great photographs of many of my favourite places in my home county. The music, transitions and effects all work beautifully together.
  4. A lovely man and a great inspiration with his AVs and poetry. He will be missed greatly by all who were lucky enough to have met him.
  5. Howard Gregory can help you a great deal with audio. He provides CDs that talk you through the essentials and makes a pre-amplifier that I've found to be really excellent! Why not check those out?
  6. Like Peter, I think it looks very good but we do need the lightbox feature and this might be the time to make the link to it more prominent.
  7. Who'd have thought that such a diverse mixture of images could hang together so beautifully? Splendid images and sympathetic music - tremendous!
  8. It's already been said above, but this really is a very enjoyable presentation in all respects with the Aurora being the icing on the cake! Took me right back to our trip last year, except that Aurora didn't bother coming out to play!
  9. Great texture images & the blending is spot-on, as is the music. I found this most relaxing & enjoyable.
  10. I really enjoyed this presentation. The box effect is excellent and the photos just confirmed that Iceland is high on my "to-visit wish list". Roger
  11. Thanks gents - I must say that I felt that this "story" was so close to the truth as to be uncomfortable for some. BTW, the delightful commentary is my dear wife - she's so good at this kind of thing so she features in quite a few of my efforts!
  12. Just posted a new show to Beechbrook: entitled "9 to 5". It's not photographic, but more of a cartoon, based on a Power Point I saw some time ago. The introduction uses "The Dom's" typewriter template. I hope you enjoy it!
  13. Sounds like a great idea!
  14. Thanks Daniel. Yes, the background of each postcard is a "ghost" of the image on the card itself. This is a feature of the template I used & I really like it.
  15. If anyone's interested, I made a show of a trip to Norway, using the travel and postcard templates. You can find it on Beechbrook: http://www.beechbrook.com/pte/downloadfile.asp?id=1926
  16. Thanks for your help - the "copy & paste" method mentioned in Dom's link did the trick.
  17. Some years ago, with an earlier version of PTE, I was able to merge two projects using a program called SYP. I've just tried this and it doesn't work with the newest versions of pTE. So my question is: having used two of "The Dom's" wonderful templates to produce the effect I want, how can I combine the two projects so that they flow seemlessly together? I realise I could use one show to call the other but find it difficult to get a "seamless" transition that way.
  18. You can't please everybody all the time Barry. Your stuff is great - content & value. If the Mac people can't use it (my wife's can!) then they could always buy a proper computer. Seriously though, do what you do best and don't worry that some people may never be satisfied - they could always shop elsewhere.
  19. For me, it has to be the first version. I find the smooth, gentle motion more pleasing on the eye. By the way, on my machine the second version has a "glitch" at the start - the box jerks downwards. Roger.
  20. This is very exciting - bring it on! Roger
  21. This is so generous of you Lin - great tutorials; very helpful. Roger
  22. Great to see you're back again!
  23. Hello Ken I've been lurking all this time, listening and learning as this great program develops. This is the first time, in a long time, when I thought that I could offer something of use to others instead of receiving! Best wishes Roger
  24. It's great to hear of another LR entusiast who also uses PTE! Regards Roger
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