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Everything posted by ContaxMan

  1. Thanks - it was me. Don't know how I missed it but it's OK now.
  2. I'm confused - just can't find this at all. Is it me????
  3. That's great - will look forward to it.
  4. Any chance of a sneak preview Ron?
  5. Thank you for sharing this show with us. I enjoyed it a lot and felt that the mono images are very effective, particularly the interior shots with beams of light. I'm fairly sceptical about the value of pan/zoom as anything other than a gimmick, but your show is a revelation in the way you have used vertical panning to emphasise the height of buildings. This technique is very effective indeed. It's a pity that you've ended up with some rather bland skies. I wonder if some of the images would benefit from a little darkening of the skies in Photoshop? Thanks once again for giving us a very effective demonstration of the potential of PTE 5.
  6. Yes - you're right; it's very good indeed.
  7. Just for information, PTE 5 shows don't affect my profiling (ColourVison SpyderPro).
  8. I enjoyed the airshow - excellent clear images of the aircraft. I wonder whether you used the default time for the fade effects? I think that this is too short - a slower fade, coupled with a longer display time for each image, gives a gentler effect. The graphic art of the second show is well done & the whole thing very imaginative. Thanks for sharing these with us.
  9. I don't think Patrick was being critical and suspect that his comment was "tongue in cheek" (i.e. a joke). But I wonder whether it might be wise when PTE 5 is finally released to have version 4 also available "for beginners" and those with lower specification machines. After all, most of us are delighted with what we can do with it anyway.
  10. Thanks ever so much for adding the source file. I'll have great fun studying it to see how you implemented the watch.
  11. A very clear and informative explanation of the use of Layer Comps for preparing a sequence. Thanks for sharing it with us all.
  12. Excellent! Could you please post the images and pte file so we can all see how you did it?
  13. Hello Peter I still have pte 4.4 apr in zipped form so, if it helps, I could send you that. Please note that v5 is very much "under construction" and many of the standard pte functions have not yet been incoporated.
  14. Thanks Gents - I welcome your input. Any more experiences welcome please.
  15. Has anyone tried running any of the shows made with v5 on a laptop. The reason I ask is that I'm about to replace my aged laptop and, since I use it (among other things) for talks at camera clubs, would like the new one to be able to handle pte5. Yes - I do want a laptop. (By the way, my desktop is OK with PTE5 and could be taken as a very last resort).
  16. Look at Beechbrook for "AV Show Menu Tutorial" which explains things beautifully.
  17. An alternative - one I use regularly - is to have an introductory show of one slide with background music set to repeat and play for ever. Link this to your "genuine" show so that the second one starts as the first finishes. To do this, use Advanced options to run the second show.
  18. You'll find a very easy tutorial if you follow my link below, as well as the more comprehensive (but more complicated) timeline guide mentioned earlier. Look at the tutorial to see if it helps. If not contact me and I'll "talk you through" the process. But, as others have said, running a show from a cd (particularly on a laptop) is not the way to go. It needs to be copied into the machine's memory for most reliable performance.
  19. I'll second this - my set have served me extremely well.
  20. I'm suprised that you don't do that already...
  21. An interesting approach and very attractive implementation - thanks for sharing it with us.
  22. If you can afford it, get the latest and best. It's excellent. Did anything worthwhile occur without a lot of effort?
  23. Thanks a lot - that's got me out of a deep hole.
  24. Excellent images make for a very entertaining and interesting show. Thanks for sharing it with us.
  25. I enjoyed this show a lot, nice images and good ideas. But I agree that there are at least 2 shows here. In one, you could simply choose to illustrate and expand on the Alice stuff.
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