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Everything posted by bogari0171
Thanks Denis Unfortunatly I do not know how to use the metadata rotation
Thanks for your answer jt49. As I have already written I tried to publish the result in vertical form, choosing a custom preset (e.g. 1080x1920)
Thanks for your answer. As I have already written I tried to publish the result in vertical form, choosing a custom preset (e.g. 1080x1920)
Hallo, I tried to generate a video in vertical form collecting videoclips made wiith a smartphone. They were taken in vertical form. So, I tried to publish the result in vertical form, choosing a custom preset (e.g. 1080x1920) The result is in effect vertical, but it is inserted in a horizontal frame; so, it appears vertical, but with a black band on either side. Thi is a little problematic when seen again on a smartphone! Is there a way to generate the final video in vertical form without the black bands? Thanks for help Claudio
Thanks, jt49 and rosy. I could to follow your suggestions. I know that there are different ways to achieve my whish. I was wondering if there was a possibility to get the same result with a single shot Thanks also to Orizaba. I will also follow your idea. The PNG images are a type of replica of the background video. And the idea is to highlight them, and, at the same time, show the original scene in a blurred way.
I am facing the following problem. I prepared a video show with mainly PNG images and with appropriate audio clips associated to each of them. I would like to use as background a video (out of focus in order not to disturb the images) covering the entire time of the show. It would be nice to insert it like we normally do for an audio track. Is there any suggestion in how to proceed without the need to process again the entire work? Thanks for any help Saluti Claudio
Merci Denis It is exactely what I want! I will study your implementation and I hope to succeed! Claudio
Thanks Dom I have also used in the past the same solution you are describing It is a little painful, and I thought that new ways are now possible Claudio
Thanks Dave. Excellent suggestion! So I should accept the Google earth speed, and then adjust it with PTE Claudio
Thanks Dom I am in line with this solution As you can see from my last reply I am trying to understand how to control the zoom speed
Thanks JIll. It sounds like a good suggestion. Nevertheless I do not understand how I can slow down the fly in. It seems to me to proceed automatically too fast, and I do not find any control button to control the speed in order to slow it down! Claudio
I would like to zoom to a specific location on a map, starting on a much larger geographical image (eg starting from the full image of France and ending on a small village on the cote d'azur). The zoom factor may be well over 10, it could even be 50 or more. Does anyone have suggestions or already experience on this? What type of map would be recommended to start with? (Google earth,...?)
Thanks George Claudio
Can you send me the website able to 'extract' animation from the background? Thanks Claudio
George, another advice on GIFs. I do not know if you produce your own GIFs. The problem is that Whatsapp does not allow the transmission of self-made GIFs, but only of preset ones. You may escape the problem generating an mp4 video containing the GIF , and then send it via Whatsapp Claudio
George I had the same problem, and these are my conclusions Whtsapp has a limit size of 65 MB First, select the format. I normally use 1280x720, which corresponds to 1920x1080, but will result lighter Then I make a first trial producing an mp3 file with the quality set to “high” and the speed set to “30 p” If the result is within 65 MB, it is Ok, and you could send it via Whatsapp. If the result exceeds 65 MB, decrease the quality (eg to medium, or even to low) and try again. Hope this will help Saluti Claudio
Hallo, By chance, I met this interesting video on Hands effects for Proshow producers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWHqj6yLuQo I found relatively easy to reproduce such effects on PTE, but I found a problem with the most interesting one to me, relevant to the magnifying lens effect. My problem is that I can easily produce a circular mask and a PNG image for the magnifying lens. The two images perfectly overlap each other, but I do not find any means to link them together in order to move them (pan or zoom) contemporarily on the animation panel. What I want is to move in synchronism the mask and the lens, but not moving also the content of the mask, which should be kept still. The mask container will move both the mask and the content of the mask. The father child solution seems not to work, so I have to move them separately, managing each key frame for either of the two. Do you think there is a method to link lens and mask in order to move them together as if they were a single image? In this case the lens would scroll over the main background image and show the content of the mask, which is the same background image, but enlarged. Could you help for such implementation? Thanks and saluti Claudio Lens.zip
Merci Jean Cyprien, I will try and I hope to succeed!
Hi, I have not been active for a while and now I have some difficulties even with basics. My first question is: Is it possible to insert a new slide with all the images and their relevant parameters (pan, zoom, rotate,….) taken from the last keyframe of the previous slide? Or is it necessary to set manually all the parameters in the first keyframe of the new slide? Thanks for help Claudio
Thanks Igor, well done! Claudio
Igor, Answering to my specific question on exe file limit with PTE, Dave wrote me The limit in Version 9 is 2Gb and is (I think) a Windows 32 Bit limit. Igor recently promised to TRY to increase it in the next version. Later on, on my new question on whether the limit was still there, and not being sure whether on Windows 32 or 64, he wrote Since version 9.0.14 the file size limit is 3.9 Gb. Then he suggested to contact directly you Can you please clarify if at present the limit for an exe file in PTE is 2 or 3.9 GB, and what is, if any, the difference when using Windows 32 or 64? Thanks for help Claudio PS. This is my discussion in Beckham forum http://www.beckhamforum.com.au/forum/topic/1016-exe-files-limit/
Thanks Lin, always clear and complete as usual! I have Photoshop CC and I will try again according to your suggestions. For the wings I understand the effective difficulties and I appreciate the artistic effects that you achieved. Thanks again Saluti Claudio
Excellent realization Lin and thanks for sharing the video I have two questions: 1. How could you make the earth revolving smoothly? I tried with GIF images, but it is always step by step. 2. The wings movement is beautiful. Why did you not try to put the wings fixed on Angel bodies, rather than looking them like a separate object? Thanks again Saluti Claudio
Thanks Lin, I will study it carefully Saluti Claudio
Lin, I have been reconsidering the issue and I am a little bit puzzled again. With a 32 bit system I could, in principle, have an address capability of 2exp32, corresponding to 4 294 967 296, which just above 4 GB, well above 2 GB (practically the double). So it seems to me that a 32 bit system could allow a maximum of 4 GB, whether a limit of 2 Gb should be given by a 31 bit system. I am a little bit confused with 31 and 32. Could you please clarify where am I wrong? Thanks again Claudio