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Everything posted by dpletts

  1. Davy, With regard to audio it will be good to see what can be done with the new version of P2E. David
  2. Davy, Wow! Incredibly emotional. I loved it! Thought some of your morphs were spot on. It looks as though you put a lot of thought into it. David P
  3. Hi Davy, Many thanks for your comments about Meander. Hopefully as time goes by I can do better. Yes, an interesting optical illusion. My monitor is a mere 1280x1024. Originally I was aiming for a fixed size of 1024x768, but the zooms didn't look too bad on my monitor so I took off the size restriction. Thanks for your comment - I think I will stick to a fixed format when using 'artwork', or when using small photo sizes. I use Reaper for sequencing and adding effects. The loops and samples for Meander mainly came from a commercial collection, but I often make my own loops and samples - again using Reaper and calling on many VST instruments and effects. I also use my own software (AmbiFlow) for random audio mixing, plus I have the oft-mentioned Audacity and a few other odd bits of software to make use of. Best wishes, David
  4. Hi Davy, I know what you mean. I have just uploaded a show which I am not 100% happy with. Some of its timings could be just a bit tighter but making microsecond adjustments becomes too tedious and reduces the amount of fun I get from this activity. Anyway, I feel that the viewer is probably and hopefully unaware of the tweaking that could be done, and just enjoys the end product (as in the case of your 'La Mer'). David
  5. Here is my first attempt at accompanying an ambient(ish) audio track with some visuals. The track was made first then I made some abstract visuals for it. The stand-alone WIndows exe version can be downloaded here: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?dc4actodtj1 A Windows screensaver version is alternatively available here: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?3y3zgqrgz1g The visuals were made almost exclusively with some very nice on-line software from: http://www.escapemotions.com/index.html Cheers, David P
  6. Hi Davy, I liked the way the visual progression of the pics 'harmonised' with the music. Lovely! Cheers, David P
  7. Both the mentioned new features are very exciting and I can hardly wait for the beta to try. Well done! Cheers! David P
  8. Thank you, friends, for your kind comments and encouragement. The main reason for investing in P2E was to be able to add some visuals to the ambient music I make without having to embark on detailed animation. This is a challenge which I am looking forward to tackling. Creating 'artwork' is quite a lengthy business but I hope to give it a go - after all, being retired, I have plenty of time. I would also like to become more involved in taking photographs so that I can produce more traditional shows, but, maybe, with a surrealist influence. As for the length of a presentation, I wouldn't want to go much beyond 5 minutes. Perhaps 4 mins would be a better target? DavidP
  9. I really like this one particularly the 'surreal'/abstract nature, the gentle movement and the morphing between pictures. Excellent. All the best, DavidP
  10. Thanks, Ken, for the kind words. Sorry about the falling snow and roadmap - but I have done a single slide of rain, lightning and thunder - just 16 seconds! The link to RLT.zip: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ghvkyatznca The venue is Chichester Cathedral Close. David
  11. I enjoy typography and particularly the ampersand, coming as it does in a variety of shapes. So I decided to make a slideshow about it, my first 'public' one. It is for PC only and lasts a tad over 5 minutes The zip file (Ampersand.zip, 19.5MB) can be downloaded here: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ktgcd0tyuhk The emphasis is on artwork rather than photography, and most of the graphic material is sourced from the internet. Cheers, DavidP
  12. I have been using version 6, but I was unable to reproduce the problem. So it must be me! Sorry about that. David
  13. Thanks for that suggestion; I'll try it sometime, although I think I would rather doctor the .pte file direct. But I shouldn't have to do either of these things, should I? Cheers, David
  14. Hello, I accidentally added a reference to a music file for a particular slide under "Customize slide". I removed it, leaving the music section empty, but never-the-less, the music was still played at Preview. Looking at the .pte file in notepad, I noticed that the reference to the music file was still there. (I have manually changed this, since. How really convenient it is that the .pte file is plain text!) Originally I had "Synchronize music and slides" switched on, then after removing the reference to the music, I switched it off. Have I overlooked something? David
  15. Hello Peter, I am very new to PTE and was just blindly following up potwnc's post so am not yet aware of all the possibilities regarding mouse clicks. Thanks for your hints - I am looking forward to having a good look at, and exploring, the features you have mentioned. Thank you for your help. Best wishes, David
  16. I agree with potwnc that this would be a really useful feature, especially being able to go to a new slide. I envisage a slide of a painting. The viewer could click on an area of the picture (perhaps using an 'invisible' button), and a new slide showing a zoom of that part of the picture would appear. The feature would turn PTE into a really interactive application which I think would vastly extend the scope of this software. Illustrated interactive fiction comes to mind. I notice that a number of slideshows are about buildings. It would perhaps be good to be able to click on a map of, say, a castle, and then see a slide showing that particular area. David
  17. Very many thanks, Den. I have downloaded you file and I look forward to having a good look at the contents. Cheers, David
  18. Hi Tom, The FlashMe utility was donation ware by Granot. His site now only deals with the Thai language. I have a copy of FlashMe, but there are certain setup features that need to be placed in a text file. I was hoping someone might have that information. David
  19. I am a new user of PTE version 6 (a very impressive program indeed) and have just come across a reference to Flashme. Will this work with the latest PTE? If so, can any one kindly let me have a copy of the help file for Flashme, as the application is no longer available on the author's web site. Many thanks, David
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