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Everything posted by Slugman

  1. Thanks for flogging this in the forums folks, just upgraded to NAV 360 v4 and it did exactly as you described above resulting in much wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth in my office for a bit.
  2. Forgot to post this in a timely manner (blush) but I've posted my slide show of images taken at the Weeting Steam Festival. The Weeting Festival is a gathering of steam-powered traction engines in England and are featured doing the tasks they were created for: crushing rocks, threshing wheat, plowing fields, etc. I had heard of them before but never experienced the sensations of sound, vibrations and smell they bring with them when at full-steam. Hope you enjoy it, available through a link at the Beechbrook site or at my website on the GALLERY page.
  3. Spot-on Colin.
  4. Andrew, What a great presentation that not only showcases your WWII collection but the capabilities of P2E as well. Would agree about the title slides for each country, we are quickly seeing a generation that would no sooner scratch their heads as to know the flags of the world (and their representative music? Forgetaboutit!).
  5. Very well assembled, that lightening is incredible. Like I needed another reason to visit.
  6. Thanks Rick. You can use the space bar to pause the show to linger on a slide you're interested in. I have loads of images that are mad because they weren't included (the helicopter contingent is quite upset). Thanks trailertrash. Might have something more for you a bit later. :-)
  7. Many thanks guy. My Mom works at an assisted-care facility and wanted to show the residents what it was like in Arizona so I made a show for her (will post soon) which led me back to P2E and of course led to making a new aviation show for my military guys. Ken, we don't talk about that "other woman" so to say. Re-registered as my password reminder never showed up. Colin, attended a convention with a SA aviation/magazine publisher recently in Vegas and I must say your part of the world is quite stunning! Many thanks!
  8. Hello all. Getting back into the P2E world after a long absence. Have created my first show since v3 that's hosted at the Beechbrook site (thanks Bill) as well as at my own site: Got Planes? Loads of military aircraft from my trips around the world. Crank up the volume and enjoy. Platform performance reports welcome since there weren't very many wide screen monitors last I made a show.
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