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Everything posted by dpletts
Colin, that was excellent. Found it very inspiring. On the whole, the altered images were pretty subtle. I would also be happy to see some images a bit more "off the wall" if you make any. Thank you. I must say the cat looked as though he might be thinking of using the rose as a weapon! David P
George, congratulations on the final Las Vegas show; it was most definitely different and for me, your approach was appropriate for the subject matter. Very good. I thought the use of the Travel Template at start and end was a much better idea. Yet another member of my club! Regards, David P
Hi there, On saying the following I appreciate your show was a try-out of the template, so the following comments don't really apply to your work, but more a case of a general observation. The calendar is good, but would be best reserved for a longer series of slides per day, ie a longer slide show. I also think that the transitions to a dark screen with the next slide appearing at reduced size would be better between groups of slides rather than each slide, which probably means you couldn't use the two together. I do, however, think that your show was a useful exercise both for you and the viewers. Thank you once again for your persistence and for sharing. All the best, David P
That's how it looks; I am looking forward to the new video features. Too true; patience, they say, is a virtue. The audio features may not have the coolest interface, but they can be made to work well. David P
I know we have been promised enhancements in the audio interface, but when? Reading various messages from Igor it appears we will have to wait until version 7.5 for improvements. In the meantime it seems we have to use the rather convoluted methods provided. David P
Thank you for your interest in DigiDaub and that you liked the combined images. I totally agree with you but the 'photographic effects' are included 1) so that these few operations can be used in combination with the abstract images without having to leave the program and perhaps, more importantly, 2) I had fun programming them. David P
Hi BB, You put music, or other sounds, in tracks. Tracks are collections of sounds that are played sequentially, ie you can't have two or more sounds playing at the same time in one track. You can set the time at which the start of a sound is played by using Offset in the Audio Clip Properties dialog; click on Customise (Project Options/Music). You can set for how long the sound plays by using Duration. If you want to play two sounds one after the other with no silence between them you can use Crossfading to set a time during which the first sound morphs into the second sound. Tracks (containing sounds) are processed simultaneously - ie the sounds are played and heard together, so you can add further tracks (Add Track) which can contain other sounds. Make sure the track you are adding music to is highlighted and click (Add Music) to add a sound to that track. An example might be that you have a music 'bed' in Track 1 which lasts for the whole slide show. At a particular point in the show you want to superimpose a sound effect. The effect goes into Track 2 with the Offset time set to coincide with the time in the slide show where you want to hear the effect start (commonly at the start of a transition). I have found it best to create a new track for every effect I want to introduce because it is much easier to adjust just one sound in a track and believe you me you probably will want to adjust the timing. I have yet to come to a limit of the number of tracks available at one time; this is possibly dependent on how much memory you have in you computer. I think the manual explains most of this and there are a few references to the Music functions in the forum. However, what I have written may not be too clear so don't hesitate to ask more questions. Best of luck, David P
Here is a presentation about my new abstract art generator which includes new features which photographers might find useful. You can download it here David P
DigiDaub4 includes new features which might be of use to photographers. See presentation in Slideshow section. Can be downloaded for free from here. David P
Hi BB, I forgot to say that I liked your show, especially the words, which I felt were given the prominence they needed, with the other visual/audio aspects supporting them. Good stuff, I would like to see more of that kind of thing. Cheers, David P
Hi BB, I thought I might put my penny-worth in based on my, admittedly, limited experience with PTE audio. I find that synching a soundtrack to slides can be done, provided you have shortish chunks of audio and you use the music facilities provided in PTE, found in the 'Customize' section, to the full, using fade in, fade out, cross fading, start time and offset as appropriate. A whole lot easier, but not always appropriate, is to prepare a complete soundtrack and adjust the timing of slides to suite the audio. The visible waveform can often help with this. You can, of course, combine both approaches. Sometimes I prepare a soundtrack to fit the length of the show and add 'effects' at appropriate moments to synch with the slides using the first method. I find that making a soundtrack can take longer than preparing the the slides, and even then, I can't always get the timing right. There isn't an easy answer to audio other than to choose a piece of music and spread the slides to the length of the soundtrack, another PTE option. I hope my comments help a little. David P
Well, thank you, Davy. I have taken on board your useful comments and hope to remember them for the future. Thank you, too George, for your comments. Both of you given me great encourgement. I have run out of photos now, but hope to do more when we get kinder weather. David P
Here are a some photographs I took as I walked the back way between Norwich Cathedral and the railway station, one day last summer. I have added just a couple of photographs, downloaded via Google, of the interior of the Cathedral to complete the picture so to speak and a rather nice wide-angle one of the cloisters I found, too. Download here David P
Thanks Colin. I have already made a tentative start on version 4 - but it will be some time yet, as I have other ideas I would like to work on. David P
Hi Colin, I really enjoyed watching that - nature at it's worst? Or just as it's supposed to be, I suppose. Liked (not just) the animations - liked the whole show. Music? I thought it was a pretty good choice considering the underlying sadness of the theme of the show. Great stuff - now looking forward to the release of your archived material. David P
Presenting DigiDaub3, the latest version of my texture/abstract art Windows application. The slide show is under user control, and includes a download button on the final slide. Thought this might be of interest to some PTE users. Download Presentation David P
Hi Bernard, I really enjoyed the show. I liked the appropriate use of quick transitions, especially when matched to the music - which I liked, too. Looks like a very interesting place. Thanks for sharing. Cheers, David P
Davy, For me, one of the best slide shows ever. Congrats David P
Thanks, Mick, for the info on the 3D Cube. I will have a close look at that in due course.
Hello Mick, Thank you for your kind words and appreciation of this presentation. I haven't given 3D much thought. I would love to see some examples of your 3D cube work - and I'm afraid I am not aware of Lin Evan's 3D Cube.
I liked a (commercial) track made by Bruno Sanfilippo so much that it inspired me to make a slide show to accompany it, and Bruno has kindly given me permission to add the link to to this forum.: Download Length: 5mins 6secs Size: 23.2MB The abstract images are generated with my own software. David P
Great Fun. Thank you, David P
Greg, you've got some interesting designs in your Artsy 1 gallery, too. Great stuff. David
DigiDaub is a sequel to AmbiDaub 1.6 and AmbiDaub 2. These two slide shows illustrate some of the features of DigiDaub. The first one, DDDemo.exe, (2 mins 10 secs) shows some images made with the Auto function of DigiDaub so they are entirely computer-generated, as is the soundtrack. Download here. The second one, DDDemo2.exe, (2 mins) shows various features which have been user-chosen, most of which are not available in auto mode. Download here. Further information about DigiDaub and the download link can be found in the software section of this Forum. David P
DigiDaub is the successor to AmbiDaub versions 1.6 and 2. The program is essentially the same as previous versions, except there is a lot more of it. The Auto feature which was dropped in version 2 has been reinstated. One of the reasons for the new name is that DigiDaub is aimed at a wider audience. In addition to providing background textures and patterns for users of slide show software it now includes a square layout, perhaps more appropriate for digital scrap booking, and a couple of international A-size proportioned layouts both landscape and portrait, which makers of digital greetings cards might find useful. All layouts are scaled to the largest size that can be fitted on to your computer's screen. You can build your own sequences of colour, or you can select one of a handful of preset colour ranges. You can also set a single colour. Alternatively, DigiDaub will set up a random sequence of colours for you. DidgDaub can be used to create textures, patterns, designs, abstract art and eye-candy, and can be used to alter and mix photos or other images including colour changes. Although you are able to select which functions and procedures you would like to be applied to the DigiDaub canvas, most features utilise randomness, providing a certain amount of serendipity... you can't be certain as to exactly what you are going to get! In adition to user input, you can set DigiDaub going in Auto mode. The program can produce from one to a complete series of designs for you, entirely of its own making, selecting its own random choice of action. As a canvas is completed DigiDaub can be set to save the image automatically. The program comes with a short help file, but it's an application which encourages exploration. Not only is DigiDaub intended to be a useful graphical application, but it is also great fun. DigiDaub is for a PC running Windows of recent flavours, and has been tested on WIndows XP and 64 bit WIndows 7. I would like to thank George Holloway for his immense help in testing DigiDaub. Download here David P