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David Porter

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Everything posted by David Porter

  1. Best use of the new features in PTE 7.0 I have seen to date. Very well done.
  2. One of the reasons for doing Audio Visuals is to showcase ones photography and you have done that brilliantly well. It helps of course to have great photogaphs to start with and you certainly have those in abundance. I like the way you put the show together and the pace matched the music very well. I like the variation of transitions which kept the interest going and there was good use of out of focus transitions. I did find the background a little strong,although I guess you wanted to match the mauve of the Lavender fields but I found my eye wandering to the background especially where a portrait shot was occupying only half the screen. I wonder if it would be better to de-saturate it a little. You must have spend a good deal of time on this presentation but I hope you find more time to show us more of your work.
  3. Sorry, still a bit confused. I have upgarded to AVG2012 and problem solved but is it solved with AVG 2011 with latest updates or do I need to tell my website viewers to upgrade to 2012?
  4. I can confirm AVG 2012 Antivirus allows me to create .exe file from PTE and download .exe files from my website. However, my version of AVG 2012 seems to be a free trial which runs out in 30 days. Is there a real FREE AVG 2012?
  5. I have just Googled the virus and got an AVG document listing many viruses included in an update (not sure which date and.SYJ was not among them) but entered about six different sorts in the Virus Encylopedia and all of them came back as not being found. My faith in AVG is now at zero.
  6. A bit more info:- When I try to create a .exe file in Publish as well as AVG picking up on the file with suggestion to put it in Virus fault it also crashes the PTE program. When I send the file for analysis (rt click file in Virus Vault) the max size that will go is only 5mb. Suggestion. Make small programs quickly created in PTE and send them for analysis to AVG. Hopefully if they get enough, they will sort it out quickly.
  7. Problem solved on my laptop - AVG out, M/soft Security Essentials in. Will give a day or so then my desktop(main) computer will do the same.
  8. Just tried doing as Peter suggests but each time (twice so far) it gets a quarter of the way through sending it and crashes with " An unspecified error has occured in AVG". Any other thoughts ? I will try re-booting in case that works. No re-booting does not help - so how do we contact them. Come on Igor.
  9. Hi Mark, Excellent images as I said before and a much better presentation. Maybe the pan was a bit too extended but as this is a memory thing for you as well, then leave it as it is. Very envious of the bear photo. If I do a slow pan in the future I will re-read Lin's mini tutorial. Thanks Lin.
  10. Yet another masterclass in landscape photography and what a stunning location. The vibrancy and crispness of your photography is first class and as you say the quality of light just adds to this. Music is very appropriate and sets the mood very well but the slides do not quite gel with the pace of the music (or is that just me). Maureen, you give us all something to aspire to.
  11. I like it. I think the idea of postcards from these marvelous places is an excellent idea and it works really well. Probably the ending needs a bit of work but overall one of the best floating photo presentations I have seen.
  12. Hi Andrew, Although I commented on your show on the other site, I thought I'd add something here just to start the ball rolling. I don't know what everyone else is doing, maybe trying to produce a worthwhile show mixing video and stills (still waiting!) but I hope you will get some sort of input, otherwise what is the point of this section.
  13. Hi Eric, Yes, personal taste is a major factor but surely the content of your show would also influence the format as well as the camera used. Your wife's D40 would be 15:10 so why not compose in this especially with the Botanic Garden or holiday landscapes and try presenting the show in this. If you are putting it on this Forum then it would make sense to take into account other peoples views on format and mostly a wider format is preferred by most for many shows. This is probably the reason you can't buy 5:4 TVs
  14. Hi Eric, Great colours, sharpness and vibrancy from your SX30IS, you must be well pleased with it. The tempo of the show blends very well with the music and I like the first piece of music. I'm not so sure about the 4 x 3 format although I know it is very difficult to compose photos in a format other than what the camera gives you, that's why most of my shows are in 15:10. Is there Grid you can use for different formats? I look forward to seeing the results of you next visit.
  15. Simple me finds it easy to understand that (assuming all sides are the same length) total show time = slide duration x number of slides. Transition times are irrelevent and I've checked the box to give me this.
  16. Hi Sheila, Personally I have yet to be convinced of the Aesthetic benefits of mixing video with stills and despite all the feedback on the techical aspects of Igor's new baby, I have yet to see any evidence in the form of good A/V's. You have made a valiant attempt and the use of the frames helps, however, I did not think that this added anything to your original effort, although I did like your recorded music. I know you probably did this as a test but really there is little point, if you are going to do it, to use poor quality video next to superior quality photos.
  17. Interesting collection, Eric. Thinking about it you have to have urban decay before someone thinks of replacing it, the problem being is sometimes what replaces it is not much better. I see BB is as spiky as ever.
  18. Thanks for you comments. The cutout idea came from Xaver's train A/V. Photos mostly taken from various Gulets sailing the Turkish coast in the Fetiye area. Glad you are up to speed, Eric - may keep BB from making Spiky comments.
  19. Hi Paul, A very interesting show on a number of levels. Some super close-ups especially the archer and bearded smiley. Interesting zero transitions presumably to harmonize with the music but slide changes could have matched more consistantly. Music from Italy was not a problem neither were the blue ropes especially had you not mentioned them. A very truncated finish - was this meant? I always like to see some credits. I look forward to seeing more.
  20. Hi Colin, Enjoyed your zoo shots particularly the babboons. Zoos are not the easiest places to do photography and it looks that you had really harsh light to deal with, so well done. A good show put together well and I liked the music.
  21. A collection of slides from various sailing adventures. Revised following some comments on my internet club (TDS) but further comments and suggestions are welcome. Top of the list in this page:- Audio/Visual
  22. Hi Paul, A very enjoyable show depicting my most favourite areas in the UK. Pin sharp photography and great music. I liked the way you introduced and displayed the portrait shots and and it shows there is a place for portrait format in landscape photography. A couple of the shots I may have composed with the horizon a bit closer to the top of the frame (rule of thrids and all that) but this did not detract overall. I'd love to hear Maureen's comments on your show but well done you.
  23. A great show and something that my lack of patience would preclude me from emulating. Very impressed that you got it all done in 8.68mb without loss of quality. I did find two or three slides did depart quite rapidly but liked your transitions to blur and painting effect. Well done and hope to see more.
  24. As a refugee from the aircraft industry, I enjoyed the show very much. Good 'plane photography and well put together.
  25. Thanks for that, I should keep up to date with the posts.
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