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Everything posted by ContaxMan

  1. Now that really is exciting - I really look forward to seeing how that works.
  2. This is getting a bit too involved with too many provisos. How about a brief message on your site and a downloadable "what if it doesn't work for me?" pdf to cover other options?
  3. I second that - it's invaluable.
  4. I prefer to do all the pre. work in Photoshop but you can rotate images directly in PTE - I just tried to make sure. Right mouse-click on any slide in your show and rotate is displayed in the drop-down list that appears. Cultivate your mouse right button - it's incredibly useful in all programs, not just PTE.
  5. Don't be too hard on yourself. The name "Template" implies a pattern rather than a complete "archive". But it works a treat nevertheless.
  6. If it's synchronised to the music, open the timeline and make sure that there are visible gaps between each transition. This is often a cause of the symptoms you describe.
  7. A straightforward solution is to use another piece of software, e.g. the free "Audacity" to join the 3 songs into one mp3 file. Then it's a simple task to line up the three sections on PTE's timeline as you'll only have one sound track to deal with. Audacity download
  8. One of my "tutees" regularly forgets about keeping all his files together in one folder. Making a template for the show is an easy way to rescue this situation as the template gathers copies of all of the items together into the one (template) folder.
  9. Yes - that's what I keep telling people when I lecture on this program. But people being as they are, impatience sets in and they rush ahead. Patience is a virtue but it seems to have been shared out quite unevenly. The utility mentioned by LucM above is SY(P) - it's invaluable. Search the Forum for "Synopsis" to find messages about it. You can download it here: SY(P) - Synopsis utility download
  10. Are you going to put them on Beechbrook?
  11. Very enjoyable - thank you.
  12. We're quick here Brian. I guess the help writers are holding on to their cards until the next version comes out. Then we'll all have a lot of new tricks to learn.
  13. A wonderful experience - thanks for sharing it with us. It was more than worth the long wait for download. As you've asked for comments, here are a few points that strike me as I watch the show: 1. The quality of the images is stunning! I'd be more than happy if I'd taken one or two of these to print. 2. The soundtrack and the mono presentation of images work wonderfully together to instill a sense of intrigue as one watches the show. I found myself thinking - what is this place? Why is it there? What is the music telling me about it? Mystery and a gentle sadness are the emotions the show invokes for me. Is this what you intended? If so, then you've succeeded wonderfully. The closing text sequence was just what was needed to answer the tension set up by watching the show! 3. Ron comments on the framing. I'm afraid that, for me, this is counter-productive as my eyes tended to wander occasionally out of the image and into the noisy border. I wonder what the show would be like with a neutral background (mid to dark grey, with no texture) and a simple thin key line of 2 or three pixels (probably black but perhaps white) to hold in each image. 4. I don't think the title font & text effects are sympathetic with the rest of the show. Something much more subdued, perhaps using the font from the end text slides over a faded version of one of the images? 5. The simple word "Purton" at the start doesn't do the show justice. Perhaps a subtitle might help or, my preference, a short "voice over" with the title saying what the show is about. Well - those are my comments and they are not meant to be critical in a negative sense but simply suggestions about alternative approaches that may (or may not) enhance an already superb presentation (I wish I'd done it). Thanks again.
  14. Thanks for letting us know - it's a little disappointing when others complain about problems then don't say if they've been sorted out.
  15. I nearly always use this method but prefer to use "soft light" blending.
  16. I'm so glad Maureen dealt with the 72 nonsense. As for the rest, PS CS does 16 bits so so do I. Why degrade images before you have to. As far as I'm concerned, do the best you can with the raw material, regardless of how it will be presented. In short 16 bits best (for now anyway), OK.
  17. I got the same message as Al.
  18. This is very unusual. I'm sorry that you've had this problem and hope it is soon resolved. In my opinion, and many others too, PTE is without doubt the one piece of software for which the support has been outstanding. Updates and help all come free, not least via this Forum. I'm sure that this is a minor glitch and that you'll soon be "over the moon" with your purchase.
  19. Jeff Evans' very useful timeline guide is now available: A User Guide to Timeline Functions
  20. Jeff Evans has produced an excellent pdf guide to using the timeline in PTE. You can download it here: User Guide to Timeline Functions
  21. Not sure what's going on here. If you have a show that's not too big, you could prepare a template from it, zip that and email to me and I'll see if I can spot anything.
  22. You'll need media player version 10 - earlier versions don't have "ripping" built-in.
  23. Either e-mail direct or use dropload to send it to me together with your details. I'll upload it to the site, crediting it to you of course.
  24. If it will help, I'll write you a short "how-to" on making and using a copyright "stamp" to add to images in Photoshop - I actually demonstrated this last week in a talk I did at a local club. E-mail if you would like this, letting me know exactly what it is you wish to do.
  25. You still need the plug-in with CS2. I got it free from: Icon plugin for Photoshop BTW - if all you need is a copyright sign, you can get it into a text document (eg text layer in PS) by holding down alt as you press 0169 on your numeric keypad (PC only). Like this: ©
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