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Everything posted by crossfade
There is no mac version but you can run PTE in VMware or Parallels which works just fine. It can output Mac shows which run on a Mac.
I said what i said becaus you said tablets lack a cpu or operating system and can't run executable code and now you say Android and ipads can't run computer software. Thats crazy talk. How can a tablet run the millions of apps if there's no cpu or operating system? Whether WnSoft wants to support tablets is up to them but its something to consider because theyre everywhere. http://venturebeat.com/2013/05/06/tablets-will-outsell-laptops-6-to-1-by-2017-as-mobile-pc-market-hits-579-4-million/ This year, we’ll buy more tablets than notebooks for the first time ever. But by 2017, we’ll buy six times more tablets than laptops, according to market researcher NPD.
LOL!!! that's certainly far out there. Wow. Android tablets and iPads have a CPU and an operating system and run executable code, just not Windows code. WnSoft could create slide shows for those if they wanted to and had the time. Maybe when th Mac version is done. LOL.
The .exe's need Windows and the tablets run Android or ios, so no. Unless someone writes a windows emulator, it wont work, and even then it probably wont since the emulation will slow it down. you have to make a movie out of them.
Get Handbrake and convert it to whatever format you prefer. Depending on your computer, it might take a while.It's completely free and runs on Mac, Windows and linux
OSX 10.4 for a slide show and iPads must have movies (theyre not a mac). It wont work. You need a Mac with an Intel chip and anything that ran 9 doesn't have Intel inside.Its too old. It has to run OSX10.4 at least.
PTE creates a Mac application but for an ipad or android tablet you need to make a movie.
Boot Camp lets you boot into Windows and there will be no issues at all. Its now a Windows system. Parallels and VMware run Windows while running Mac OS and you don't need to reboot. Either way works but there's less hassle with not needing to reboot. How much memory is in the Mac and which Mac is it?
He said "I have pictures in Dropbox and hard drive" To me, that says its his own photos in his own Dropbox account and they are already on his hard drive. All he needs to do is access them like any other folder. Youre talking about when someone publishes a Dropbox url.That is different. Obviously you have to download someone elses photos but thats not what he said.
No you dont. Anything in Dropbox is already on the local hard drive including images.All Dropbox does is mark a particular folder on the hard drive to be synced to the cloud. Its still a local folder, with files on the hard drive and works like any other folder of images.
Why not do that with iTunes? And copying stuff off the ipad, use iPhoto or Lightroom and then to pte.
150 million accounts leaked - check here if you are affected
crossfade replied to Ken Cox's topic in Equipment & Software
That was the first report. New information came out this past week and its a lot worse than thought. The sad part about this is how many stupid people use easy to guess passwords like 123456 (almost 2 million!) or password (almost 350000) or worse, put the password in the hint for all to see. That's just begging for problems. Here's the top 100 passwords used: http://stricture-gro...dobe-top100.txt -
why dont you tell Microsoft and Apple and Adobe they got it all wrong. Just give them the links to set them straight. LOL. Maybe if you could not be rude. When I learned to read, I learned that the word typically does not mean always. App is typically used for phone apps but it is not always used that way, like with Apple and Microsofts app stores. Today it means an executable program on a phone tablet or computer. you believe wrong. Im not arguing. I agree with your links. there weren't smartphones in 1985, so when it was coined it could only have meant one thing, something that runs on a computer. just goin by what your links said. Now back to the topic at hand. Hopefully there is a fix for this soon.
Suit yourself. The rest of the world calls them apps, including Microsoft. Adobe Photoshop Express is an app: http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/en-gb/app/adobe-photoshop-express/c08a0d72-28a1-465a-9e70-6a5b80b44d60 That says an application, or app for short, is a utility, programming tools, word processing, manipulate graphics (PTE) and more. If the Supreme Court says IE is an app, I'll go with that too. duno where you get your opinion but its not the links you gave. App is a new word to describe the same thing as executable or program. Get with the times. it also has nothing to do with the original topic anyway. You just want another argument. The problem is PTE slide shows aren't signed and causing headaches for users. That is what matters and it would be fantastic if it can be fixed.
There is nothing authoritative about that link and it agrees with me anyway. So I am going to try to explain what an app is. The word app is a noun, and it’s short for “application.” Application in this case refers to a software application — in other words, a software program. The slide shows PTE makes are a software program, an app or application, just like any other app on a Mac or Windows system. App is the new popular word for what is also called programs or executables. There is no difference. "App Store" sounds better than "Executable Store". Final Cut for video editing is an app on apple's app store. Even the latest version of Mac OS is on the app store. Its not just phone apps or just apple. Microsoft has an app store for windows. App roundup: 4 great photo apps for Windows A world of apps in the Windows Store
It's definitely an app, just not one that comes from the app store. There is no difference, other than where its downloaded. Revenue isn't why either. Its security. There are plenty of free apps on the app store, no revenue for anyone. it would be nice if slide shows could be signed. That would make it easier to distribute them. I get this question a lot, how do i run your slide show.
Already given but heres more. go to an Apple store and a Microsoft store. One of them will be packed with people buying all sorts of white and silver products and the other one will be mostly empty. Even the mac sections in big box stores are much busier than the rest of the store. Everywhere I go I see lots of people using macs from kids to elderly people. Roughly half of my clients use Macs. thats very odd for something that supposedly has just 9% market share. Look again, and it has everything to do with the discussion. Consumer share is what matters for consumer software. http://windows.micro...oft-surface-pro You brought up AV competitions, not me. Not the same thing. What part is not clear: "and unlike many companies, says it never pays for its products to appear on television or in movies" "Apple was struggling in those days, and then, as always, refused to pay for product placement" "Such barter deals are common today, and Apple is rare in having the luxury to skip them" I didn't call you a liar. Kindly stop fabricating things I did not say, or i will call you a liar. What I said was I doubt you know any Apple VPs, and it turns out you named one out of the several you claim to know and she is the VP of AppleCare and a new hire, so she wouldn't know anything about Apple's product placement policies, so why even mention it?? It doesn't support your claim at all. YOure just tossing names. Either you have proof that Apple pays for product placement, contrary to everything Apple and other sources have said and on numerous occasions, or you don't, and its clear you dont. Outdated beliefs. 20 years ago that might have held water. Not anymore. Things change, and what matters anyway is using the best tool for the job, not blindly picking what you think is the leader. Sometimes thats a Mac and sometimes it isn't. Im not disputing him nor am I arguing. Again, stop fabricating things I did not say. What one employee uses is not indicative of the entire company. Pixar uses mac, windows and linux. This is a fact and easily observed by visiting their web site. That means some employees will be using a mac and others won't. Some employees might even use more than one system. Like most well run companies, they use the best tool for the job. They dont have biases or mistaken beliefs. Pixar obviously uses macs to write Renderman for Mac and Macs are clearly visible in the video I linked. It doesnt get any clearer than that. Claiming that Pixar does not use Macs is silly and obviously wrong and makes you look foolish, so why do you continue? Another Mac user is Intel ex-ceo Paul Ottelini, "where Paul says that he uses his Mac for personal stuff, and his virtualized Windows PC in Parallels for business stuff, which is a similar use case that we're seeing from many of our hundreds of thousands of users." It doesnt and I do. WNSoft said 1-2 years when they first announced they were doing a mac version, so even they dont think it takes 5 years. I work with software developers for mac windows ios and android (I create the graphics for whatever programs they are doing) and i have a very good idea of how long things take since i see a variety of programs move from the original spec to the finished product. Anyway, I asked a couple of the mac guys about what they thought of PTE for mac. They said no way would it be 5 years. They said more like a year, maybe 2 if its their first mac program, which is what wnsoft originally said. One guy didnt even think it would take that long. Heck even the Windows guys i work with dont see it taking 5 years and they don't do any mac programming! meanwhile, microsoft converted Windows to run on an entirely different cpu for Windows RT in a couple of years. Unfortunately its not selling too well. Too bad, because the idea of a single system to run on everything is good. Apple converted OSX to run on Intel in a couple of years, faster than what they said it would be and then converted it again to the iphone in about two more years. In the past 5 years, Adobe released CS4, CS5, CS6 and CC including making it 64 bit on both mac and windows. Lightroom had 3 major releases. Quite a bit was added in each version too. Those are all much bigger and far more complex projects than PTE. Again, and back to the topic, simple question to wnsoft: what's the cause of the delay for Mac PTE and what is being done to remedy it? Im not the only person who has asked for a mac native version, and im sure theyre wondering whats really going on too.
Walk into any graphics department and its mostly Macs. the PCS are over in accounting. Look at what computers people are carrying and using, its way more than 9% Mac and Im not talking about personal friends either. Most presentations and lectures I go to are given with a Mac for instance and the people i see attending conferences often have Macs. its way more than 9%. You also have to understand what the published statistics mean before blindly citing them. For consumer market share (which is what matters for a consumer product), microsoft is actually rather low. Whats hot now are tablets and phones, not mac and windows. What's your source for that? The major slide show programs for PC dont support Mac and the major slide show programs for Mac dont support PC. So what? AV competition isnt the only place people do slide shows either. Another strawman, I never said mac software was superior. I pick the best tool for whatever i want to do. SOmetimes its a mac, sometimes not. Some Mac programs are better than windows and some windows programs are better than Mac. By having both systems (Macbook + PC desktop) I can choose which to use and when, or run VMware on the mac which i do too. You were told wrong and I doubt you know anyone at the vice president level at Apple anyway. Maybe you know some people at the local Apple store though. http://www.businessw...lt-in-hollywood Nothing strawman about it. Many graphics professionals do use Macs. Visit any ad agency. Even Microsoft and Dell's ads are done on Macs. The last post in this thread says he's in IT sales and its 95% mac. Anecdotal to be sure but thats a far cry from 9%. Even if its half of what he claims, its still a lot. Whether its most or not doesnt matter. what matters is it is a significant number and much more than 9%. As for Pixar, obviously there are enough people doing video on Macs and linux to justify supporting three different platforms, not just two. Also notice that windows is listed last of the three. Usually the most popular version is listed first, not last. Look again. The distinctive aluminum design is clear, and the Apple logo is also visible in some scenes. Their renderfarm is linux. Whats on people's desks can be anything, really. Not that it matters since Pixar doesn't use PTE so theyre not a potential customer. Whether they use Macs or not doesnt matter but they know that many other people use macs or they wouldn't have written Renderman for Mac. Presumably?? Well that's convincing! The fact there even was a Mac on the podium at a major Microsoft presentation, regardless of who used it, means they're not as rare as you want to think. Microsoft did use and when Ballmer introduced it on TV.He was the chairman, which I'd call head of, but if you want to argue semantics you'll have to find someone else. The point is he's not using his own products. I dont know what their reasons are and I didnt say I write Mac software, another strawman of yours. I'm not yapping either. Im just saying that its been years and hasnt happened and there arent any signs that it will be happening any time soon (or at all). Id like to be wrong but so far, i see nothing that shows otherwise. I asked what the cause of the delay has been but so far, no answer. It was announced 6 years ago to be expected within a year or two, which is 4-5 years for a shipping program. If youre going to quibble over rounding off to 5, then again, you'll have to find someone else to argue.
A second monitor or projector can be in mirrored or duplicate mode, or it can be spanning or extended mode. Mirrored is where both the laptop screen and projector show the same desktop, and spanning is where the entire desktop spans both monitors, with different content on each. For presentations, its really helpful to have them be different, so the speaker can refer to notes or other info on the laptop screen, while the actual presentation is on the projector. It was, because he had it set to do that. Thats normally how to do presentations. windows pcs support both modes.
that includes systems that would never buy PTE or could even run it, like netbooks and corporate systems that only run corporate softwre that the IT department approves of and nothing else. I see people with Macs all the time, much more than 9% of the time. Half of Adobe's sales are Mac. The number to look at is not the total, but what system people who make slide shows have, not what system a lawyer or accountant uses in their offices. No they don't. Apple does not pay for product placement. Movies and tv shows use Macs and iphones because theyre popular and they know that many viewers have them and can relate to the characters in the show. Your ILM link is over ten years old and Pixar's software runs on Mac, Linux and Windows and they dont make people use VMware or parallels to run it. A lot of what they do does use custom linux software, but PTE doesnt run on linux either! Not a good example. http://renderman.pix...enderman-studio Here's a behind the scenes tour of Pixar and there are a lot of Macs visible http://www.nytimes.c...ar-studios.html and Ballmer uses a Mac on stage for his presentation http://img.gawkerass...pg/original.jpg And the head of HP uses a Mac http://www.electroni...ooding.own.pcs/ While you can run PTE on a Mac using VMware or parallels (its what I do), its far from ideal. There is a lot of overhead in running a second operating system just to run a windows app and its a hassle. There was supposed to be a Mac PTE 5 years ago and it hasnt happened. I asked why but so far no answer othr than progress is slow. As far as i can tell, its not slow, its been abandoned. It doesnt take 5 years to write a program. In that same time there has been a couple of PTE windows releases. There is no external video port software. if you plug in a second display, whether its a projector or a monitor, you can show stuff on it. its just another screen. the only issue is that macs have DVI or displayport and many projectors are stuck in the last century with vga, so you need an adapter, but Im sure he knew this and had the adapter. I see more PC users taunting mac users than the other way around, such as what you say you do.
they do and it should work, but Powerpoint is awful no matter what the platform. Keynote is worlds better. Ask anyone who has used both. Mac users dont rant that they have a superior product. Thats a figment of your imagination. Nothing is perfect and there will be glitches no matter what you get. Those who want to find fault with anything will always find fault. Look at what it will do, not what it wont do. Easy. Nikon, Toyota, Vulcans. (and its spelled Klingon) Its been over 5 years! What is the cause of the delay?
His first mistake was using PowerPoint. Since he has a Mac, he should be using Keynote. I don't know what you did, but copying files is the same on Mac as it is on Windows. Either drag from one place to another or copy paste and if you like unix you can do it using a command line. To eject the USB stick (or any other removable storage), do any of: right click and pick eject, drag the icon to the dock where an eject icon awaits, pick eject from the File menu or use the command-E shortcut As for Cd burning, that automatically ejects the disc when done, with a neat little sound to let you know its done. I really like that sound.
Create an exe File for Mac in VMware Fusion.
crossfade replied to Ronniebootwest's topic in General Discussion
in almost every case, uninstalling on a Mac is nothing more than drag to trash and then empty trash. why make things complex? -
Create an exe File for Mac in VMware Fusion.
crossfade replied to Ronniebootwest's topic in General Discussion
same here. Played fine. Nice cars too. Select a zip file and pick Get info, then change the Open with menu to archive utility the click change all -
Create an exe File for Mac in VMware Fusion.
crossfade replied to Ronniebootwest's topic in General Discussion
Sounds like it crashed when you tried to run it. Can you create the same show on XP? If so what happens? Have you tried making a different slideshow, maybe something very simple, like just one image, just to see what happens? Does it have audio? There have been some problems with some audio formats. If you want, upload it somewhere, to see if it crashes for other people.