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David Porter

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About David Porter

  • Birthday 08/25/1942

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  • Location
    Medway Towns Kent England
  • Interests
    Golf, Music, Gardening, Arsenal and oh Photography

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  1. Thanks Dave, got a bit rusty. Mick
  2. I have recently installed a new computer on Window 11. It's sometime since last using Studio 10 on my old computer (Windows 10) but I seem to remember I could double left click on a slide in the Slideline and send it straight into Objects and Animations. I cannot now find a way to do this - any ideas
  3. For some strange reason with one particular project I cannot get newly saved images to appear in the File List although they appear in the relevant project folder in Windows Explorer. Also, if I delete images from the project folder in Windows Explorer they still appear in the File List. As far as I can tell this does not happen with other projects. I am using latest version of Studio 10 and Windows 10 and I have tried all the usual thing – re-starting, re-installing and many other things. Edit. Well would you believe it! put the problem in Wnsoft Forum and lo and behold, it cures itself. I would still like to hear from anyone with any ideas what could have happened.
  4. It would have saved me some hassle Mickp
  5. Thanks for that, I've now found it and will check it out. Mickp
  6. Using PTE9, if I start a new project with “Scale keyframes in objects on time change” ticked and after starting to edit I change it to unticked, when altering the time of the slide then the keyframes still change their times. I have done some tests and the same thing happens in reverse ie change from unticked when starting new project to ticked and on a time change the keyframes keep the same time. I have un-installed PTE9 (and 10), rebooted and re-installed PTE9 and the same happens, plus when I open old projects the Scale Keyframes seems to do its own thing rather than following the setting. Help please. Mickp
  7. An amazing collection with wonderful memories. Mickp
  8. Any why is it that many phone photographers always shoot in portrait mode when landscape would be FAR more suitable for the subject and would sit much better when viewing on a monitor or TV set. Do they not realise that you can turn the phone through 90 degrees? Mickp
  9. I also prefer to fade into a pan shot just after the pan has started and fade out just before it finishes which together with Barry's suggestion gives a very smooth flow. Mickp
  10. A lovely show and as always expertly done. The eye might not be working so well but the grey matter is certainly in tact. Christmas wishes and I hope you have a healthier New Year. Mickp
  11. Not that I know much about video but reading this thread I guess the reason PTE does not offer it is that there is no advantage in it. If you think there is please say what it is. Mickp.
  12. Hi Maureen, Tried to review on SSC but could not get typing to work in the box. Anyway, I thought the early morning shots, presumably from the upper deck on your cruise liner were exceptional. The extra height gave you a really different view from many of the pictures you see. The rest of the show was as usual excellent and brought back many memories - I'll have to go there again. Mickp
  13. I concur with Igor as I only use Microsoft antivirus and have never had a problem. Mickp
  14. What can one say - just stunning! Mickp
  15. You're right, how strange - one for the boffins. mickp
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