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David Porter

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Everything posted by David Porter

  1. Hi Eric, This is what I get when I right click a zipped folder. I don't think it is Winzip as I recall getting rid of it and I guess the program that does the unzipping was preloaded when I got the Computer. It is getting a bit above me but this preceedure seems to work for me.
  2. Hi Eric, I found it a bit confusing too but you have to physically "extract all" by right clicking first whereas with the previous Zipped exe files you just double clicked and it unzipped and played in one go.
  3. An excellent show Barry, all the better for being quite different to some of your other stuff. I particularly enjoyed the quick-fire slides matching in perfectly with the music and of course the photography was first class. I am going to have a go at the quick-fire routine and hope others will be inspired.
  4. When I download the attachment I get a ptef file which I cannot open. I associated it with the pte program file but i just get pte opening with no custom transition. Now i don't know how to change the association. Help (simple language please)
  5. Hi Limey and Eric, I was pretty confident that it was not my monitor as I had only just bought it for vast quantities of loot. Someone at my club thought that a combination of over-sharpening and panning causes such problem so maybe Eric's attached thumbnail 2 is the answer. Shame as I would like to see the show and concentrate on the images.
  6. Yes, they do flag it up as "Containing third party content" or "Blockied in smoe countries" (mostly Germasny I believe) but they still allow all of mine to play (with the Ad.) in the UK and Canada etc.and if you read their link, they are happy to do so.
  7. Hi John, I downloaded your A/V in great expectation but sadly I was totally distracted by the interference patterns that kept appearing on almost every shot. I guess this was instigated by the fact that you used a mini-pan on every shot and I am guessing a certain box was not checked (not sure which one but somebody may come up with it). I have a new Dell monitor 1920 x 1200 pixels and a new Windows 7 computer, so hopefully the problem is not my end. I will give it another go and try and put the interference patterns to the background but I personally do not know why you would want to use mini-pans on every shot. Fair enough if you want to convey movement if you are taking shots from a boat but every shot? Maybe this reply will instigate some others to respond with their comments but don't hold your breath.
  8. Hi Peter, I don't want to open the whole copyright debate again and I know you like to keep strictly to the law but, as I understand it, Yuotube have arrangementnt that by putting an advert at the start of your show (which can be X'ed out), then this covers most copyright issues. Whatever, it would be really nice to see more of your shows.
  9. Wow - and Thomas Tallis as well. I don't think i will get to sleep tonight thinking of your brilliant A/V. It just gets better and better.
  10. Wow Gary, that was a great video and you could not miss a second of it. It's good to know that PTE can reproduce it in a reasonable format and file size although I would love to see it full screen in best quality. Would putting it on a DVD give you that or did it not have the quality to start with?
  11. A very nice A/V to show off your excellent photography. A nice range of different shots and some nice animations and effects. I hope to see more, but ,apparently, you don't need "The End" at the end as it is obviously the end. Oh and it downloaded and played without the error messages (see Davy's recent post).
  12. Hi eric, I think I know what you mean but I didn't get too far into it but then why did I have a problem with one of yours - maybe some hidden meaning. Loads of stuff after googling it, so seems to be a common enough problem but everybody has a different solution most of which I do not understand. Not AVG either - gave up on that. So I will forget Dante and let you know if I have a problem with any more of yours.
  13. On Davy's show it started straight away and kept reappearing on your it reappeared a few times and then went away. W7 64bit AV running (of course) no viruses when individually scanned, loads of resource. I've googled the error message and it is not unknown but not had a chance to understand the replies. Obviously my computer not liking something in Mediafire.
  14. Hi Davy, I have downloaded your Inferno A twice now from Mediafire and each time I get this error message displayed over your show and it stops playing, "There is no disc in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive/Device/Harddisk3/DR12" There are tabs "Cancel"; "Try again" and "Continue" and by clicking one of the last two the message disappears and the show continues but for a few seconds later the message reappears. After doing this several times the whole thing locks up. I had a similar thing with Yachtsman's download also from Mediafire but after a few clicks it wnet away. Any ideas anybody? (should this be in a different section?).
  15. Well, as I thought I will not bother to link to Youtube again on this site
  16. As I said I intend to do a lot more printing (joining a photo club). Being a bit of a stick-in-the-mud and shooting 35 mm for over 50 years, I tend to compose in the format of the camera 3:2. I think that is a good starting format for prints as it can be cropped square or wide screen, although wide screen does not always work for prints (in my view). So 16:10 seems to be a good compromise. Jumping threads and having put the Youtube link on for you, what did you think of my "Autumn Leaves"?
  17. Very well put together Andrew with some very moving photos.
  18. I am looking for a new monitor not only for my A/V work but also for printing my photos which I envisage will increase. I have been looking at the 24" Dell U2412M.IPS as I like the idea of the 16:10 format. It is around £240 which is about as much as would want to pay. Any thoughts on this monitor or alternative suggestions? Thanks in advance.
  19. Hi Maureen, Stunning as always but now enhanced by you sequencing your pans together. This was very effective and did convey a feeling of movement on the boat but, to me, gave me longer to look at the photos although I do agree with Bert that some of the early still shots were a bit on the quick side, whether to keep in time with the music I don't know. After my first veiwing I saw Ken's post about manual control which I think is great although I suspect this may have been an error on your part. Anyway, I have saved the show so I can look at all your wonderful shots at my leisure although I did not use manual control on my second veiwing. I'll P.M. you later with a suggestion for conveying even more movement although I think it may be a bit gimmicky for this show although you might like to try it.
  20. Hi Eric, It looks like you had a very good time - and no rain thank goodness. I thought you put the show together very well and the candid nature of the photography helped to convey the essence of the evening and yes the video clips worked well as did the sound effects.
  21. What? Steven, Sad to say this forum is not as good as it used to be in giving helpful comments about shows and I don't know of any better ones. Keep trying.
  22. Are you saying that "my way" does not follow the simple law - speed = distance/time. If so you will be rewriting all the mathematical and physical theories since the year dot.
  23. Fundemental physical law (Einstein excepted) Speed = distance/time. To decrease speed you must either decrease distance or increase time - no cats involved.
  24. It is still late autumn(fall) here, I don't want to be thinking of snow just yet - I hope. Nicely done though.
  25. Not the same quality on Youtube but here it is. My link Mick
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