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  1. Is it possible to carry out editing in the main,large window ? On a long video that I want to remove several clips from and join the remainder how is this done please ? Thank you
  2. That is great to know, I have been missing this option since it was removed from the Publish menu. Many thanks for this information
  3. Hi Jill Many thanks for your reply , I will try that. I have multiple clips on one track Canico
  4. When recording a sound track in multiple sections each is given a number 1 2 3 4 etc but if I want to delete a faulty track EG 4 pressing the little 'x' delete key deletes all tracks. Is it possible to limit the delete to a single track, again eg 4, and if so how to do it please ? Thank you
  5. Please bring back the facility to publish a show to DVDs. DVDs cost pennies when bought in quantity whereas USB/ memory sticks cost £££s for a decent capacity. Also making DVDs is faster. Copies on DVD can be given out to friends.
  6. The one thing I would like to have is a much easier and surer method of saving a sequence, both completed and work in progress. Canico
  7. Thanks to everyone who has replied, plenty of things I did not know. I have watched Barry Beckham's video and am curious that my version of Studio 10 does not look like that. How do you get three columns of slides and a long list other images to select from ?
  8. Thanks Tom, however I know the process, I just do not know how to 'select the number of slides required' in to the process Canico
  9. I have been trying to use this effect but I do not know how to input more than one slide at a time, can someone please explain how to do this. Thank you
  10. Thank you to all who replied on this topic, very helpful Canico
  11. I add text to a slide using key frames to bring in and remove the text with the on screen duration I want. However the text appears and disappears abruptly, is it possible to fade the text in and out please? Thank you Canico
  12. Thank you for the suggestions which i will try Canico
  13. I have completed a sequence and want to remove the slides from the slide line and bring in another different partly made sequence . Is there a way to remove the completed sequence while retaining it in PTE for possible future revision ? It has 267 slides so I do not want to have to remove them one by one in Slide Options . Thank you Canico
  14. Thanks Dave Gee, I have not seen the full list of hot keys before, I only knew two. Canico
  15. As no one seems to have an answer hopefully it can be sorted in a future upgrade. Another anomaly when setting a pan is that the set transition time changes to some random number. Canico
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