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Everything posted by ContaxMan

  1. I wonder how many people are now using Photoshop Lightroom in the preparation of images for use with PTE. If you have Lightroom and having tried using it for this purpose, there's a new tutorial available from my club's website: www.bishopthorpe-camera-club.com Just click on Resources and follow the Pictures to Exe (or Lightroom) link. I hope you find this useful. Roger
  2. "what is wrong with that." Nowt!
  3. Peter, you've done it again! Injecting some common sense with a real understanding of what's involved in this (still developing) art form. Keep making your av-poems as so many of us enjoy them immensely. As for my twopence worth, if you like what you do then who cares what others think? If others like it too, so much the better. But if you wish to be competetive then it's a good idea to take all feedback seriously, even if you think it's nonsense. I've made a few sequences myself but am very much a beginner. General audiences enjoy them but they don't "score" in competitions. So what? If I don't want to risk failure then I don't enter.
  4. Great work - much appreciated!
  5. I use the same technique as Barry. But I suppose I better investigate the new way sometiome.
  6. With the help of a low-noise preamplifier (produced by Howard Gregory of the Wimslow Guild - search for Wimslow Guild to find contact details), and a decent microphone (Howard's cds offer great advice on this), I find I can record excellent quality voice-over directly to my laptop (the desktop fan makes too much noise!).
  7. You can use the mouse to control your show in any of the recent versions of PTE. I gave up Powerpoint years ago - shortly after I started using PTE. PTE is far more versatile, easier to use and the image quality is far better.
  8. I'll get null points for getting my message over. I think you've put it across very well indeed Maureen & I agree with every word except those quoted above.
  9. Look here: http://www.beechbrook.com/pte/
  10. Done
  11. Can't find that one on Google Earth....
  12. Me too. I realise that (some) people will want to experiment with the new features and that this may well be helpful to the developers but there has been a dearth of basic, sound AV discussion and examples here recently. By the way, this is meant in no way to denigrate the incredible work that Igor & the rest of the team have put and are putting into developing version 5. But I've still to see anything that makes me wish to abandon the "conventional" approaches.
  13. I endorse the comments made about the value of face-to-face meetings. I've attended many in the past few years and always found people very welcoming, open and willing to share ideas and help. I would go so far as to say that, in my experience, AV workers are second-to-none in this. The trouble Maureen has gone to in her messages is typical of the way people are willing to go a long way to help others. It's a pity that Leonard appears to be offended by the comments received here as there is so much good will and good sense available. Should he return, I'm sure he'll find a wealth of expertise and support from the many generous people who share their time and expertise freely within the forum. Unfortunately, reading from a vdu cannot include the many body language and facial expression signals that are present in a face-to-face meeting. So, to sum up and then shut up, find out where the meetings are and go out of your way to get there. It's not unreasonable to have to travel a decent distance to do so and it's worth the time and effort.
  14. Yes, wma is not supported. You'll find some help files, specially written for beginners, by following the link below.
  15. I also check daily as part of my routine computer browsing. It's like cleaning my teeth!
  16. and from me too.
  17. I hate to disagree with you Ron, but I'd welcome some white stuff in Yorkshire - it's so photogenic and we've had very little for quite a few years now. But it must come complete with clear skies and good light.
  18. Thank you - I'll give it some thought! I did wonder whether the more experienced AV-ers might feel that it was more like a lecture than an AV.
  19. "AV WORLD No 40 was our last issue " and it will be missed! Thanks Peter & all others who contributed to making AV World an excellent source of information & stimulation to those "into" AV and those who may just be starting off.
  20. Yes - you've hit the nail on the head. PTE support is second to none & the results are excellent. Stick with us. You've tried some of the rest, now stick with the best.
  21. Previous posters have said it all - well done, a super show!
  22. Tom I use Camtasia from Tech Smith - it's expensive but does a wonderful job.
  23. Thank you - I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's been a long time in gestation and I'm not finished with it yet. I'm thinking of adding a third voice narrative rather than some of the text. Some people have likened it to PowerPoint & I see that this is so. Personally, I like the variety of being able to read things from the screen for myself but timing then becomes an issue. Also looking to find a better recording of the Last Post and to maybe incorporate some other shots from The Wagoners Exhibition at Sledmere House. And all this without increasing the length - actually I'm trying to shorten it a bit. I wonder what Peter, Maureen, Ian & Guido would make of it in view of their comments in the forum discussion on marking shows!
  24. The teacher in me makes me lean towards the recipe system (almost certainly as a result of post National Curriculum indoctrination) but my gut response is that this is not the way to go. It's instructive to read the comments of top workers such as the last few posters & I must agree with them that reducing the process to tick boxes and numbers devalues what this art is about. Guidelines are great but what happens when they come up against something "off the wall"? Thanks Maureen, Ian, Peter and others for your wise words on this topic. Let's hope it does run-and-run as it's about the art rather than mere technicalities which have tended to dominate this forum.
  25. Yes, I like that idea. Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed the show.
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