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Everything posted by dpletts

  1. For the latest news about DigiDaub 9 please see my blog: http://digidaub.blogspot.co.uk/ David P
  2. Hi Gayland, join the club. And, anyway, I think long scrolling menus are a bit rare, so we don't expect them. All the best, David
  3. Hi Gayland, Frames are in the Effects menu, near the bottom. This part of the menu may be off your screen (my screen is 1028 pixels deep, and the menu just fits), but you should be able to scroll down to the bottom of the menu. Please let me know if this proves impossible. Best wishes, David
  4. Here is a short presentation of DigiDaub8. It is partly menu driven and has NO audio. Download if you wish DavidP
  5. Hello DigiDaub friends, I have had the bit between my teeth recently, and have been working on improving DigiDaub It is now at version 8 Main changes are: New Canvas sizes Improved colour management New Text menu giving more control over display style New backgrounds New effects General tidying up Frames are back New regular textures Download if you wish DavidP
  6. Hi Colin, Yes, I remember your excellent "Symmetry" show. You are very welcome indeed. Thank you. David
  7. Hi Davy, You've got it in one. Of course DigiDaub is not to everyone's taste - nor would I expect it to be. If only a few people have fun with it, I'm happy. I doubt if you would want to see effect after effect as in the Exposed show (after all, it's just for demo purposes), but, as you point out, the odd effect might come in handy somewhere along the line. Thanks for you appreciation, David P
  8. For those of you who would like to see how DD7 can make a mess or otherwise of some photos you might like to download my just over 3 minutes show, DD7Exposed. David P
  9. Hi Gayland and everyone else. I'm afraid I uploaded DD7 again and forgot to note the new URL. Here it is http://www.box.com/s/k69b2qgfhd8hr2hijt0q Sorry, another senior moment. David P
  10. Hi Giel, I have just found your New Art show and am really impressed - and thank you for using DigiDaub. Being utterly biased, I would love to see more, of course - only if you have time and inclination. The music really works well, too. Wonderful. Best wishes, David P
  11. To Brian and others who are wondering what on earth DigiDaub is about. I rather stupidly thought that forum members would already know about DidiDaub as it was introduced on this forum a little while ago, but I forgot that there would be people who have more recently joined up. My apologies to all concerned. The following is taken from the notes included with the DigiDaub7 distribution: "DigiDaub7 is a Windowsgraphics application with which you can create abstract-style textures,backgrounds, wallpaper, art or eye-candy. It is both half serious and half fun.Some of it's features, especially in the 'Effects' and 'Texture' sections are not meant to be a replacement for dedicated softwares that specialize in effects and textures, but are included as an adjunct to making abstract art. Likewise,the possibility of loading external images means that you can include somerealism with you abstract art. There is a small selection of Canvas sizes, including the largest proportionalinternational A-size that will fit on your screen in both landscape and portrait orientations. You can't actively draw or paint - just let the computer do it for you. There are over 300 design elements in the menus. You can select the element you wish to use, but you are then at the mercy of the computer; it has been programmed to make various random adjustments to the element you use. There is a tremendous amount of randomness built in to DigiDaub 7 and the odds of ever being able to repeat an original design are just about impossible. Serendipity is a big feature ofDigiDaub 7. DigiDaub7 can also build up an abstract image for you with one menu choice - just like that! Depending on which automated process you select, the computer saves a series of images on disk for you to browse through later. DigiDaub 7 includes a browsing function. The idea is for you to embark on a voyage of discovery with DigiDaub 7 and find out what each feature does However. included in the distribution is gallery of images showing examples of the design elements and effects available. Installing DigiDaub 7 A screensize of at least 1024 x 768 is recommended. Unzip theDigiDaub7.zip file into a new folder of your choice. Please make sure that all unzipped files are kept in the same folder. A goodway to see DigiDaub 7 in action is to select Go once from the Auto menu. DigiDaub 7 will use a selection from most of the available image tools to paint a design for you. Note that not all items on every menu are included." So howhow does DigiDaub work? First of all there is a restricted number of Canvases to choose from. All graphics are, naturally, restricted to the Canvas size. The choice of colours then needs to be considered. When DigiDaub first starts it creates a sequence of graded colours, a palette, from which colours are chosen by the program. Methods of computer-generated palettes are provided, some predefined palettes are also provided, and a singlekey-press will generate a new random palette. Palettes can be saved and reloaded. Menus provide access to a number of design features; textures, regular textures, geometric and organic shapes and effects. Almost every one of these feature sinclude a random element, either of colour, shape, or position. The real generative feature is the ability of DigiDaub to create a stream of images, each building on the previous one, which are entirely random. Images are madeup from most of the elements available via the menus, but there is a selectionof more restricted-choice elements to render energy field, organic or geometric images. A roundel feature is also available which generates circular designs. A new feature in DigiDaub 7 is the addition of randomly chosen text in randomly chosen styles using your computer's native fonts. A file of text material is provided, but you can load your own selection of words or phrases from a textfile. You can copy an image from the canvas, then include it in a new canvas in various ways; blended at three strengths, reveal parts of the copied image or have parts ofthe image show through. You can import your own images for further processing by adding design features to it.You can also blend or overlay an imported image with the current canvas so as to incorporate a photo for example in the canvas. A touch of realism can be incorporated in your abstract image in this way. Any images you make can be saved either as .bpm files or one of three levels of .jpg file. DigidDaub is under frequent revision and further enhancements are planned for the convenience of the user. I hope this helps, David P
  12. Hello Davy, Many thanks for you kind comment. Sorry I haven't replied sooner, but I have only just got round to looking at the Forum again. Cheers, David P
  13. Hello DigiDaub friends, DigiDaub has been updated to version 7 with new design elements and other features. Available at http://www.box.com/s/k69b2qgfhd8hr2hijt0q (Note: updated URL) A DigiDaub Flickr group has been started at http://www.flickr.com/groups/digidaub Please feel free to contribute any DigiDaub created or influenced image to the group if you wish. Best wishes to all, David P
  14. Thanks for that idea, snapcam - I'll maybe re-visit this one. I might do more of this style of thing and will bear in mind what you have suggested Cheers, DavidP
  15. Hello, I have uploaded a short AV project here Cheers, David P
  16. I'm not a cricket fan - but you captured the best bits so well. The expressions on the various player's faces were a joy to see! Excellent - and, of course, you couldn't better the choice of soundtrack. David P
  17. Great stuff, Barry. I think your show with much longer longer holds and transitions would make a good doctors/dentists waiting room video loop - very calming. David P
  18. Shrinking the selection by 1 pixel often helps to avoid the rough edges. Not too good for small type, though. David P
  19. Sheiia G and Dan, Many thanks for your appreciative remarks. Sheila, I believe that leaving people wanting more is a successful ploy, which I inadvertently employed. Cheers, David P
  20. Thanks for your appreciation, Paul. I wouldn't wanted to use the word 'art' in relation to my work (I feel it would be rather pretentious), but, I believe a slide show is in itself an art form, which I rather like to explore. Cheers, David P
  21. Thank you for your kind remarks, Davy and Ken. I find that by using PTE I can be quite expressive and 'different'. I not so sure about an album, though, Davy. Not sure that I have that much imagination. As for the soundtrack I have quite a large library of ready-made loops and samples and instruments which makes finding something suitable easy, but having so many brings it's own problem of actually finding the right sound. But it's great fun. Ken, there certainly does seem to be some meeting of minds between Davy and myself. David P
  22. Full Fathom Five is not the normal slide shows of pretty pictures etc but is intended to be an immersive (please forgive pun) audio-visual experience using found (thanks to Google) photos and paintings etc along with my own mixed soundtrack.. Things you might not like: Square format Fixed 700 x 700 size Some abstract images Ambient soundtrack Things you might like: Some abstract images Ambient soundtrack If you want to study an image, use the spacebar to stop the show. Its short Download here Just over 31MB Enjoy
  23. Barry, 1280 x 1024 David P
  24. Wow! Brilliant correlation of music, pictures/video and effects. David P
  25. My thoughts. Should we care about protocol and theory? Shouldn't we just do what our instincts tell us will work for us? There's always someone who will share our instincts, but others won't. Is there right or wrong in artistic endeavour? We don't like everything we experience be it sight, sound, taste etc, do we? And not everything is of the highest standard, but it may still be interesting, inspiring or have some other worth. Such is the spice of life. Let's have fun! Just because an application has certain features, we don't have to use them. And also think of the satisfaction that the PTE crew get from programming something challenging, and getting it right. And how lucky we are to be at the receiving end.. I'm not trying to upset anyone, get at anyone, or criticise anyone; I'm just sharing my personal opinion for what it's worth. So I give Howard top marks for an interesting project. David P
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