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Everything posted by denwell

  1. Thanks Mary I'd already thought about this option, but it still adds the slide number including the first (intro) slides - I cannot begin with a selection of 1 through to say 100 following these intro slides. I can easily add a template in Project Options to automatically do what you suggest. Maybe Igor might see the merits of adding this function (?)
  2. Is there a simple way to configure a text template to add slide numbers to a sequence of images within the entire slide list ? I have a few intro slides - then I wish to start adding slide numbers to many more, then miss several others and then continue on to the end. I know I can do this by manually adding a text comment to each appropriate slide but I don't see a way of automating this process. Am I correct?
  3. Nice one Barry Having experienced the Oz rainforest environment (albeit in full sunshine - not the best conditions for photography)I was convinced by this! Only the heat and humidity were missing. If one looks (and sees) the trees don't rotate - just the camera viewpoint, a popular TV and film technique. I would agree that it could benefit from the BG SFX being there (subdued) throughout the sequence, not just in the beginning and end sections. The music was, to me, quite appropriate to the subject but maybe a little too 'bright' for the forest atmosphere. Photography was excellent.
  4. Hubert Yes Ken is correct. Ronnie West has just sent me an excellent pdf tutorial explaining how to customise the Dom's Photo Album v1.2.2 (which is no longer on The Dom's site, but Ron also has). This has the page curl we both seem to want. Now it's a case of adapting this curl to other album templates available - like the old/tatty albums from Trailertrash. Contact Ron - I'm sure he'll oblige.
  5. On a similar subject Has anyone produced a template which has the pages turning over with a 'curl' to them, which occurs naturally in a page turn? Many album demos and templates have the page stiff and straight - a bit unrealistic I believe ( unless the page is not paper but board). I would be keen to find one - or a tutorial giving guidance on adding this final realistic detail.
  6. If you use Breezebrowser Pro why install more software? I feel this is the quickest and easiest way to rename, by adding an incremental series - digits or letters to all your images for the show, which will be sorted in this order in Explorer or PTE.
  7. Ron I'm using 16:10 ratio to match my PC monitor's aspect ratio, and I find that on my Sony TV, PTE shows made in that ratio are displayed full height but have the two small black bands at either side due to the AR mismatch - this I can live with. The detail and clarity are more than acceptable. I found that rendering 1920 x 1200 output seemed to be more than the TV could handle via the USB port. I'm still experimenting though, and the TV's resident resolution is what I would seek to achieve. Have you any recommendations to make regarding PTE settings? DEN
  8. Thanks for that information Xaver. I've experimented more and settled on an aspect ratio of 16:10, resolution 1280x800,24p and two passes @ 10,000 bitrate. This combination gives me a great image on TV, so I'll stick with it for now. Whilst a monitor image looks good - a 40inch TV images is just perfect for family viewing! Thanks again
  9. Can anyone tell me the preferred MP4 settings (audio bit rate, framerate etc) for ouputting a 16:10 (1920x1200) PTE show for display via an HDTV (PAL)? I'm using the USB TV input. I've done one recently (100+ large size slides 3:2 and audio MP3s) which took over 3hrs to render, but I can't remember the settings I used.The results were astonishingly good! Now I've just tried another show (60 smaller, 500k, slides 1920x1200 + MP3, 5min) which rendered in 15mins but there is no video - just the audio! ( 1920x1200,30fps,44100sample rate, 256 bitrate and one-pass quality 100). I guess the final output was too much for the TV! Before I try out all of the other settings, custom and default, can anyone give me a shortcut to the optimum settings in PTE?
  10. Can we now move on to a calmer and less vitriolic discussion (if needed) concerning the original post? How we slipped into this prolonged personal slanging match between long standing forum members gives cause for concern. I know from personal acquaintance that Peter is a genuine person of great integrity and a clear thinker, whose contribution to this forum is invaluable. To follow a war of words and semantics is not what I come here for - I don't find it in the least amusing or entertaining, as others seem to. Let's give it rest! Copyright is a complicated issue and there has been much (calmer) discussion over the years concerning the pitfalls which are waiting out there. Mark's account of the 'copyright police' is not an isolated incident and we should all be aware of the potential consequences of 'grabbing' images or music from the web - even though our own AV activities may not give rise to needing to quake with fear at every knock on the door. The principles are simple, even if the detail is complicated, and varies across the globe.
  11. The old chestnut is raised once again! No matter how I may feel - once I have taken a photograph the copyright is vested in me as creator of the image. I can do nothing about it at all. So saying, I am free to handle this right as I see fit - to give it away free, for a fee or just ignore it altogether. The point Peter is making is that, whether or not we care a jot, the rights to all creative material, images or music is owned by the creator or their heirs. "If I take a photo of a sculpture/painting/whatever, it’s mine" Not so - whilst the image is yours, you would need a property release from the copyright owner to use the image commercially. We overlook this issue so often, it's a minefield but must be recognised and respected. I wouldn't advocate flaunting the issue, nor going to the ends of the earth to track down copyright owners, but we mustn't get onto the slippery slope of complacency. I think Barry is trying, as he does so well, to ask us to lighten up, not get bogged down, but recognise the issue and deal with it as our concience sees fit. I agree whole heartedly!
  12. Ken Link goes nowhere! Dave Thanks for that - an easy to understand graphic.
  13. Lin Sadness comes to us all in many ways - but the loss of a loved one is the cruelest. Take comfort in your memories and treasure your years together. Sincere sympathy and my thoughts go out to you. respectfully, Dennis
  14. Igor Can we assume that this, most welcome, addition will be available in future betas with a UI control rather than using a text editor?
  15. Hi Dave 1680 x 1050 (16:10)
  16. Again - well said Barry It seems to me that these 'officials' need to justify their existance on the 'Committee' by trying to appear more knowledgable than they obviously are concerning the technicalities, whilst disregarding creative freedom and practicalities. I suppose they are trying to create a 'level playing field' for all, but the more rules and impediments there are will surely discourage participation - it would for me!
  17. I can confirm this error - I get the same message on your excellent typewriter animation download.
  18. Got it in one Peter! Somewhere inside was a 'run slideshow' command which ,as you say, caused the error message. Job done!
  19. I've just completed a long sequence using several sections, made separately, and copied together and finally saved in v6.0.3. The resulting .exe is giving me this error message at the end of the sequence - which otherwise runs fine. "PteShow ExeFile Version Mismatch myshow.exe" Can anyone explain simply how to get around this one - I can't see anything relevant through a forum search? I understood this may have appeared using version 6 betas.
  20. denwell


    JPD's tireless involvement with PTE is remembered by all of us and the world of AV has been enriched by his calculating and analytical approach, taking PTE to greater heights. We have all learned so much from him in one way or another, his unique intellect and boundless enthusiasm will be sorely missed by all who shared his dream. My thought too are with his family at this sad time. Adieu!
  21. You're right Jim - I too get a warning from Avast! I can't think that Granot has allowed a virus to interfere with his utility (it's been around many years!) so I would suspect it's a false positive, seeing that Peter's Av software gives it a clean bill of health ---- but I cannot guarantee that! I have removed 'show.exe' from the .zip package and the FlashMe4 app seems to work OK, but then again I've never used the programme and don't suppose I will. The request was for some help files which may or may not be what's included here. Try it and report back.
  22. For what it's worth - here are the complete Flash Me 4 files for this utility from Granot : http://www.mediafire.com/?wgm3uwygymz I hope they make sense to you.
  23. Pinpres As Ken says you will need to copy and paste the 'master' slide as many times as needed and then change the images in O&A ( Properties tab > picture). This will maintain any animation in the 'master' across all of the new slides. It cannot be done by one keypress however. Hope this helps
  24. Hi You could also - create your text, as Lin says, in O&A using your desired colour, then merely copy the text object and paste it into the following slide, then change the wording to suit that particular slide. Repeat as required. This should give far more flexibility in size and positioning than using the comments 'route' - if this is what you had in mind.
  25. Sorry Chaps I forgot you were Elements users! Yes an action is perhaps overdoing it a bit to create simple icon sized images - just remember that you must reduce the colour depth of your original image to 256 colours, then crop to 32x32px or 64x64px before saving in .ico format. Using Irfanview is another simple method - if you do not wish to do it in Elements - it allows saving in this file format.
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